The Queen of Rebirth in the Last World Strikes

Chapter 536 People in love are fools

Chapter 536 People in love are fools (2)
But everyone was stunned immediately, and when he looked at him, "Alive!?"

Even Hu Jun looked at him nervously, expecting further explanation.

Ran Tao looked at Hu Jun and nodded, "I can feel their desire for food. You know, the only thing I can feel is zombies. But I can't control them."

"Then what do we do?"

Ran Tao didn't answer, but looked into the distance with indifference.

"Let's rest for a while." Ji Jin will make a decision after seeing everyone like this.After all, there are still wounded who have not recovered, and there is nothing they can do in a hurry.

Let's see, it's just the way it is.

Because it was too dark, the lights were turned on.It's like being in a secret room.

Xiao Qiu looked around, and suddenly said, "This place seems to be sealed, will it suffocate to death?"

"No, because there is air to flow in."

"That's different, maybe we'll suffocate here." Zhou Musen answered.

The others were whispering, and they were naturally worried, especially since even Hu Jun couldn't do anything, which made them panic even more.

Hu Jun lowered his head, his expression was not good.

Ran Tao sat next to her, he didn't look worried at all, he focused on the ground in front of him.

"Miss Hu, take a sip of water." The staff from the cooking class came over, holding a cup in their hands.

Hu Juan waved his hand, "I don't need it, give it to someone else."

The man looked at the cup with some embarrassment, obviously it was specially prepared for Hu Jun.

Hu Jun sat in a relatively remote place for the sake of being clean, Zhou Musen was called to see the children, and General Ji Jin wanted to observe the wounded, Ran Tao, who was the only one beside her, interjected, "Give it to me."

He looked at the water delivery man, who was startled, but quickly handed him the water glass and ran away.


Hu Jun didn't look at him, but still shook his head, she couldn't drink it.

Ran Tao no longer insisted, he held the glass, looked at the water in the glass, thought for a while and asked, "Are you worried?"

"Of course." Hu Jun smiled far-fetchedly, she had never encountered such a setback.

How is it possible that her abilities are basically useless!Maybe life has been going too well lately, and for some reason, I feel a deep sense of frustration.

"I won't let anything happen to you." Ran Tao said, his eyes looked at Hu Jun seriously, as if he was betting his own life.

Hu Jun shook his head with a smile, and only said, "You have to protect yourself." For now, Ran Tao is a weak boy with no strength to restrain a chicken.

After all, he has no powers, what can he do.

Seeing that Hu Jun didn't believe him, Ran Tao didn't speak, but turned his head sullenly.

Seemingly realizing that she had hit Ran Tao, she thought for a while and added, "I know, you care about me."

Ran Tao didn't answer any more, and Hu Jun didn't say anything more either.

There are still many injuries here, but another wave of battles is about to begin.

Hey, I regret going here.

On the other side, Ji Jinjiang said to Pan Zhan, "I'll go out and have a look later, you guard this place well."

"Get out? This forest is incredible, how do you get out?" Pan Zhan didn't understand, and didn't think it was a good way.

Ji Jinjiang looked at the decadent crowd, "Using the wind ability should be able to open the passage, plus the wind can blow me, I will go to the air."

Pan Zhan looked at him, thought for a while, and felt that the method of going to the sky was feasible, so he nodded and said, "That's good, but I'll help you, it's hard for you to go out by yourself."

Ji Jinjiang nodded, Pan Zhan's supernatural ability, rumbled, went straight into the sky, blasting a big hole in an instant, revealing the blue sky's wink.Ji Jin seized the time and disappeared in a whiz.

At the same time that the big hole closed instantly, Ji Jinjiang also disappeared.

Compared with everyone's shock, curiosity, and expectation.

Hu Jun stood up abruptly, walked over quickly, with a serious expression, and even said angrily, "What's going on!"

Pan Zhan recounted the incident.

"Nonsense! Why did you act on your own without telling me!" Hu Jun was a little angry. He didn't know what was going on in the forest, so how could he act rashly.

"Miss Hu, although the plants in the forest can grow, it's not difficult to calm down Ji Jinjiang's supernatural powers. There's nothing we can do if we just hide here."

"Pan Zhan, I thought you were very rational and calm. Since you know that plants can grow, don't they keep growing and catch Ji Jinjiang?"

Hu Juan was very anxious and worried, and didn't understand why Ji Jinjiang acted privately this time.

Pan Zhan felt that Hu Jun was making a fuss over a molehill, although this forest was weird, mysterious, and it was a situation he had never encountered before.But since Ji Jinjiang wanted to go out, it showed that he was sure.

Really, people who are in love are fools.

Seeing that the two were arguing, Fang Jia quickly came over to persuade them, "They also hope to find a way to make a little contribution to everyone."

Hu Jun glared at Fang Jia, motioning him to shut up.

Fang Jia shrugged, his kindness was not rewarded.

Ran Tao, who came over later, saw Hu Jun's anxious look, and didn't speak, but looked a little depressed.

But now, everyone can only wait.After waiting for nearly an hour, Ji Jinjiang came back with a strong wind.

I don't know what he did, his body was covered with dust and his clothes were dirty.

Hu Juan walked over quickly and looked at him. Fortunately, he was intact.

He wanted to call him an idiot, but he couldn't say it, so he could only keep his face cold on purpose.

Ji Jin will not tell her, naturally because he is afraid of her objection, so he is not in a hurry to explain now, but said, "I observed from the air, only our position is like a bump in the forest. Other places, and Nothing changed. I attacked other places and found that other trees seemed to be responding like here."

This is not good news, everyone feels a little discouraged, how can this get out.

"Better to know than to know nothing."

Hu Juan paced back and forth, and finally said, "Let all the ministers and vice ministers come over. Have a meeting!"

Because of the large number of people, Hu Jun was responsible for handling the main things during the march.There are other people who are responsible for opening the way and managing the large forces.

In order to facilitate the regulations, there is no explanation, each personnel must not leave their posts without permission, and must always guard their own group of people to prevent problems.

So all along, Hu Juan has only Pan Zhan, Ji Jinjiang, Ran Tao, and sometimes Xiao Xia by his side.The Leng Brothers was an accident, an accident.

(End of this chapter)

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