Chapter 491 A Mess of Chaos (2)
He clenched his hands tightly, as if trying to strangle something.

Suddenly, he felt a strong force, and this feeling seemed familiar to him.He knew it was his job.That force was so strong that he couldn't help but want to back down, but he couldn't back down.

Although he is timid, he has known how to repay kindness since he was a child.So, don't embarrass Miss Hu.Thinking of this, he seemed to be full of courage again.

Although it was difficult to resist this mental force, he did not give up.

From 1:5 in the middle of the night until [-]:[-] in the morning, wave after wave of mental power attacked him, but he gritted his teeth and persisted.In the end, his mental strength finally disappeared, and he suddenly fainted on the grass.

"BOSS?" The man with the scar saw that the little guy was useless, his face was covered with sweat and his face turned pale.The situation is worse than those with excessive abilities and exhausted mental power.

Ji Jinjiang nodded and raised his hand to signal that they should move the kid down to rest, "Take good care of him."

"Tonight has passed, and the plan continues."

Not far away, the base was in chaos.

Usually every morning, the base will hold a routine clan meeting, but the clan leader has not been seen for a long time. It has been several days. He has been complaining of illness before, but after a long time, many people have become suspicious.

No matter how serious the illness is, one should not even show one's face, and one should not be allowed to visit.

"Where did the patriarch go?"

Zheng Fanghua, who was pressed for questioning, always insisted that she was recovering from illness.

My father and uncle didn't ask questions, and even kept reconciling, but others were different.They killed him and insisted on seeing the patriarch.Eventually, things came to light and the patriarch disappeared.

The small, quiet, underground search that was originally carried out in the base was suddenly brought to the surface.A large-scale search was carried out at the base, but there was nothing. He seemed to have evaporated.

Last night, they were forced to use supernatural powers to search for vital signs near the base.I searched for a long time, but there was nothing.

In this way, there is only one possibility, and that is that the patriarch died.

Compared with why and how he died, many people actually don't care.Like wolves who saw meat, they stared fiercely at the patriarch's throne and made a fuss.

After arguing countless times, Zheng Heng, the patriarch's own son and the leader of the second generation, really had a headache and hid.He asked his most trusted eldest son, "Is there still no progress?"

"No." Zheng Fanghua has been looking for the whereabouts of his grandfather, but he can't find the slightest clue, as if he has evaporated from the world.

"Send more people, keep looking!"

Zheng Fanghua nodded, and then said, "Father, I'm afraid this delay won't have a good effect. You know, since the establishment of another base, their minds have become more active, and they are no longer the same as before. Now that they know that their grandfather is gone, they will definitely take advantage of the situation." .”

"I know that." Originally, because my branch is the main family, and the power in City A is at the top, so the other branches are also willing to hide behind, doing evil, eating, drinking and having fun.

But since leaving the base, there is no need to fight with other families, and internal fighting has gradually emerged.Many side branches, for one reason or another, tried to touch rights.

Hearing that the patriarch was missing, many people were eager to move, trying to quickly ascend to the throne.

"If something really happens to Grandpa, I'm afraid the base will be in chaos." After all, the patriarch's younger brother is still alive, and Zheng Heng's desire to take the position may not be so simple.

"I don't know." Zheng Heng shook his head, his father's disappearance caught him unexpectedly, and it was indeed difficult to get along for a while.

"Let's take one step at a time and stabilize them first." This was the only way he could think of.

Taking advantage of the chaos in the base, General Ji Jin finally managed to sneak in, and the patriarch is naturally in his hands, but he will change his appearance.

The inside of the base was full of wind and rain, and it was bloody. At the same time, the insertion of strangers, because everyone's information was blocked, they didn't know their identities, and they only thought they were the other party's spies.

The people sent by Ji Jin will get back the news within 3 days.

The base is in disarray, fighting for power.

Within a few days, a whirlwind blew up at the base.They all said that it was Zheng Heng who imprisoned his father in order to gain power for himself.This rumor is too false, anyone with a brain should be a lie.

But there are some people who, hearing these rumors, seem to smell cracked rotten eggs, rush up all of a sudden, and happily make a big fuss about the rumors.

Zheng Heng looked at the report that Zheng Fanghua had given him, his face was ugly, he threw the document on the table, and said very angrily, "It's really unreasonable! They actually started to make up such words to slander me, kill my father and seize power! They are so kind! "

Zheng Hengqi's brain hurt, he rubbed his temples, closed his eyes and told Zheng Fanghua, "Go and tell them for me what can and cannot be done."

As soon as the son was sent away, the younger brother came to visit.

Seeing him, Zheng Heng took a slight breath.To say that in this big family of hundreds of people, apart from sons and daughters, only my own brother and I have the same heart.

"Why are you here, sit down." He finally had a smile on his face.

Zheng Jun was not welcome when he came, he sat opposite his brother, and said anxiously, "Brother, have you heard the rumors outside, they..."

"I see." Zheng Heng interrupted him and nodded.

"They say that, I think it's better to just pull out the rumormongers and kill them, and see if they dare to say it." Zheng Jun is different from his brother who has been in the government.

Be vigorous and resolute, say one is one and two is two.

"Well, you don't have to worry too much. I know it well. It's not that you've been a little sick recently. Take a good rest."


"Okay, don't worry about it, I know it well." He said to his brother like this.

As for whether he counted or not, others don't know, but the rumors did not disappear, but intensified instead, as if a demonic wind was blowing from somewhere, making people feel restless.

Zheng Fanghua is busy every day without touching the ground, and his younger brothers and sisters are naturally not much better.Even Zheng Fangfei, who was 6 months pregnant, had to work overtime with her big belly.

When she got home, it was already 11 o'clock in the evening. Her legs were swollen like carrots, and her feet couldn't even take out her shoes.

"Why are you back so late today?" Her husband sullenly looked a little annoyed.

She was cold-tempered, and the marriage between the two was a friendship, so she shook her head, not wanting to explain, and had nothing to say to him.

Seeing his wife like this, her husband got even angrier and slammed the door and went out.

(End of this chapter)

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