The Queen of Rebirth in the Last World Strikes

Chapter 502 Kill the chicken and show it to the monkey

Chapter 502 Kill the chicken and show it to the monkey
Everyone has all kinds of news about Hu Jun flying all over the sky. Although they don't know whether it is true or not, but considering that she has occupied five bases, one can guess that she is definitely not an ordinary person.

A base like his is nothing in the eyes of others. This time, I came here because I wanted to take advantage of it and go back.After all, it is unified, so there is no way to give something.

He also thought that if he met Hu Jun and wanted to flatter him, he might be able to live in the New Hope base, and he would be a powerful minister at that time.

But before the flattery came, it turned out like this. I was afraid that if Hu Juan got angry, his life would be lost. I wish I could save Hu Juan's thigh and weep bitterly and beg for forgiveness!
I can only say, "Miss Hu, I was wrong! Please forgive me! Everything is a misunderstanding!"

Seeing this, Hu's mother, who was sitting by the side, was a little surprised. Obviously, she didn't expect her daughter to be so intimidating.

As for that woman, she was silent at the moment, lying on the ground and staring at everything in front of her with wide eyes.

The man who used to be fierce in front of her is now like a clown. She suspects that if Hu Jun asks him to eat shit, he will eat it.

The short and fat girl didn't dare to lift her head, she just hung her head down, trembling.

"Is this your person?" Hu Juan pointed at Shen Jiali.

Old Hei cursed inwardly, you stinky bitch.Even an idiot can guess that what happened today was probably caused by Shen Jiali, if I had known about it, I wouldn't have brought her out!
His first reaction was to distance himself from the relationship, so he smiled and said, "No, she just dropped by."

Hu Juan glanced at him, he really lost his mind after drinking alcohol, people who aren't him can actually live here?
But these are not important, "Take them, call all base representatives, and have a meeting in 10 minutes."

These 10 minutes happened to be the journey time from here to the conference room. This is not giving those people any chance and preparation every minute.

Everyone took the two of them and left behind Hu Jun. Fortunately, someone was kind and stayed behind and said to the unlucky girl, "Get up." Looking at how she was treated here, I also know that she was probably picked up by chance on the way. There will be no base trips and useless girls.

The short and fat girl didn't think she could survive so easily, she thought she was going to die. After thinking about it, she smiled happily.

Ten minutes later, Hu Jun arrived at the conference room. Unexpectedly, there were quite a few people sitting there, at least 10% to [-]%. She had just stood on the stage, and people kept rushing in. Most of them had beads of sweat on their foreheads and kept panting. With a rough breath, it seemed that he was rushing over in a hurry.

"The New Hope Base is not a relief center, nor is it a charity organization, nor is it your own territory." Hu Juan began to say regardless of whether there were people constantly rushing in.

"In the New Hope Base, you must abide by the rules of the New Hope Base, and as a subordinate base, your base must also obey our management. Don't try to think it's good, say a few good words, the New Hope Base will provide a steady stream of food. Send it over. I will tell you clearly today that this is a delusion!"

Her face turned cold suddenly, "If you surrender, you will lose the war. If you resist, the consequences will definitely not be affordable for you."

"This is the person who violated it." Hu Juan pointed at the two tied together on the ground.

Before everyone could react, the heads of the two were separated, and they spun around on the ground a few times, then stopped, their eyes widened, and they didn't even have time to react in panic, still begging for mercy pitiful.

Hu Juan's resolute actions frightened the crowd and suppressed all their doubts. Whether these two people were really at fault or killed a chicken for the monkeys to see, in short, they didn't have time to think about why. Be careful what you do.

I thought that the cold-faced Pan Zhan was a difficult person to deal with, but Hu Jun, who had never seen him before, should be the Jishi Bodhisattva, but unexpectedly, he was a Yasha.

After killing people, Hu Juan left gracefully.It was so clean that many who arrived later only saw the end of the dead.

Even Chen Lei was taken aback by Hu Jun, she should at least say a slogan, why killing people in a daze like this is not her style at all.

I still remember that when I first met Hu Jun, although she was cold, most of the time, she was actually gentle in her heart, at least she never killed people lightly, she just punished them as coolies.

But now, she was a little frightened, because in Hu Jun's eyes, she couldn't see any fluctuations or intolerance, and she raised the knife in her hand, as if she was killing a zombie.

Hu Jun has changed, and at the same time, she has to be more careful.Sometimes, following Hu Jun's side is really like walking on thin ice. The originally easy work is getting more and more stressful.

Telling others to go to work, Hu Jun took his mother to the hospital.

Zhang Hong's situation is not good. Although the child was lucky enough to be saved, he probably won't stay for long.

The doctor did not tell Zhang Hong such a statement, for fear that she would not be able to bear it.

Hu Jun didn't understand these things about having children, so he just asked, "What's the best way?"

"Abortion." The doctor said boldly, without using technical terms, but a simple explanation was that this time, Zhang Hong had suffered a lot of harm, and the fetus was maintained with drugs. It was terrible that something would happen when she was a month old.

Hu Juan thought for a while, she couldn't decide on this matter, "Let Hu Yue come over here."

After all, it is his child, he has the right to decide.

In the corridor of the hospital, the doctors and nurses hid aside, and only Hu Jun and his mother sat on the empty bench.

Mother Hu hesitated to speak, "Junjun, you..." Her expression was so complicated, some were puzzled, some were sad, some were distressed, and some were regretful.

Hu Jun smiled, changed his stern look just now, patted his mother's back lightly, and said reassuringly, "Mom, it's fine."

"Actually, they didn't do it on purpose. They have to forgive and forgive others. If they hold grudges, they will treat you badly." Even if she thinks it is not good for her daughter to kill innocent people indiscriminately, in the end, she is afraid of making enemies , the one who will suffer at that time will be herself.

"They don't dare," Hu Juan was very clear in his heart. After thinking about it, his mother was still worried, so he said, "If Zhang Hong's child can't be kept, it won't be as simple as today."

Hu Jun sneered, his eyes were covered with frost.If the child can't be kept, she doesn't mind taking a detour.

Seeing that her daughter's eyes were full of killing intent, Mother Hu quickly covered her hands with both hands. It was a hot summer, but her daughter's hands were still not warm. "Forget it, forget it, the young couple will have children."

Hu Jun didn't speak, she knew that her mother was not feeling well, her mother was like this, with a kind heart.

Hu Yue, who came in a hurry, already had a bad feeling in his heart. He just felt that something was wrong if he didn't see his wife at noon. He also heard that Hu Jun had summoned many people and did something.

(End of this chapter)

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