Chapter 454
"Okay," Hu Juan stood up and asked Xiao Qiu to take the children back by himself. He just walked two steps away, then turned around and said to Ji Jin, "You can go with me."

Ji Jin will stand up and walk with him.

When I went to the medical building, I saw that disinfectant was being sprayed outside the building. The pungent smell made Hu Jun frowned, and stopped a little nurse who was spraying the medicine, "Why are you spraying so much?"

Seeing that it was Hu Jun, the little nurse was startled, and then she recovered and said respectfully, "I don't know, it's an order from the minister."

Hu Juan waved her hand to let her continue, and let her go to the hospital.

When entering the inpatient department, Lu Jingsheng stopped him, "It's best not to go there yet."


"The patient inside seems to be sick, and it is a very serious infectious disease."

"What's going on? What's the situation now?" Hu Jun's expression froze. Infectious diseases have never been a trivial matter. Although zombies are scary now, the power of infectious diseases is not less than that of zombies.

"There are quite a few infected people. The scariest thing is that some of the people in the base may have been infected..." Although all the affairs of the base are handled by General Ji Jin, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs basically has no tasks in winter, so it is divided Some of the work was given to Lu Jingsheng, and some parts have not yet been taken back.

"What's going on?" Hu Jun didn't want to know anything else. He just wanted to know why such a thing happened in his own base, whether it was due to personnel negligence, a problem with the base, or other unfathomable reasons.

"This group of people met some time ago during the team's routine patrol outside the city. Not long after the team members left the city gate, they encountered a group of homeless people. When they saw the patrol team, they jumped on them, crying and shouting. They asked for help. The team leader saw them pitiful, so he took them back to the base. Those who were healthy were assigned houses after registration, while those who were sick were sent to the medical building. Everything was normal, but they The illness was not getting better for a long time, and the doctor thought it was due to a weak constitution, and it was difficult to recover, until recently, when experts who studied pathology came here, they discovered that this was not an ordinary illness at all, but the plague."

"Plague! How is this possible!" Hu Jun's eyes were about to pop out. What happened to the plague? Now there are no rats!Where did the plague come from, and how could the plague be brought under control? Just kidding.

"Yes, mutant plague."

Lu Jingsheng's current attitude is no better than Hu Jun's. He never expected that his subordinates would save a bunch of plague patients. This is simply asking for death.

Hu Juan pursed his lips, and his eyes seemed to emit a cold light, "Disinfect the base immediately and seal up all the refugees."

"I'm afraid, it's too late..."

Hu Jun interrupted with a wave of his hand, "Those people must be imprisoned. I want to know why they got the plague and came to our base after untold hardships."

Listen, Lu Jingsheng nodded and hurried to do it.

And Ji Jin will stand beside Hu Jun and suggest, "Why don't we temporarily seal off the personnel of the base, check them one by one, and deal with suspected cases if we find them?"

Hu Jun nodded, "You will be in charge of this matter." Compared to himself, thinking about it, General Ji Jin should do better.

Suddenly, the whole city was on alert, the dungeon was blocked, and the base entered a first-level alert state.

The poor people didn't know what happened, they went home in a panic and couldn't come out again.

Those who are active outside are all relatively strong and healthy people with supernatural abilities, and they are mainly male. They wear masks, carry disinfectant and potions, and patrol the streets.

Hu Jun's face was so dark that ink dripped out. Those plague patients could only cry and say they couldn't remember, begging Hu Jun to save them.

I asked them what was going on, but no one answered.

Hu Jun, who didn't want to waste time, called A Yin directly, and used his mind reading skills to learn that these people were accidentally bitten during outdoor activities.Such bites were not once or twice in that base. The people in their base knew that the bites were contagious, so naturally they would not let them go back, so they threw them out, saying that the people in New Hope Base would definitely save them.

So, they came here with a sliver of faith from thousands of miles away, and there were countless dead among them.

It's really selfish enough to kill others for your own survival.The point is, no one is sure that New Hope will have a medicine, which is really harmful.

Nearly 200 people have been infected in the base. They are locked in a building and don't know what happened to them.

The staff in the scientific research building once again devoted themselves to the intense research process, this time even more intense than the potion, because one day earlier or one day later may decide the fate of dozens or even hundreds of people.

Thinking that his base would collapse due to illness, Hu Juan felt restless.

"How?" The researcher who asked was upset because of Hu Jun's impatience.Now the scientific research team has temporarily blacklisted Hu Jun, absolutely not allowing her to approach the laboratory.If you want to get the news, you can only rely on Ji Jin to convey it.

With a gentle attitude, Ji Jinjiang explained to Hu Jun with a smile, "It's okay, the medicine will be developed soon."

She had heard such excuses a lot, and waved her hand, obviously not wanting to hear any more, but she raised her eyes and said, "Did you stay up late recently, and your complexion is very bad."

It's not that Hu Jun cares much about Ji Jinjiang, but his complexion is particularly bad, yellow, dark, black, in short, full of another kind of sickness.

"Maybe it's because I'm old and I don't have enough sleep." Ji Jinjiang didn't take it seriously, and didn't take things to heart at all.

Hu Jun looked at him again, and finally said, "If you have time, let's go to the hospital."

Ji Jinjiang nodded, and she didn't say any more.

At first the base was closed, and everyone could stay at home safely, but after a long time, they gradually became restless, and many people began to try their best to find out what happened.

Naturally, Hu Juan doesn't need to bother with such trivial matters, and someone will handle them.

Hu Juan was in the office, and he could hear the piercing sound of high-heeled shoes in the corridor from a distance, da da da, the rapid rhythm, which made people's heart involuntarily follow bang bang bang, and with a huge force, the door was pushed open.

"No, it's not good, Minister Ji has the plague!"

Hu Juan raised his head abruptly, but his expression was extremely calm, "What? Say it again."

"General Ji Jin has the plague!"

I thought that Hu Jun should at least be surprised, but Hu Jun nodded calmly, "Well, send him to the isolation building and let the doctor examine his body to determine whether it is plague."

After finishing speaking, she waved her hand to indicate that Chen Lei could go down.

Ji Jin will get the plague?
(End of this chapter)

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