Chapter 479 Plan (2)
Ji Jin will make a gesture of invitation, Wei Shuhong will not give in, and is the first to speak, "The two armies are facing each other, they must either negotiate peace, surrender, or win." Hu Jun ignored this nonsense.

"If you want to win, you must know yourself and the enemy, know what the enemy has and what you are afraid of, and then you can prescribe the right medicine. Otherwise, if you blindly fight, or even follow the enemy's rhythm, the chances of winning are not great."

Hu Juan's eyes lit up, and he sat down, "Tell me."

Wei Shuhong smiled, glanced at Ji Jinjiang from the corner of his eye, and continued: "After my preliminary observation, I found that there are many opponents, and it seems that every person with supernatural powers is extremely powerful, but this also has a drawback." He paused, and Hu Jun answered, "Food?"

"That's right, it's food. The supernatural beings consume energy and need a lot of food supplements. If you want to repel them without using a single soldier, then seal the road for them to transport food and grass, and consume them to death here."

This trick is safe and highly usable, but it takes a long time. Who knows how long it will take for them to eat up their food and whether there will be supplies.

Wei Shuhong saw that she seemed to have some objections to this method, so he suggested another method, "If you want to deal with them as soon as possible, it will take some effort, and it may even be dangerous. There are many of them, but it can be vaguely seen that they are not from In the same base, there is naturally a gap, and once there is internal strife, part of it will naturally disperse."

"Then what is your plan?"

"Find a base and attack!" Wei Shuhong's strategy is really, find another way.

He specially picked a moderately large base in the enemy's camp, and ordered all the supernatural beings to only pick those people to be cruel.

The enemies who don't know why are a little confused, what's going on.

And the leader of that base is angry!

It's really unreasonable, it's a clear bully!

Ever since, the enemy launched a round of strong counterattacks. Naturally, the unlucky base suffered even more heavy casualties. At the same time, several unlucky small bases were innocently selected and accepted the catastrophe.

"Damn it, what's going on!" Seeing his subordinates die one by one, one of the hot-tempered officers wanted to throw the table over and quit!
"In this battle, there will always be casualties." These words are high-sounding.

"What kind of casualties are these! My people are going to die!"

No matter who has supernatural powers, whoever feels sorry for them, all of them brought elite supernatural beings, one-third of them died in the blink of an eye, who can bear it?
The hardest one was the base that was captured and stormed by the New Hope base from the very beginning. The man who was already a little bald looked even more bald now.According to reports from his subordinates, their number is less than [-]% left, and this is because those people did not go to the battlefield.

It can be said that all the supernatural beings who went to the battlefield died there.

He doesn't want to occupy the base anymore. He has no men at this moment. He is afraid that if he captures the base, he will have to start all over again. It is better to keep a little vitality and return to his small base honestly to become the king. He made up his mind , stood up, and said politely to a man, "Brother Zhou, my subordinates are injured and disabled. I'm afraid we won't be able to attack together again."

"Old Qian, don't worry. We have occupied the base. How many people do you have under your command? You can't let your previous efforts go to waste. This may be their trick, and you must not be fooled." The man surnamed Zhou said with a smile Splendid, this persuasion is a typical example of standing up and talking without back pain.

Lao Qian waved his hands, exhausted physically and mentally, and said with some heartbreak, "I don't even have 50 people under my command."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the heavily injured base immediately followed suit. The meaning behind the words is the same, I won't play with you anymore.

Although the surname Zhou is in charge of the overall situation, but now that people have made it clear that they want to run, can they stop them?I can only let people go honestly, and I still have to say that I should be careful on the way back on the way back, this time thanks to your words, but I am suffocating in my heart.

In any case, the people who wanted to leave couldn't stop them, and there were some people from other bases who left with them. They were afraid that they would be the next to suffer.

"Mr. Wei is really good at it." Hu Jun looked at the people who had withdrawn, and he was very appreciative.

"Where, this is just the beginning. The next plan should go well." Wei Shuhong doesn't need to be high, after all, this is not the end, and Hu Jun, who has General Ji Jin behind him, doesn't lack any solutions, just look at her Do you have the mind to deal with the enemy?

After all, this is not the base of the Communist Party of China, so you should think twice before doing anything.

After a busy day, when he came home, there were two children waiting for him. They couldn't do anything, but just waited for their meal.

Although it doesn't need to be fed, the little one sprinkles food everywhere.

Wei Shuhong's frown, which had not been stretched before, deepened and he frowned, and there was an unpleasant breath all over his body.I feel a little more satisfied with the wife who is far away at the base in City A.

Although the two are married, it has nothing to do with love.

But, what are the two children taught here?He provides them with food and clothing, but the children he raises are pampered and pampered. They are not even comparable to the youngest son of Secretary Hu Juan he saw today. It only makes people angry.

It's useless, it's really useless!
Children are born to feel the joy and anger of adults. At this moment, seeing their father's face darkened, they were so frightened that they accidentally knocked over the bowl and spilled the rice inside.

With a wow, he cried before his father opened his mouth.

What Wei Shuhong can do is just squat down and clean, but he has no idea of ​​filling another bowl for him.Since the child has followed him from now on, you have to grow up early, maybe he will die in a second, so you can't pamper him anymore.

At night, the two little ones hugged each other to sleep.

With tears on his face, the little brother said pitifully, "Brother, I'm hungry and I miss my mother."

"I want, too……"

As for their mother, she had already died at the base in City A.One must know that the base of city A that was breached would not leave the former officials, and the refugees who poured in had a good time killing them. The scene and laughter were three points more terrifying than the zombie massacre.

The mother who didn't want to leave regretted it as soon as she found out that Wei Shuhong was gone, but sometimes there was only one chance.

The second step of Wei Shuhong's plan is to burn food.

Without food, it will naturally scare off a group of people.

However, the most difficult thing is not to burn, but how to burn.

The enemy hides the food behind the hills and is far away from the base. It is absolutely impossible to attack directly from the base.

Hu Jun thought about it for a long time, and finally agreed to Wei Shuhong's request to let people leave the base and burn it secretly.

Of course, the difficulty factor has increased a lot.Registration, in line with the principle of voluntariness, many people signed up enthusiastically.The leader of this operation is Wei Shuhong. The reason is that he took the initiative, and Hu Jun didn't want to choose another person.

(End of this chapter)

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