Chapter 414 Flattery (1)
More ordinary people are looking for gossip during these major adjustments, and the biggest gossip is naturally Qi Zhejun.

For a long time, Qi Zhejun and Lu Jingsheng were Hu Jun's right-hand men in the eyes of the residents. It is not an exaggeration to say that one person is under one person and above ten thousand people.Moreover, after Lu Jingsheng's accident, and Qi Zhejun's recent multiple reuses, it was vaguely speculated that Qi Zhejun was Hu Juan's confidant.

But suddenly, his confidant was abandoned, and the three ministers did not have his name, which is really surprising.

If Lu Jingsheng manages the foreign affairs department, everyone can accept it, and Leng Kechen manages the logistics department, and he can barely understand what will happen to Ji Jin, who is so unpredictable.

Most importantly, how did Qi Zhejun face such a sudden change?

Some were curious, some were surprised, some were happy, some were sad, and some even came forward to test it out.

"Minister Qi, look, do we still want to carry out the operation we have planned recently?" No, some people started to make sidelines. If Qi Zhejun was transferred away, the operation would definitely be in vain.Facing Chi Lulu's questioning eyes, Qi Zhejun couldn't drive this kind of person away, he was just perfunctory.

In my heart, I feel a little angry.

Chen Lei was full of doubts in her heart, but she didn't talk too much. She just told Hu Jun about the trivial things one by one according to her duties. Ask a question, and Chen Lei can answer it fluently.

The two cooperated tacitly, the result of years of cooperation.

The knock on the door interrupted the conversation between the two, and the person who came in was very familiar, it was Leng Qingcheng.

"Why make a new arrangement?" Leng Qingcheng looked at Hu Jun with a sullen face.

Leng Qingcheng's face is very beautiful, especially when he is as cold as ice, and his originally feminine face can become firm.

Chen Lei understood that she should leave, but her feet seemed to be fixed, and she really didn't want to leave.

Hu Juan didn't care if she was here or not at all, and ordered Leng Qingcheng, "Close the door."

Afterwards, she walked to the sofa area and motioned him to sit down. When Leng Qingcheng closed the door and sat down, Chen Lei had already found a corner to sit down. Stay here.

"Are you dissatisfied with your job?" Hu Jun asked.

Leng Qingcheng leaned out suddenly, stared at Hu Jun, and replied angrily, "You know I'm not here because of work!"

Leng Qingcheng has followed many people, the one with the longest time is Lu Jingsheng's search team, but he also served under Qi Zhejun.

He likes Qi Zhejun more than all the officers in his heart. It's not that Lu Jingsheng's management style is bad, but that he has more friendship under Qi Zhejun, which makes him feel more comfortable. The important Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is annoying to withdraw Qi Zhe's army in front of the middle and high-level officials of many bases.

He didn't understand why Hu Jun assigned him like this, but he was not convinced, so he turned around and found him.

Looking at the menacing Leng Qingcheng, Hu Jun smiled. She smiled very beautifully, but Leng Qingcheng felt a little chill behind her back, thinking of what her brother told her not long ago to be honest and obedient, shouldn't she come.

"I really don't understand what you are doing here, why don't you tell me."

Leng Qingcheng felt that the arrow was on the string and had no choice but to say, "I think your arrangement today is unreasonable."

"Where is it unreasonable? I want to hear your opinion."

Leng Qingcheng felt that it seemed appropriate for him to shut up now, but his heart was ready to move, and he finally gave himself a shot. It seemed a bit useless to leave like this. He summoned up his courage and said bluntly: "The Ministry of Internal Affairs is the largest of the three departments. , is also the most complicated one, and it is of great significance to the base. We should choose someone who understands the base and has experience to be competent, not someone who can’t see people every day to take on this important task.”

He paused, Hu Jun nodded, motioning for him to continue.

"Minister Qi Zhejun has rich experience, is generous and sincere, and has made a lot of contributions to the base. I think he is more suitable than Ji Jin to be the Minister of Internal Affairs."

He dared to say this, first because he understood that Qi Zhejun was indeed a person who had made great contributions to the base, second because everything he said was true, and third because he felt that Hu Jun should not be angry, in other words, he would not be angry with himself.

After listening to his remarks, Hu Jun was indeed not angry, and seemed to have a calm expression. She looked at Chen Lei, "Do you think so too?"

Chen Lei didn't expect this matter to fall on her head. She was just a background, but seeing the two of them looking at her with burning eyes, she was too embarrassed not to speak. Although she didn't understand Hu Jun's intentions, she thought of her contacting Qi Zhejun, who had been in the past, said vaguely, "Minister Qi is really a good person." It seemed to agree with Leng Qingcheng's point of view.

Hu Jun nodded, and said slowly, "I hope you all understand that I have the final say on this base, and I don't need your opinions, doubts, doubts, understand?"

When the two were sent out, their heads were still in the dark.

When Leng Qingcheng came home, he told his elder brother about the matter, and Leng Kechen scolded him, "You are crazy! You don't care about this matter. It has nothing to do with you if he lives or dies! You don't usually Is it because you don’t listen to things outside the window? Now it’s all right, don’t care about what you should care about, and mix what you shouldn’t care about, you deserve it!”

Poor Leng Qingcheng was not only dealt with coldly by Hu Juan, but also scolded by his brother.

Today's weather is bad, cloudy, it seems that it will rain and storm.

At this moment, there are no people on the street, and even the office building is returning home early from get off work. Umbrellas and raincoats are still very scarce these days. Instead of worrying here, it is better to go home to avoid confusion when it rains.

There were only three people left in the luxurious building, one was the doorman on the first floor, and the remaining two were Hu Jun and Ji Jinjiang.

The two were in the rest room at the moment, Hu Jun made a cup of newly developed fruit tea and placed it in front of him, while Ji Jinjiang didn't want anything.

"I was hurt by you, and now I am a thorn in the eyes of everyone in the base." Ji Jinjiang complained jokingly. Hu Jun only said before that he hoped that he would make more contributions to the base in the future, but this contribution is a bit big. became a target.

Hu Jun took a sip of the fruit tea. The taste of the fruit tea was pure and natural. Although it was less sweet and more dry, it still had a style. She looked up at Ji Jinjiang, and said with a teasing smile, "What a thorn in the side, it's too late for everyone to curry favor with you now, you are now a veritable under one person, above ten thousand people, a big celebrity in the base in everyone's eyes, the threshold is about to be smashed."

(End of this chapter)

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