The Queen of Rebirth in the Last World Strikes

Chapter 449 Let's Get Married

Chapter 449 Let's Get Married (2)
Hu Jun nodded, understanding in his heart.No matter what the uncle's family has done, in the eyes of his parents, his nephew Hu Yue is practical and capable, and he is a good boy. Both of them hope that he can get married and have children to carry on the family line.

Although the concept is old, the central idea is still for his own good.

As for Zhang Hong's attitude, even if no one else said it, Hu Jun knew it very well. She was afraid of him, otherwise she wouldn't be scared to tremble when he spoke.

Hu Jun crossed his legs, he didn't think he was scary.

However, it wasn't him who married her anyway.It is better for Hu Yue to marry someone who is afraid of himself than to marry someone who relies on the reputation of his cousin's sister-in-law to cheat.

Hu Juan said bluntly, "I think she's fine. It just so happens that the New Year is coming, and getting married is a double blessing." Hu Juan's words decided that their marriage was put on the agenda.

Mother Hu showed a satisfied smile, which is the best.I always feel that when Hu Jun nods, it will be considered complete.

Zhang Hong didn't know anything yet, and after parting with Hu Yue, he returned home.Mom asked a few questions anxiously, but she dismissed them perfunctorily, only saying that she was a little sleepy.

Lying on the bed, but tossing and turning unable to sleep, is it really a good idea to marry Hu Yue?
Originally, Hu Jun was there, and she felt that it was a great help, no one could bully herself and her mother.

But after seeing the real person, she found that although she was as beautiful as the statue, her temperament was too cold. Apart from being good for her family, she had a thick layer of estrangement for Hu Yue, let alone herself.

It's hard to treat her as a relative, the more we get along, the more I believe that she is the great queen who creates the base and feeds everyone.

If you want to talk about Hu Yue, although he is quite down-to-earth, he has a quick temper, and he would not look for him if he is just looking for a partner. Impulsiveness is easy to do bad things, and he is definitely not a good husband. Thinking about it this way, she hesitated in her heart.

But she didn't need to hesitate at all, Hu Yue said, let's get married after fifteen.

She looked at his plain expression, her throat seemed to be blocked, she wanted to say a thousand words, but she only asked, "Does your family agree?"


"Well, let's get married then."

Zhang Hong accepted Hu Yue's wedding invitation without any excitement and decided to marry him.

Once the Spring Festival is over, it will be Hu Yue's wedding. He moved from one bedroom and one living room to two bedrooms and one living room. From a life of one person to a life of three people, Zhang Hong's mother and Hu's family became in-laws, an unspeakable glory .

Some people saw that Hu Yue was in contact with Hu Jun again, so they shyly wanted to give red envelopes, but Hu Yue turned them away.

The wedding was held at the only hotel in the base. The participants were mainly Hu Jun's colleagues, plus several friends of Hu Yue and Zhang Hong.

It's Hu Yue and Zhang Hong's wedding, but it's more like a gathering of high-level base officials.

There is no gun salute, no master of ceremonies, no wedding march, and everyone sits together to eat and drink.

Compared with those ordinary friends, the high-level executives of these bases are obviously more casual.

"Hey, we can't do this when we get married." Ding Ding poked Wei Tian beside him with his big belly. He still owed himself a beautiful wedding. It's disgusting that he was pregnant so early.

Wei Tianzheng was grilling prawns for his pregnant wife, and wanted to refute, but thought of Sister Le's instructions to obey the pregnant woman, so he nodded silently.

Ding Ding smiled, and happily held up a big chicken leg and gnawed on it.I just feel that being pregnant is not bad, Wei Tian treats her everything now, except when she feels uncomfortable during morning sickness, playing by herself at other times is treated like an empress.

"Eat more." Wei Tian pushed a plate of steamed shrimp to Ding Ding.

She nodded with a smile, her left and right hands started working at the same time, the chicken in her left hand and the prawns in her right hand, she was very happy to eat.Since the morning sickness, her appetite is getting better and better, oops, the food here is really good.

"Is she okay? Why can she eat so well?" Fang Jia leaned over when Ding Ding ate a chicken and countless fish and shrimps by himself, and asked Wei Tian in a low voice with horror on his face.

"It's okay, it's like this for pregnant women." In fact, he was shocked when he saw his wife eating so much at first, but he got used to it after a long time.

Fang Jia swallowed, and suddenly felt that the food on the table was not so attractive. In fact, Ding Ding's eating was a bit cruel.

Hu Jun was sitting in the chair, and Zhang Hong's mother looked like an ordinary woman, a little cowardly, but curious about the Hu family. Fortunately, her nature was not bad, and Hu's mother didn't say much, she just dragged her around.

Xiaokong is in charge of eating, and Hu Dong is in charge of greeting the friends who came.

The Hu family saw that what they said was about the same, got up and went to the corner.There was a person sitting in the corner, eating quietly.

"feel better now?"

"Well, much better."

"If it's not good, tell me, don't hold on."

"It's all right."

The two chatted for a few words before being interrupted, "Miss Hu."

"Huh? What's the matter?" It was Lu Jingsheng who came.

"I don't know if it's convenient for you, but I have something I want to talk to you about." Seeing that his expression and language seemed to be serious, Hu Juan nodded and said goodbye to Ran Tao.

Seeing Hu Jun's leaving figure, Ran Tao took off his gloves, the hands inside were jet-black, but his hands were not in good condition.

"Although we are subordinates at work, in our hearts, you are the relative and benefactor of our family." Lu Jingsheng was a little surprised when he opened his mouth. Did he come to thank you?

"En." Hu Juan nodded, agreeing with him.

"Now the relationship between Chen Chen and Rao Rao is somewhat relaxed. Although it is not as good as before, Lele and I are content with talking a little bit." Speaking of the reconciliation of the daughter and son, Hu Juan is also responsible for the reconciliation, so I would like to thank you It's normal.

"That's fine."

"Hu Yue is married, when do you plan to get married?"

"Me?" Hu Juan originally wanted to take a sip, but after hearing his question, he was unconsciously stunned.It seems that he shouldn't be the one who asked this question, but it seems that Lu Jingsheng is very serious about worrying about himself, so it's hard to get angry.

"Maybe I won't get married." She gave her hand lightly, took a sip, and looked a little gloomy.

Lu Jingsheng raised his eyebrows, apparently surprised, but continued, "But you should know that Ji Jin will like you."

Hu Jun shook his head and smiled, "Sometimes, liking doesn't mean we want to be together."

"What are you trying to do like this? What will you do when you get old?" Lu Jingsheng was really worried about Hu Jun. After his family's affairs were settled, he also hoped that Hu Jun would be fine.

"Who knows." Hu Jun shrugged.

"If you go on like this, maybe he will marry someone else, he is not young anymore." Lu Jingsheng earnestly tried to make Hu Jun understand a certain truth, relying on supernatural powers is important, but life is not only about supernatural powers and fighting zombies .After his and his wife's analysis, Ji Jin will be a good man, worthy of entrusting him for life.

(End of this chapter)

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