Chapter 521 Set up camp (1)
In the end, Hu Jun compromised, she nodded, and wanted to take the rain boots.

But to her surprise, Ji Jinjiang didn't give her the shoes, he knelt down silently to help her change the shoes.She just supported Ji Jinjiang's shoulders, watched him bend over, and took off her shoes for her. She even brought a brand new towel and a pair of clean and warm cotton socks from nowhere, and dried her feet. , Help her put on cotton socks, and finally put on rain boots.

And the pair of shoes, which were already muddy, were thrown aside.

Ji Jinjiang stood up and continued walking without saying anything.It seemed that he had just done something so ordinary and natural that it was not worth mentioning by anyone.

This made Hu Jun, who was a little shy and didn't know what to do, gradually calm down and followed behind him.But looking at his upright figure, for the first time there was a ripple in my heart.

There is a very indescribable feeling that in Hu Jun's memory, Ji Jinjiang's waist is straight, always calm and tenacious.

Such a scene naturally attracted the attention of many people behind them, and there was a lot of discussion.

"Let me just say that Minister Ji and Ms. Hu are together." For those who like gossip, let's start like this.

"No way, if we are really together, we will be together if we are not here?"

"What do you know, long time makes love!"

Not far behind them, Ran Tao walked forward silently, his black hair had to be tied up, although it was no longer elegant, but he had a free and easy temperament.

His eyes looked at the pair of shoes that had been thrown aside, and the corners of his mouth curled up, a little sarcastic, but with no deep meaning.

Originally, such a road was already very difficult to walk, and the weather was even worse, and it started to rain near the evening.The rainwater hits the thick leaves, and collects little by little from the topmost leaves.Unlike the usual drizzle, it resembles a dilapidated house, full of various gaps.Like a brook, poured into a drowned rat.

Walking in this way is not only drenched, but more importantly, the rain makes the ground more muddy and slippery.The rotten fallen leaves were deposited on the ground, and after soaking, it became sticky and difficult to walk away.

Seeing this, the team had to rest early, but the wet forest was full of water, and it was uncomfortable to sit anywhere.However, thanks to the supernatural ability, one can cut down a hundred-year-old tree with one hand, cut the tree section by section, and soon there are many pure natural and pollution-free big tree brand small wooden blocks, which are strong and clean.

Of course, the disappearing big tree just left an open space for everyone to set up camp.

Unlike ordinary people, sitting on a tree stump, wearing a rain hat.Hu Jun and the others naturally have preferential treatment. If you don’t open your mouth, someone with supernatural powers will recommend themselves to build a house for them. The thick soil makes up the solid walls and ceilings. They didn’t forget to leave windows and doors for them. It looks like they are in the forest. hut, single family.

Hu Jun thanked them, but they were a little at a loss.

"You don't have to do this, they do this, but they want to keep themselves safe." Ji Jinjiang smiled after watching them leave, and explained to Hu Jun in this way.

Hu Jun shook his head, and took the hot ginger soup that Ji Jinjiang handed over. Needless to say, this must be the first pot of soup in the cooking class, so he brought it to himself.

I really don't think it's necessary, but having said that, it's better to have a house than nothing.She said to Zhou Musen beside her, "Let those children come in too."

As for who the child is, everyone knows it well.Zhou Musen was also transferred here just today, because he is a wood-type supernatural being, so he followed Hu Jun as an errand boy. This job is rare, and no one wants to show his face in front of Hu Jun, but he looks half-dead.

However, he usually behaved like a man with a poisonous tongue, and he didn't have a good face when he went to call someone at this moment.

He came to the group of little kids, and said impatiently, "Miss Hu let you go."

They were a little stunned when they were sitting on the small wooden pier, but they quickly realized it.

"Is there something wrong?" This is one who wants to work.

"Great, no need to get in the rain!" This is innocent and silly.

"No, we're fine here, don't bother me." This is polite and cautious.

"Why don't you build us a house, things have to be moved." This is... stupid.

The children reacted differently, and Zhou Musen noticed it.Other supernatural beings would definitely not talk too much. After all, this child is not only the future pillar of the base, what's more, each of their parents holds important positions in the base, so there is really no need to worry too much.

But who is Zhou Musen!

Even in front of Hu Jun, he was like everyone else, as if Hu Jun owed him 200 million, and You Yefeng scolded him a lot, but unfortunately, it was completely useless.

At this moment, he immediately looked at Lu Leluo with a look of contempt on his face, and said viciously, "You think this is a trip, and if you want this or that, if you want to be so comfortable and hit your head to death, then there is nothing to worry about."

He actually cursed her to die!
Tsk tsk tsk, it really... spoke out the aspirations of many people.

She really hates it, don't want this, don't do that, and she doesn't feel grateful for a small wooden pier, but picks and chooses, it's really annoying.Although he talks about Qi Yiyi as a friend, but in practice, he treats him like a servant and calls him around.

That is to say, if Qi Yi is kind-hearted, or anyone, he will turn against her.

"What are you talking about!" Lu Lerao was so angry that he wanted to choke with Zhou Musen immediately.

But people are not afraid of her, they said directly to her, "I'm talking about you! You are lazy, picky and picky, who do you think you are, stop daydreaming, don't piss and follow your own virtue!" He originally With a sullen face and a face full of contempt, but soon, he said with a half-smile, "But it's fine if you are like this, maybe the zombies will hate you, and let people escape!"

After speaking, Zhou Musen didn't care about her.He patted his ass and left, leaving only Lu Lerao flushed with anger.

Qi Yi hurriedly persuaded Lu Lerao, but Lu Lechen followed everyone to Miss Hu's room without concern for himself.Anyway, my sister can't do anything earth-shattering, so there's nothing to worry about.He bet that Lu Lerao would never have the guts to say no to entering Miss Hu's room.

Sure enough, after a while, Qi Yiyi pulled Lu Lerao over. Lu Lerao still looked unhappy, and when he saw Zhou Musen, he gave him a glare. He wanted to complain to Hu Juan, but Qi Yiyi pulled him away. Pan whispered, "Miss Hu is busy." Indeed, Hu Jun was looking down at the map.

The earth-type superhuman not only built a house for Hu Jun, but also built a simple kitchen for the cooking team. It was just three walls and a roof to ensure that the food would not be wasted due to rain.

(End of this chapter)

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