Chapter 421 A little comfort (2)
"Why, I didn't intend to kill her, I was just out of anger." Even if it is punished, it can't die.

Hu Jun smiled, his eyes were cold and piercing, "I don't understand? The market has regulations, and you don't follow them. After arguing with the stall owner, you call the patrolman vicious. If I didn't stop someone from beating the child, she might have to I was beaten to death by you. Do you think that with the support of General Ji Jin, that you can do whatever you want now that Qi Zhejun has lost power? You are too self-righteous. This is not your home, and you can do whatever you want. Don't do it again and again Three, use the excuse of brother's illness and repaying kindness as an excuse. Dream to become Cinderella, and become a princess overnight. Unfortunately, you will never have this opportunity."

In the end, Hu Jun directly exposed her dream, and Yirou's crying stopped suddenly.

"I'm not a man, so I don't like you, and this base belongs to me. It would be easy for you to die. But before I die, I must let you know why Ji Jin will treat you well." Yirou's eyes As soon as he lit up, he felt a little uneasy in his heart. Hu Juan didn't care about her, and said to himself, "Because your grandfather and Ji Jinjiang's parents are old acquaintances, so he helped you. Admiration, he will never be with you for the rest of his life."

She leaned down, and her delicate blue hair slid down, and she whispered a secret to Yirou again, which made Yirou's pupils constrict and she was shocked, when she wanted to say something, her chest was already pierced by ice.

Do not look down.


Hu Jun walked out of the prison, and the sun was just right outside.

The man with the scar was standing in front of General Ji Jin, his face full of anger, "Boss, that woman Hu Jun is like this!"

Before he could finish speaking, Ji Jinjiang asked coldly, "What did you say?"

"Hu, Ms. Hu, she doesn't give you face. No matter what, Yirou is also yours. She just disposed of her like this, and she is still saying in the square that you can't teach well." The man with the scar has not been there for a long time Being reprimanded by General Ji Jin, seeing him with a cold face at this time, some words were much more tactful.

"It's nothing, she's just for the base. It's all my fault. I've been busy supervising the appointment of new officials recently, and forgot to restrain Yirou. But in just a few days, a lot of evil spirits have emerged in the base. If Hu Jun didn't get rid of her, I'm afraid she will sell an official in my name soon. That's fine." Ji Jinjiang's words were not annoyed, but rather relieved.

The man with the scar was a little bit critical, what's the point, but the boss obeyed Hu Jun.

How could this thing of selling officials happen, they would not let such a thing ruin the reputation of BOSS, but they had let it go before.

I think it's really not worth it for the boss to guard his body like a jade and work hard for a woman like Hu Jun.

Of the 50 people who came here together, most of them are married, and even they themselves have married wives and have a son, while the BOSS, who should have a beautiful wife and good children, is still alone.

They can't bear it. They have been together for several years. Although the respect is engraved in their bones, they have an additional family relationship. None of the people.

Life before BOSS was bitter, why is life after that still so bitter.

They have their own considerations in their hearts, and Ji Jinjiang is not testing Hu Jun, but he is wrong in the end, Hu Jun is not an ordinary woman, who will show sovereignty because of jealousy, and the two are a little far away. It is far more difficult to guess than a man's heart.

Yilei was suddenly moved to a strange family for recuperation, and her sister never showed up.The hostess and hostess of the family are very good, and they take good care of him, just like treating their own son, not to mention food and clothing, and even give him good things in different ways. Under their care, the body is stronger than before.But he misses his sister so much, and whenever he mentions her, the couple keep silent.

He didn't know what happened, because he was recovering from illness, he couldn't go out, there was no one around him, and he couldn't hear any news.

Until one day, someone told that his sister was punished and died because of something wrong.

Yilei felt that the sky was falling apart, he was distraught, and was crying, that was his own sister.He thought that when he came here, he would be able to depend on his elder sister for life, and his only family member would never leave him again, but he never thought that when the days were peaceful, his elder sister died.

He didn't understand, he just felt so bitter and sad.

He has been negative for several days, and the couple have been helping and taking care of him, and they love him more than their own parents. The aunt cried on his back several times, but the dead cannot be resurrected, so what can they do?

Just when he was about to accept this cruel fact, a woman walked into his life. He knew that this person was Hu Jun, known as Ms. Hu, who was in charge of the base.

"Your sister, she did something wrong and is now dead." Standing in front of Yilei, she said bluntly.

He nodded, yes, the uncle and aunt also said the same, if you do something wrong, you must die.

"Maybe others didn't tell you what she did, so let me tell you. She entangled the villains without authorization and intended to kill an innocent girl in the base. base law, I will execute her."

The boy nodded silently. In fact, from the words of his uncle and aunt, he probably vaguely knew that it was his sister who killed someone.

Hu Jun continued, "However, there are some things that other people don't know about. Your sister, relying on her acquaintance with General Ji Jin, worked as a minion at the base and used her power for personal gain. You should know that your quality of life has improved a lot since the surgery. They were all forcibly plundered by your sister, she has no job, she is deceived and abducted in the name of others, and even gathers villains. The base cannot tolerate people like her, so she must die."

"Why?" The boy had raised his head at this moment, his face was covered with tears, he didn't understand why Hu Juan said this to him, he had clearly digested the bad news of his sister's death, why did he still slander her.

Hu Juan stared straight at him, "Your sister is far more vicious than you imagined. Kind people will not live long in the base. Cowardly people, but it does not mean that they will not breed evil thoughts in a prosperous life, thanks to You found the base so early, right?"

Hu Jun touched Yilei's head, and Yilei had already started to cry.

"This couple is very nice and kind. They have a harmonious family, but they lost their child. They always hoped to have their own child. Would you like to be their child?" Hu Jun asked softly.

"I..." Yi Lei sobbed, not knowing how to answer.

"No hurry, you can think about it. But, you have to know, there are many children in the base without everyone, and they all long to have parents, so that they can go to school without worrying about food and clothing." She allowed him time to think about it, but the time Is limited, opportunities in their own hands.

(End of this chapter)

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