Chapter 459
"Come here quickly, let's take a look at where you live first, and I'll show you around later, it's not safe for you." The old man persuaded patiently.

However, Hu Jun completely disagreed and insisted on seeing it for himself.

The old man seemed a little dissatisfied, but he didn't say anything unpleasant, he just walked over by himself, as if he wanted to give Hu Jun a hand.

But she dodged it, and in the process, Hu Jun stretched out his hand with an ice whip, and lashed at the old man fiercely.

This series of changes stunned everyone, why did they start fighting after a good time?
I thought that even if the old man was full of energy, he shouldn't be Hu Jun's opponent, at most he would be a bait.

But I never thought that the old man's hands and feet were unexpectedly flexible, he turned his body slightly, and the ice whip slid out along his chest, and the icy cold wind shattered his clothes, but he was not afraid, there was really a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth .The moment the ice whip returned, the old man grabbed it hard with his right hand and held it firmly in his hand.

The mask of the original kind old man was also torn off, revealing a sinister face, "There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you break in. I wanted you to die comfortably, but now I want you to taste my life." It's amazing!"

As it spoke, it squeezed Hu Jun's ice whip hard, and the ice whip instantly turned into water.With a wave of his hand, the water turned into ice needles and rushed towards all the supernatural beings.

"What!" Everyone was nervous for a while, and quickly used their abilities to block, but the ice needle was unexpectedly hard, piercing through the abilities one after another, and went towards me!

It was too late to say, but it was fast at that time, the nimble one dodged in a hurry, while the slow one was pierced into the body.

"who are you?"

"Who am I? Hey, you don't need to know that."

"Why are you killing us?"

"Why? Of course to eat you!"

"Are you a Kaihui zombie!" Everyone was startled, they had heard that some zombies have human-like thinking, so this is it!
When mentioning zombies, the old man's expression was disgusted, "Zombies are not zombies, zombies are just the lowest level of garbage!"

So, the old man is human?

However, how can people eat people?Could it be a crazy person, but even so, how could he stay in such a place for so long, after all, this place is far from anyone, even if he was looking for food, he would probably have starved to death before.

"With your abilities, you dare to fight us, and you're looking for death!" The old man looked at the group of remnants and defeated generals, his face was full of sarcasm, as if he was laughing at their overreaching.

Countless black bugs crawled out from under the dead leaves, and they were exactly the bugs that had appeared before.At this moment, the bugs gathered more and more, and the ground turned black all of a sudden. That poor cowardly supernatural being was so frightened that he almost fainted. If it wasn't because of his leg being crippled, he would definitely climb up the tree all at once. , never come down.

But now, he could only wave his arms wildly, trying to scare off the bugs.

Those little bugs are so close to the body of the supernatural being, they can even clearly feel each little bug leaning against different parts of their body, they touch and rub lightly, making the scalp numb .Try to get rid of them, but after driving away a wave, another wave will come up.

The old man chuckled, then stopped abruptly, "Go!"

Those insects seemed to understand the password, and they moved all of a sudden. They showed the sharp teeth in their mouths, as if they were about to tear the flesh off.

At this moment, all the people escaped from danger and all flew into the sky. Looking carefully, they were all tied with thick vines around their waists. There was no warning that the vines would lift them up, and many people shook their heads. He shook his body and almost fell back again.

"Go!" The huge rain fell from the sky, like a water curtain, isolating the people above, the bugs and the old people underground in two worlds.

It all happened so fast that people were caught off guard.

The little black worms seemed to have encountered a nemesis, and a large part of them died at once, and more of them quickly burrowed under the leaves to avoid the rain.The old man who was hit by the rain had scars on his skin as if he had been burned. He was so shocked that he subconsciously looked up, regardless of the injury.
The old man's face changed drastically, as if he didn't believe it, and shouted, "Who are you!" He was so anxious and terrified that he even forgot that his first reaction at this time should be to shoot.

Hu Juan was standing on it and it was raining, and he didn't forget to ask Ji Jin to send the others away, the farther the better, don't look back.Hearing the old man's yelling, he naturally ignored him, but continued to rain with all his strength, holding on for a while.

This rain looks very ordinary, but it is a supernatural power that Hu Jun just comprehended.

The rain has gathered a huge amount of power, and every drop of rain is surrounded by faint mist. Once it is as large as it is now, not only can it kill countless enemies, but it can also help your own people retreat. It is really good for advancing and retreating. Skill!
Looking at him through clairvoyant eyes, Hu Jun always felt that this person was a little weird, and he couldn't tell where he felt familiar.Thinking about it left and right, it is neither a supernatural being from the previous life, nor a person I have met in this life, who is it?
The old man, who gradually calmed down, also started to fight back. Those little bugs climbed up the tree without fear of death under his control. If it didn't work once, it would only take two times. The bugs were endless. Hu Jun knew that they would break through soon.

It is better to be surprised than to be broken.She withdrew her hands in an instant, and exerted force with her left and right hands at the same time. Two small water dragons sprang out dexterously, swimming and attacking the old man.

The old man was about to be happy when he saw that the rain had stopped, when he saw two swimming dragons.Seeing this, he immediately raised his hands and strangled all the rushing dragons to death. As soon as he raised his head, Hu Juan had already run away!

The old man was taken aback, at first he thought she was going to run away, but he soon realized that this was wrong!

He looked shocked and screamed, "Don't get close!" She was absolutely not allowed to go there!Thinking this way, the old man caught up with the wind and rushed to catch up, his speed was several times faster than Hu Juan!
Hu Juan ignored her, gritted his teeth, and ran with all his strength, not forgetting the ability to run backwards, trying to slow him down.

arrive!Hu Juan was overjoyed, and ran forward with all his strength, ignoring the overwhelming attacks from behind.

She jumped up, and jumped towards a lake without thinking about her own body. She was deep in the right hand, and her eyes were fixed on the only flower in the center of the lake.

Just a little bit, just a little bit away, got it!

"No!" Only a heart-piercing, extremely tragic cry was heard from behind.

Somehow, someone pushed her heavily from behind, and the two of them fell into the water with a plop.

Gulu Gulu, Hu Jun drank a stomach full of water.It was only then that she discovered that the man was General Ji Jin, and his heavy body was all on top of her, and there was a faint smell of blood in the water, and when she felt the sticky feeling in her heart, she knew something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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