Chapter 526 Purgatory? (2)
"So, maybe someone is pretending to be a ghost." It's not a ghost, it's not a zombie, it can only be a person.

"However, humans can't do this, right? Minister Leng is very powerful." Hu Dong shook his head, thinking that it was impossible for a human being. Leng Kechen's supernatural powers are obvious to all, not to mention that he can definitely kill the enemy, but he can stay behind. The traces are not difficult, how could they disappear without a sound.

"Why not? What if this person is very powerful?"

Originally, Hu Jun also thought it was caused by someone, but just imagine, how can human beings survive in this kind of place?I'm afraid he would have starved to death before meeting them.Not only the living conditions, but who would escape from a place like this?

"However, speaking of it, it seems that people are the most likely, such as the ability to release fog, and the ability to stun poison." Pan Mu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly opened his mouth, but this opening made people suddenly enlightened.

It seems that people are the most likely.

Although, the possibility of human beings is obviously the smallest.

"Since you can't guess it, let's go and see."

Hu Jun raised his head and glanced at the sky, there were thin fragments of sunlight leaking in, but because of the continuous rain, the whole forest was still foggy.

She walked towards the depths of the forest with one foot deep and one foot shallow. Ji Jin would accompany her as much as she wanted, but she refused, "Someone must stay here, and I can do it alone." Her expression could not be refused, She was not talking to him as Hu Jun, but as the highest officer of the base to give him instructions.

After all, Ji Jinjiang nodded and watched her gradually walk away.

Hu Jun still walked towards the place where he disappeared. The journey was very peaceful, and it seemed that there was nothing worth caring about.

Suddenly, as they say, there was a fog.Soon he reached the point where he couldn't see his fingers. Hu Juan's nose moved, as if he smelled something.

There was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, and she fainted instantly.

When she woke up again, she was in a place where she couldn't see her fingers, her nose and ears were blocked by cloth, and her limbs were firmly bound with thick iron chains.

Being tied up, unable to move at all, and being in such a place is really frightening.

Hu Jun threw off the iron chain easily, stood up, groped to the wall, stuck to the wall, and there was no sound from outside.

I don't know if her voice has attracted the attention of others, and it feels like there are other things in the room.Although the sound is so small that there is almost no sound.

She turned her head and tried to see clearly in the dark room, but it was too difficult, it was too dark here.

Suddenly, she thought of something, and took out the flashlight from the space, but this photo made herself startled.

God!What kind of place is this, purgatory?
There are big iron pillars erected in the house, they stand up to the sky, and a person is chained to it. Some of them are not people, but skeletons. The skeleton has been scorched black, as if it had been roasted by fire.

As for the other people, they are even more pitiful. One person seems to have been hacked into pieces, the blood glistening like a muscle specimen, and some only have a head left, with a gloomy white bone under the head, which looks really scary .

Perhaps it was the faint light that caught their attention. Many people who were still alive shook their frail bodies vigorously, as if wanting to pay attention.

Hu Jun didn't save them, but took a flashlight and shone them one by one, hoping to find A Yin and the others.

Surprisingly, there were actually a lot of people here. After searching for a long time, they finally saw Leng Kechen at a corner. Fortunately, he was intact.

Hu Jun removed his chains with an ice skate and supported him, "Don't open your eyes, how are you doing now?"

Opening his eyes suddenly, the light would blind him instantly.Hearing Hu Jun's voice, Leng Kechen felt relieved, took a deep breath of relief, nodded, and was only imprisoned for a day, so, "It's okay."

"Do you know where the others are?"

"No, I don't know." When he woke up, he found himself locked up here without knowing anything.Hu Jun took out a bottle of water for him, and he took it, gulped it down, and felt himself come back to life.

Hu Jun stood up and looked at the room, feeling that it was not as simple as a room.I touched the wall, it wasn't made of cement, and there was no sign of wetness.

Leng Kechen slowly opened his eyes, stood up slowly, and those two legs seemed to be his own, "Miss Hu, this seems to be a cellar."

cellar?Hu Jun frowned, how could there be a cellar in the forest?

Just above the head, there are indeed quite a few people, most of them are men, wearing scantily clad clothes, behaving rudely, singing and having fun, a scene of extravagance in a pool of wine and meat.

Many girls were tied by thin iron chains, hugged in their arms, and wantonly kneaded. Often the result of resistance was slapped.

Although there are people with supernatural powers, after a long period of starvation and beatings, they have already lost the strength to use them.

A Yin is among these girls, but because she has such a sharp weapon as mind reading, and the other party dare not easily touch these girls who don't know how deep they are, she puts them aside and wears them slowly.So, they cleverly avoided the clutches one by one, and they were firmly pressed aside with chains.

Those poor girls were crying heartbreakingly, but they had no choice but to be kissed by strange men one by one.Their mouths were foul and disgusting.

Ayin wanted to save them, but there was really no way.They are all supernatural beings, and they also have guns. She squeezed her hands tightly, only hating that her supernatural powers are not offensive.

Just hope, others can find here.

Glancing at the women in the corner, they laughed more and more happily, "Haha, this time the results are fruitful!"

"That's right! But there are still quite a few of them, and there should be a lot of food. If they can make another ticket, they will be fine this winter."

The naked eyes, as if they were picking goods, made the girls shudder.

"Lao Liu, go down and have a look, and bring up something to eat."

The man who was called the sixth was a short and strong man. He was throwing himself on a girl. Although he didn't want to be named, he could only nod helplessly, touched the girl, and stood up.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Hu Jun and Leng Kechen turned their heads instantly, they looked at each other, and immediately hid, the flashlight was also turned off.

The sixth child came in and brought the sunlight into the room. With a big knife in his hand, he slashed at the nearest person with ease, and saw that person convulsed in pain, but his spirit had already fainted , leaving only physiological reactions.

(End of this chapter)

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