Chapter 431 Totally illogical (2)
He stood quietly at the corner of the street, his tall figure was like a landscape, attracting countless excited little girls to wander beside him, but they didn't dare to approach him, they could only scream desperately with blushing faces.

For the first time, Hu Jun, who was out of touch with the daily life of the base, personally felt the charm of Ran Tao.

Well, he is right not to go out usually, otherwise it would be the patrol personnel who would be in trouble.

When he saw Hu Juan, he said softly, "Let's go." He walked out first, and Hu Juan naturally followed.

I only heard the little girl behind screaming excitedly, chattering about something, bouncing around like a group of rabbits.

The two walked farther and farther, and soon reached the edge of the base. Because of the construction, there were few people there, and because of lunch time, the workers had already gone to the cafeteria to eat, so there was only two people in a large area.

Ran Tao stared at the high city wall, and didn't speak in a daze.

After waiting for a while, seeing that he had been silent for a long time, Hu Juan thought that the family might still be waiting for her to eat, so he took the lead and said, "What's wrong?"

what happened?
Ran Tao turned his head and looked straight at Hu Jun.His eyes were exceptionally clear, like lake water, looking to the bottom, they looked a beautiful light brown in the midday sun.

"You are different from others."

With a thud, Hu Juan's heart sank, then he shrugged casually, and said with a smile, "Of course it's different. I have to worry about so many things in the base."

Hu Jun's expression was relaxed, but his heart was not relaxed either.

Ran Tao seldom speaks, and she basically seldom communicates with him, but she has a feeling in her heart that Ran Tao has discovered something.

"No, it's not like that." Ran Tao shook his head, there was a little smile on his face, but he didn't seem to be there when he looked carefully. Hu Jun didn't answer for a long time, he lowered his head, glanced at the ground, and said slowly, "In the future, you will tell me."

The determined tone was as if he had met the future, which made Hu Juan's heart tighten, but he pursed his lips and did not speak.

The two quickly ended this bizarre conversation, and Hu Jun was in a mess.

After returning home, I ate some food casually, and then left. Instead of going to work, I returned to the space by myself.

On the surface, Hu Jun's biggest secret is space, but in fact space is not a secret anymore, and those who have close contacts with her can probably guess what it is.

In addition, it is not uncommon for space-type supernatural beings to exist. There are several times in the base, so it is not uncommon.

Hu Jun has been hiding it, but it is just to make everyone unclear about the situation, so it is difficult to discover her real secret.

Everything in the space can grow plants, breed animals, and the pool of water that even she doesn't fully understand.

She put herself in the pool, and she gradually wanted to fall asleep.

Suddenly, she had a flash of inspiration, and she plunged down, swimming nimbly to the depths of the pool.

I thought I would find something, but unexpectedly, the pool was only three meters deep, and the bottom was an empty flat ground, and there were no miracles at all.

After coming up sheepishly, she lay on the edge of the pool, thinking that she would discover something remarkable.

It is written in the novel that the heroine will have all kinds of adventures, have dedicated team members, and many beautiful men who are so obsessed with herself that she cannot extricate herself.

Why is she mediocre when it comes to herself, the adventures are basically zero, and the team members will betray at any time. As for the handsome man, well, she doesn't care.However, after going through all kinds of bad things, it really is still the trajectory of human life.

There is little happiness, and most of them are messy things.

The more she thought about it, the more unwilling she was to move, so she just lay there.

"Hey." She sighed faintly, she had so many troubles, she might as well not go to work in the afternoon, she happily gave herself a vacation, but she didn't know that there was a mess outside.

It turned out that one of the people locked in the observation room disappeared. He was still there when the food was delivered in the morning, and he went back at noon, but he was gone.Because it was a private room, it disappeared completely out of thin air. It is incredible to say it.

The surveillance in the corridor did not capture anything unusual at all, and there was no surveillance in the house, so no one knew what happened during these few hours.

The disappearance of a person who might have turned into a zombie is a very serious thing. Once it walks around in the base at will and bites people everywhere, the consequences will be disastrous.

As soon as the incident was discovered, people from the scientific research department immediately sent someone to notify Hu Jun, but unfortunately they couldn't find her, so in desperation, they found Minister Ji Jin and General Ji of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

As soon as Ji Jinjiang received the news, he immediately closed the scientific research building and issued an emergency notice. All residents locked their doors, school children were not allowed to leave the school, and base personnel were not allowed to move around at will.

The man's portrait was also printed out immediately, and each person had a piece of paper. Led by Lu Jingsheng, a carpet-like search operation was started. For a while, people in the base were in panic, thinking that something big had happened.

Well, in fact, this is a big deal, a zombie can probably destroy a base.

Ji Jin brought people to the scientific research building by himself, and checked the scientific research buildings one by one. It was not that he suspected that the staff of the scientific research building were harboring intentions, but that such a thing should not happen, and any possible location should not be missed, especially The location of the incident.

After all, the guards of the scientific research building are all supernatural beings who have actually killed zombies, and they will never let strangers go, and the people in the laboratory cannot disappear out of thin air. The biggest possibility is that he is still in the scientific research building, and Evolved into a supernatural being!
It's just that it's hard to tell what kind of supernatural being he is.

Invisibility and wall penetration are the most likely, but neither of these two abilities seems to be able to completely let him leave quietly, unless these two abilities are raised at once.Thinking about it, the chances are very small.

But just in case, we still searched the inside of the base. Even if we couldn't find it, we at least reminded the residents, and we would notify the base as soon as any abnormality was found.

If it's just a kind of ability that has arisen, the most likely reason is that the person is still in the scientific research building.

Thinking of this, he had already walked to the room where the disappeared person was held. The room was very monotonous, with a bed and a table.

There were uneaten breakfast leftovers on the table, the items on the bed were a mess, and the belongings of the disappeared person were still on the floor.

Ji Jin will look around, and at the same time, the others follow his order to carefully inspect this room that can be seen through at a glance.

"Nothing was found." The team leader who led the team reported, full of doubts.

Ji Jinjiang nodded, asked someone to lock the door and left.

"Is the stuff ready?" He asked the scarred man sideways, and the scarred man nodded.

So, he asked others to continue the search, while he went to the control center of the scientific research building.

(End of this chapter)

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