Chapter 474 Who to Marry
He glanced at General Ji Jin who came with Hu Jun, but at the moment he didn't care why the two of them were together, and reported earnestly, "When changing shifts this morning, the person on duty who came to find out that the person on duty at night fell asleep for some reason. After waking up, they recalled that Chen Zheng sent some food in the name of Chen Lei, and they lost consciousness after eating. The time of the incident was about 12 o'clock in the evening. After investigation, the dungeon personnel One person is missing, that is, Chen Zheng, and there are no personnel from the underground city to enter."

After listening, Hu Jun turned his head and gave Ji Jinjiang a word-by-word instruction, "Immediately, search the whole base for Chen Zheng's whereabouts, and take necessary actions if necessary."

Seeing that she was serious, Ji Jin nodded and left quickly.

Chen Lei was left stunned, she wanted to plead with Hu Jun, but Hu Jun ignored him at all, and followed Xu Langyu to see the situation in the dungeon.

What about Chen Zheng?
He excitedly came out to look for Huang Ying, but Huang Ying didn't see her, but was scolded by her brother.

Opposite him was his brother-in-law. He endured his anger and anxiety, and after being scolded bloody, he finally caught the other's breath and begged, "Brother Huang, I just want to see Huang Ying."

Maybe it was because he had scolded too much, Brother Huang didn't utter any harsh words, but said indifferently, "Don't think about it, the two of you will never see each other again."

"Why?!" Chen Zheng's heart tightened, he grabbed Brother Huang's clothes, and asked anxiously, "Did something happen to Huang Ying!"

Brother Huang rolled his eyes at him with displeasure, waved his hand impatiently and said, "What nonsense are you talking about, what happened to my sister! She is going to get married soon, so don't bother her in the future."

marry?Who is she married to?

Chen Zheng became angry all of a sudden, and retorted loudly, "Impossible! She can't marry someone else!"

"What's impossible, I'll tell you, go back to your underground lair, and come find my sister later, I'll beat you once!" Brother Huang waved his fists, warning Chen Zheng.

"Marriage is free now. If you call Huang Ying out, she will never agree to you!" As she spoke, she yelled at the Huang family, "Huang Ying! Huang Ying, come out! I'm here to find you!"

Chen Zheng, who used to be good-tempered, finally couldn't suppress the anger in his heart. He ignored Big Brother Huang's obstruction and called out loudly.

Seeing him so ignorant of flattery, Brother Huang was even more furious. If he hadn't estimated his identity, he would have kicked him out a long time ago. He didn't even talk nonsense, and now he yelled fiercely, "What's your name! What's your name here? It's not a place where you can run wild! Let me tell you, kid, don't think that your sister is Chen Lei, even if Hu Jun is here, my sister won't marry you."

"Oh, is that so?" A female voice interrupted the conversation between the two abruptly, and when she turned around, she saw Hu Jun standing behind with arms folded, looking at the two of them.

"It seems that many residents have a deep prejudice against the base. Since they are so dissatisfied, why don't they go out and find their own vast world?" She was not angry at all, and even had a slight smile on her face. Huang Ying's brother But a hair in my heart.

She turned her head and said to Xiao Xia behind her, "Go and count the number of people. We will never stop those who want to leave the base."

Xiao Xia nodded, turned and left.

Hu Jun glanced at Chen Zheng, then turned and left.

Chen Zheng was so angry just now, but now he was like a deflated balloon, he didn't dare to say another word, let alone mention Huang Ying's matter, and followed Hu Juan.

After leading Chen Zheng into the dungeon and handing it over to Chen Lei, she only said one sentence to Chen Lei, "This is the only time and the last time."

After Hu Juan left, Chen Lei turned her head and slapped Chen Zheng across the face.That clear voice obviously used a lot of effort.

"Sister!" Chen Zheng covered his face and looked at his own sister, completely dumbfounded.

"Useless things!" She said the next sentence, and hurried out the door.

Chen Zheng didn't know at all, he thought he was pursuing love, but he never thought about how much shock it caused the base.

On that day, Huang Ying's family was kicked out of the base, and they were not allowed to bring anything, even the abilities they obtained from the base.

The base doesn't know how to cultivate its own enemies, so Brother Huang Ying, who has obtained supernatural powers, was thrown out of the base like a paralyzed cripple from the neck down. Now, except for the movement of his mouth, he can't control his other parts, even normal physiological excretion.

Not bad enough.

Pull out the radish and bring out the mud, and other radical opposition groups who had close contacts with them were also wiped out.There was no strict censorship, but only some people who were close to them and who often encouraged the crowd to fight at the base, brought out a lineup of hundreds of people.

It can be seen how unrestrained people are now, dare to think!

"It's all my fault. It's because I didn't act early. If we had acted earlier, we wouldn't have been kicked out." After being kicked out, Brother Huang Ying still refused to repent.

An angry Huang Ying cried and said, "Isn't it enough now? Brother, why don't you understand!"

They showed full tolerance to the refugees outside, expecting them to bring the weakness of the dungeon, but what can they say based on the lowest-end people like them, at most, there is a dungeon in the base , as well as potions that allow people to obtain supernatural powers.

As soon as these words were said, the eyes of the invaders shone even brighter.

However, this also shows from another angle that this battle will be more difficult.

The greater the bait, the greater the danger.

The invaders became more and more determined to occupy this place, and some even sent people out to report the news, believing that the power potion would definitely bring more powerful helpers.

"Heal well, we will be a family from now on," said a leader.

Many people who were kicked out burst into tears. Seriously, this is the relative who sent charcoal in the snow.

This kind of unclear person is really speechless to the extreme.

Holding this hard-to-swallow jerky food in her hand, Huang Ying asked her brother, "Don't you understand where our home is?"

"Why are you so materialistic! What we want is freedom, democracy!" To this day, Brother Huang's head is still a mess.

Huang Ying shook her head, with tears in her eyes, not understanding why she became like this.

She looked up at the towering base, knowing that she could never be with Chen Zheng again.

What she doesn't know is that there is a kind of person like this, who will never be satisfied and think that he can get better things, but he doesn't know that sometimes he picks up sesame seeds and loses watermelon.

In the days to come, they will know whether material food is more important than democracy and freedom.

The instant cleanup calmed down the blood-thirsty young people in the base.

(End of this chapter)

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