The Queen of Rebirth in the Last World Strikes

Chapter 494 Is a Warning and an Advice

Chapter 494 Is a Warning and an Advice (1)
Zheng Fangfei walked towards home with her belly straightened out. When the head of the Zheng family came back, the base could not be dismantled.

Of course, she also expected that the base would not be peaceful for a while.But, what does this have to do with her? The leader of the base is grandpa, and the future will be her father and brother.

Everything will have nothing to do with her, she can easily raise the child to adulthood.

Although she still has a cold face, but her heart has long been a mess of gentleness, perhaps this is the radiance of motherhood.

"Sister Fei!" She was walking when she heard a shout, and Zheng Fangyu ran over panting, and when she came to her, Zheng Fangyu stuck out her tongue and asked playfully, "Sister, tonight Shall I go to your house for dinner?"

Faced with such an innocent and innocent cousin who even smiled because of Zheng Fanghua's words, "It's okay" when her father was taken away, even if she was a little reluctant, she could only nod after thinking of something serious. .

The two went home together, and met Zheng Fangfei's husband at the door.

"Brother-in-law!" Zheng Fangyu greeted him cheerfully, not knowing that this man was almost not her brother-in-law.

Zhang Fangfei's husband Kou Kai smiled awkwardly and asked, "You guys just came back."

Zheng Fangyu wanted to say something, but Zheng Fangfei took the lead, "Go and buy some vegetables, Fangyu and I will have dinner at home tonight."

Her attitude was very cold, but Kou Kai could only smile with a good temper.After all, they just got the news that Mr. Zheng is back!This is not easy to handle. For a while, everyone stopped their actions and wanted to see what was going on.

I wanted to inquire if it was true that Mr. Zheng was back, but Zheng Fangfei sent him away.

"Sister, brother-in-law is so kind to you, and is still waiting for you at the door." Zheng Fangyu sat on the leather sofa that Zheng Heng gave to his daughter very familiarly, and said with some envy.

Zheng Fangfei took the cup, poured her a glass of water, and just hummed lightly, showing no happy expression.Seeing Zheng Fangyu took the water, she sat down slowly.In fact, the stomach is not too big, but the energy is exhausted.

She just leaned on the sofa like this, listening to Zheng Fangyu chirping like a little sparrow. It was a bit noisy, but it was okay and bearable.

Suddenly, Zheng Fangyu said: "Cousin, you know, many boys in the base now have several wives!"

Zheng Fangfei naturally heard it, and nodded perfunctorily. This is nothing, even her father has a few lovers outside.It's just that the status of the Zheng family is here, but it's just playthings, not worth mentioning.

The Zheng family has pure blood and will always be respected as the main wife.And a smart regular wife is willing to turn a blind eye to her husband's outside life at certain times.

Like Zheng Heng's wife, Zheng Fangfei's mother tongue.She was in her sixties, so she didn't care about the threats posed by those young women.After all, she doesn't have so much leisure time to coax an old man, she might as well let go and let them do their work, and go drink tea, chat and live the life of a lady when she has time.

Apparently, Zheng Fangyu was indignant about this matter, "It's so disgusting to have three wives and four concubines in what age. If my husband is like this, I will definitely make her look good." She wrinkled her nose, looking very cute.

Zheng Fangfei was depressed, her husband raised two little ones outside.

Obviously, Zheng Fangyu didn't want to end this topic, and told Zheng Fangfei about her complaints and worries about her future husband. Until the end, she seemed to have an idea, and suddenly said to Zhou Fangfei, "In the future, I will also find several Husband!" When she spoke, her eyes sparkled, as if she wasn't joking.

Zheng Fangfei shook her head, thinking to herself, she is still a child after all.

"Grandpa and the others won't allow it." Not only Grandpa, it should be said that everyone in the Zheng family would not be willing.

The destiny of the girls of the Zheng family is to marry, and the married women will never let their husbands complain about anything.Even if women outside of her husband can form a company, the girls of the Zheng family have never made a step forward in this regard.

When Zheng Fangyu heard what her cousin said, she was obviously very unconvinced. She leaned forward slightly, a little puzzled, and then tried hard to say, "Why not? In ancient times, there were queens! Queens have many husbands, why should women Children can’t find so many husbands! It’s such an annoying time to stick to the same thing in what age it is now.”

She paused, as if remembering something, she leaned closer to Zheng Fangfei, and subconsciously looked around where there were no other people around, like a primary school student whispering, she leaned into Zheng Fangfei's ear, "Berry My sister's husband found several women outside, and he treated her badly, even beating her! Last time I saw it, I wanted to tell everyone that Sister Berry didn't want to say anything, and kept crying, and Xiaodoudou was here Crying on the sidelines, it's pitiful!"

She spoke very angrily, pursing her mouth, as if she was the one who was beaten.

Zheng Fangberry is about the same age as Zheng Fangfei, but there is a big difference in personality.At first glance, she is the kind of gentle and gentle lady, elegant, noble, virtuous and considerate, plus she has no supernatural powers, so she was married off early.

Because Zheng Fangfei's personality is cold, and she doesn't chat very often, even if she is a cousin, she is gradually alienated.

Thinking about it now, in her impression, it seems that the last few times she saw her, she looked a little sad.

But what does this have to do with her?

A woman's status is also won by herself, so she can't just call the door.

Obviously, Zhang Fangyu didn't expect her to give any advice, but said with some interest, "It would be great if we went back to the feminist society in ancient times, and we don't have to worry about men finding many wives anymore, and we don't have to worry about being beaten. Scolding, the heroine is in charge of the house, I feel so happy just thinking about it."

While talking, Zheng Fangyu giggled, as if he had already seen such a day.

Zheng Fangfei shook her head amusedly, she just felt that she was really a child, her thoughts were pure, and she didn't take it seriously.

But after a while, Kou Kai bought the food, and he bought so much that even three more people could eat it all.Zheng Fangyu was very happy, even if Zheng Fangfei and his wife were not chatting, with this lively little girl around, the atmosphere would not be stiff.

After eating, Zheng Fangyu didn't sit any longer, and went back bouncing around.

"She is the most innocent and ignorant person, but also the happiest person." This is the evaluation of Zheng Fangyu by everyone in the Zheng family. It is not a good comment, but it tells her happy life until now.

No matter how difficult it is, as long as others say it's okay, she will believe it.Just like now, Mingming's father was taken away, but when she heard Zheng Fanghua say nothing was wrong, she came to Zheng Fangfei's house for dinner with peace of mind, saying that there was nothing to do.Not at all like her own brothers and sisters, who were devastated at home, thinking about how to rescue her father, or whether to resist or not.

(End of this chapter)

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