Chapter 518 Annoying (2)
As soon as Qi Yi took the empty water bottle, it seemed that he needed to find someone with water abilities to order some water.She patted Lu Lerao on the back and said, "Persist for a while, and I will definitely rest at night."

Lu Lerao nodded, looked at the sun on the west side just now, and wiped off his sweat.It's dark and late in summer, and I don't know what time I can eat.

When I stopped, it was already past 8 o'clock in the evening.

Everyone was already exhausted, using their mental strength to support themselves as they walked, and this time they stopped.Good physique can also help to pack things and cook.Those with poor physique have already sat on the ground with their buttocks spread out, and they can't get up no matter how much they persuade them.

Lu Lerao was lying on the ground tired, not even in the mood to resent her parents, but only one thought in her mind, that was that she might not survive today.

She took off her shoes and got blisters on both feet.If it wasn't for the previous training camp that honed her, she would have been crying and shouting at this moment: I want to go home!
A bonfire was lit, and the smoke curled up.

Even in summer, after a long day of driving, it is a very happy thing to be able to eat hot food.A layer of fragrant meat sauce is poured on the soft glutinous rice, a thick piece of pork is spread on top, and there is an endless amount of meat and bone soup.

The men had already brought their own lunch boxes and ate them all.Qi Yi made a meal and came back with it.Lu Lerao didn't bring anything, and the two of them could only use one set of tableware.

It's very simple, Qi Yiyi thought about it, and handed her the lunch box first, "Eat it quickly, I'll make another one when you're done eating." Qi Yi smiled and said to Lu Lerao, and drank the soup by himself.

Lu Lerao smelled the aroma of the rice, sat up all of a sudden, hugged Qi Yiyi, and said affectionately, "Yiyi, you are so kind!" After speaking, he picked up the lunch box and started to eat.This is incredible to eat, delicious to die for!

The owner of the lunch box, Qi Yiyi, can only feed her stomach with soup. She is also very hungry, but she can only bear it first.

Looking back at the temporary kitchen, it was full of people, and someone had already finished the first portion and asked for a second portion.Not knowing if there would be any food left, Qi Yiyi took another sip of the soup, looking at the super delicious Lu Lerao who was devouring the food in front of him, he felt even hungrier.

Hu Jun's rice is a little more delicate and richer than everyone else's. The rice is pressed firmly on the bottom of the lunch box, covered with sauce, and there is a large piece of meat on the rice. It is so big that it looks like It's about to overflow the lunch box.Next to the meat, there are two kinds of small pickles developed, which are hot and sour and delicious, and go well with rice.Not only the ingredients are sufficient, but the soup is also extra thick.Compared with everyone's clear water soup, there is still a big bone in her bowl to chew on.

Hu Jun saw such a meal from the cooking team and knew their kindness, so he thanked them.

The kid who was so happy wanted to backflip back.

She shook her head and said amusedly, "What a child."

"What are you talking about?" Ji Jinjiang came over with a meal, and his meal was not bad, at least better than ordinary people's.It seems that there is really a level difference.

"I said, our food seems to be better than others'." Hu Jun took a bite of the meat, it was really delicious.

Ji Jinjiang smiled, pointed at the lunch box with his chopsticks and said, "It's only human, if they share the same food, I'd be curious."

Hu Jun smiled and didn't speak anymore, he always seemed to be in control of everything, even though it was true.

"You just went over there to see, how are they?" Hu Jun asked while drinking the soup.Ji Jin was going to visit those minors just now, and Hu Jun also knew about their situation.

This trip did not take their bodies into consideration at all. Even for many adults, it was a very long, hasty, and somewhat unbearable journey.

Ji Jin swallowed the rice in his mouth, thought for a while and said, "It's all good. The cooking class probably knows that they are young and give them a lot of meat. They are laughing and making noise. Although they look tired, they are very energetic. Okay, it's just that Lu Lerao is troublesome." Ji Jinjiang shook his head, obviously, this was the discovery he was most dissatisfied with today, compared to everyone's aggressiveness, she was too squeamish.

Hearing what he said, Hu Jun tilted his head and asked him, "What's wrong?"

She stared wide-eyed, with an innocent and curious face, and her lips looked moist because of the soup she had just drank, which was quite different from her usual image. This girlish demeanor made Ji Jin unconsciously reach out and pat her s face.

"Lu Lerao was brought here by force, and she didn't bring anything. Just now, Qi Yiyi gave her his own lunch box, while I ate soup at the side."

Hu Jun was obviously taken aback by the sudden 'sneak attack', and his mind froze.But because of talking about Lu Lerao, she quickly got into the mood and forgot that the point was his frivolity.

He stopped his chopsticks and said seriously, "I brought her out this time, one is to let her grow up, and the other is to not want her to stay in the base and make trouble." Hu Juan shook his head, almost desperate for the girl.

There is a kind of person like this, who can't be taught no matter what, and whose personality has been fixed, it is really difficult to change.The only thing you can do is to keep such people by your side.

Ji Jinjiang smiled, and continued to bury his head in his meal, Lu Lerao had nothing to do with him.Touching my face today is a huge breakthrough, come on!
Qi Yi saw that Lu Lerao's food was about the same, and was planning to use the lunch box to hold the food later.Xiaoqiu ran over, handed her a lunch box and said, "Here, let's eat."

It was a white lunch box, which looked brand new, with meat and rice inside.

"This?" Qi Yi took it over and looked at Xiao Qiu in confusion.

"Give your lunch box to others, what do you eat yourself? Just eat it, this lunch box will be yours from now on." He watched Qi Yiyi say this, and subconsciously glanced at Lu Lerao who came over, the food in Lu Lerao's lunch box was almost finished , because I was in a hurry to eat, I even got a grain of rice on my face.

Xiao Qiu felt a little disdainful, how could Lu Lechen have such a younger sister.

No wonder someone asked him to deliver a lunch box just now, but he refused.

After thinking about it, Qi Yi still refused, "It's okay, I'll make another copy later."

Seeing her shyness, Xiaoqiu clicked her tongue, and said with some disgust, "Come on, the days will be long in the future, don't you have to wait? Let me tell you, the food over there has long been empty. Nothing to eat."

As soon as Qi Yi looked from a distance, sure enough, the place was still cleaned up. She was carrying the lunch box, smelling the aroma of the food, she was drooling already, so she was not polite at the moment, thanked her, and started to eat.

After the task was completed, Xiaoqiu left.

After Lu Lerao finished eating, she seemed to feel that something was wrong with her, so she leaned over embarrassed, "Yi Yi, thank you so much today."

While eating, Qi Yiyi waved his hand and said, "It's okay."

(End of this chapter)

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