The Queen of Rebirth in the Last World Strikes

Chapter 429 1 Everything is Cause and Effect

Chapter 429 Everything is Cause and Effect

A dead person cannot be brought back to life, and an injured person cannot regenerate his bones. I hope they will be more open.

Such a heavy topic was pulled away after a while, and they were chatting.Someone interjected and asked in a very surprised tone, "Do you actually have electricity and water?"

The lights had been turned on a long time ago, and they kept silent to ask, presumably they were overwhelmed.Hu Jun explained kindly, "We have our own generators and reservoirs. We can't guarantee anything else. If we save some money, the normal operation of the base is still possible."

"It's really amazing." Everyone praised sincerely, because they haven't heard that there is a base that can use electricity, and they are greedy just looking at it.

Of course, Hu Jun would not say that the electricity was mainly for the operation of the scientific research building and the underground city, otherwise she would not have bothered to get it on.

"Is this chicken and fish your own too?"

"Well, there are chicken coops and fish ponds in the base, and the meat we eat is all grown by ourselves."

Then, there was another sound of praise.

Seeing that it was getting late, they left.Hu Juan didn't stay any longer, and went home after sending them out.

Along the way, they were in high spirits, chatting about what they had seen and heard about the New Hope Base, their eyes were full of yearning, yes, how many people do not yearn for such a "return" life.

Shen Jiacheng didn't stop their chatting, and only said plainly at the end, "We still have people trapped in the base."

Early the next morning, Hu Jun looked at the detailed report after yesterday's refugee shelter. The biggest expense was food, the most difficult thing to arrange was accommodation, and the most worrying thing was the secrets of the base.

After thinking about my own space, I don't have to worry about food.Regarding the issue of accommodation, there is not much room for them to live in. They are crowded together now, among other things, at least it is clean, so they should be fine.But the base's open secrets, the dungeon and the blessing of the gods gave her some headaches.

Let's make it public, I think it's recruiting thieves.Don't make it public, I'm afraid they will be able to hear the rumors from others if they stay in the base for a few days, and they can't hide it.

Hu Jun rubbed his temples, it was really difficult.

The construction of the dungeon has not been completed yet, and the base is in the stage of completion, so it is really not suitable for 'showing your face'.

If you can't figure it out, you simply don't want to think about it. The boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge.After the food documents were approved, they were handed over to Chen Lei, and then the refugees could receive food for each person.

Then, she remembered something, and stopped Chen Lei who was about to leave, "Xiong Zhuang and Yang Yi have old illnesses, you can go to some doctors to see if they can be cured."

I don't know what's going on recently, but I always think about the past, especially after we parted last night.

He even thought of all kinds of things in the past, and many details were constantly playing in his mind like a movie, disturbing Hu Jun with a headache.She doesn't want to think about many things in the past, those things will only make her soft-hearted, but the base does not need a soft-hearted leader.

Look at the weather is fine, and nothing happened.

Simply, she skipped work and went to Wei Tian's house.

Wei Tian has already moved out from the residences of the three elders, and formed a small family with Tintin.The house was chosen by Hu Jun for them. The location is excellent and the environment is good. The neighbor is Chen Lei, who has a 3-year-old child. It is very suitable for a novice mother like Ding Ding.

Ding Ding's belly was already showing a little bit, so he quit his job and concentrated on being a good wife and mother at home. When he suddenly saw Hu Jun outside the door, he was shocked.

"Miss Hu, why are you here?" Ding Ding was a little surprised, but the smile on his face was very sincere, and he let her in quickly.

"Come and see you, how are you?" Seeing the gift in Hu Jun's hand, Ding Ding was a little embarrassed and wanted to decline, but felt that it was not good to decline, so he made up his mind to take it.

But Hu Juan escaped unexpectedly, "You are pregnant, pay more attention." The thing was still tightly held in her hand, and it was placed on the coffee table at the entrance.

Ding Ding smiled happily and nodded cheerfully, "Then I'll make fruit tea for you, it's delicious."

Watching her turn and go to the kitchen, Hu Jun put down his things and looked around the house.

At the time of the housewarming, it happened that the scientific research department had something to do, so she had to stay there, so she didn't come to the party.However, I did not forget to ask the family to bring a gift.

The three-bedroom house is more than enough for newlyweds. Although it is a new house, it is decorated very warmly. You can see the hostess's intentions in every corner. It seems to have been used for a long time. If you think about it, Ding Ding should have already had it get ready.

In the large and transparent kitchen, you can see that the kitchen is full of fruits. It seems that Wei Tian still cares about Ding Ding.

Ding Ding brought over a tray with a glass teapot on it, filled with red, yellow and yellow pulp, and two small glass quilts.There is also a beautiful large bowl full of fresh fruit, the glistening water makes them look very tempting.

"Eat fruit, it's delicious." She was very enthusiastic, but after finishing speaking, she felt a little embarrassed, thinking that there was something in the base that Hu Jun hadn't eaten.

Hu Jun smiled and nodded, but he didn't touch the fruit, but just took a cup of fruit tea.

Ding Ding is outgoing and cheerful, and he loves to talk, and the two of them have done missions together, no matter what happens in the middle, there are only two women in the team, and they get closer unconsciously, and the awkwardness at the beginning disappears quickly Yes, she danced and said many interesting things.

Now Ding Ding is smiling and squinting his eyes, talking to Hu Jun about many things about her pregnancy, talking to herself, but she is very happy.

"Has the morning sickness improved a while ago?"

"Well, it's much better. I have a good appetite now, and I want to eat everything I see."

"That's good. The base takes good care of pregnant women. Buy more nutritional supplements to replenish your body."

"Yes, Wei Tian buys a lot of things every day."

Soon, it was noon, and Ding Ding insisted that Hu Jun stay for dinner, but Hu Jun refused to eat anyway. There was no reason for the pregnant woman to cook, so he left.

After Hu Juan left, Ding Ding took a look at the things she sent.

They are all extremely precious fruits, and many varieties have never been seen at the base.The most important thing is that she has been wanting to eat these fruits for a long time, but Wei Tian couldn't get them anyway, so he even lost his temper because of this.

And because of that mistress some time ago, I was always feeling uncomfortable.No matter how many things Wei Tian bought every day, she would not talk to him.Now I feel a little sweet in my heart, and I'm already planning to reward him with something nice tonight.

Being able to open her mouth to ask Hu Jun for something must have mustered a lot of courage. She smiled and covered her mouth with her hands, as if she had imagined something funny, and she kept giggling, sweeping away the haze in her heart before.

(End of this chapter)

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