Chapter 541
Although, the management really disagrees with such a decision.

But who would have thought that ordinary people would be extremely happy, all they want is such arrogance!
Everyone set up camp outside the base, and even if a few zombies with no eyes came over, they became toys for young children to practice their hands on.

They seemed to be living in their own home leisurely. At night, the smoke rose and they started cooking again.Today's night sky is extraordinarily bright, the stars are shining so beautifully, and some people even sing a song.

Uh, what the hell is going on with this bonfire feeling?

Compared to them, the people on the opposite side were a little flustered.

The soldiers guarding the city panicked, and by the time the notifications went up layer by layer, it was already night, "A group of strangers came outside, they seem to be from the prosperous empire."

"Good! Good! Good!" I thought the commander would be anxious and worried, but unexpectedly his face was full of excitement.

As the new commander of this city, he is eager for a chance to show himself.Unexpectedly, just thinking about it like this, an opportunity will drop from the sky!

"Let's let them know how powerful they are!" His eyes were very vicious, and he thought that this was an opportunity given to him by God.Let the group of people who sent him know that there are opportunities to make meritorious service everywhere, and he will go back.

Unexpectedly, the prosperous empire that others could not solve, actually ran into his own hands.Then don't blame him for being cruel, but blame them for being stupid.

Early the next morning, the New Hope base was ready, and so was the other side.

They have solid city walls, heroic supernatural warriors, and the zombies on the outermost layer who don't know pain or fatigue, like an invincible fortress, waiting for the idiots outside to find their own death.

Hu Juan gave an order, although they were not many in number, especially after they were thrown out, there were no thousands of troops at all, and the scattered ones looked a little pitiful, but they had the momentum of breaking through.

The group of attackers who opened the way ahead can put a bunch of zombies in one move.The charred zombie danced and danced, and soon turned into ashes, drifting away with the wind.

A few more advanced zombies are often killed by the large troops chasing after them.

In the blink of an eye, he had broken through the zombie encirclement and reached the city.

The soldiers approached the city, which made the people in the city a little panicked.

They really didn't have much experience in fighting with people, and they took out the moldy pistols one by one in a panic, and launched random attacks downwards.Dodging these attacks is effortless, as easy as playing a stand-alone game.

"The level is really poor." Xiaoqiu curled her lips, disdainful, and wanted to show off her skills, after all, he is also a new superpower, why is he so annoying, he doesn't give him a chance.

Qi Yiyi, who participated in the attack for the first time, was very nervous at first, always afraid that he would back off or hurt others.But after fighting, she realized that there was nothing for her to show her strength.

It is often difficult to find a zombie, and before it is ready to make a move, it is killed by others.

Although there are many zombies and few zombies, it can give people a feeling that there are more wolves and less meat, bah, it is the feeling that there are more people and fewer zombies.Lu Lerao was also among them, originally thinking about clinging to someone to ensure her survival.I suddenly realized that it was actually the same as shopping on the main road, without any sense of urgency.

Originally, the native supernatural power wanted to set up a ladder and kill him, but Hu Jun rejected it.

The supernatural beings of the gold system finally had a chance to display their strength. They were gearing up, all excited, and punched the city gate, and the solid iron gate made a dull bang bang sound.

Clear fist marks appeared on the door one by one, and the guards in the city looked shocked, as if the punch had been punched in the face.

"Defend, defend!" The city shouted frantically, its voice almost hoarse.Everyone hurriedly searched for the cannon, but after a long time of use, they couldn't tell where the cannonball was.

The commander in the city was dumbfounded, this is wrong.

It should be him who triumphed all the way, and the zombies around him should have devoured them all, and he sent people out to capture the leader alive.Then take them to the capital, from then on all the way to the ranks of officials and ranks, towards the subversion of life.

But how it became like this is really unexpected.

His secretary hurriedly said, "Mayor, I don't have time. If we don't leave, we won't be able to leave. We need to get out of here quickly!" He looked anxious, and he was afraid that the gate would be breached in a few minutes.

"Run!" Keeping the green hill alive, he would never have to worry about running out of firewood, so he absolutely didn't want to die here!
Fortunately, there is still a car here, and the few of them drove away secretly, regardless of the life and death of the people in the base.

By the time the people from New Hope Base rushed in, the leaders here had long since fled without a trace.The poor residents of the base are still fighting bravely and fighting bloody battles.

Although it's not right to fight the living, but when they hold guns to their heads, the only thing left in their minds is to fight.It took less than an hour, and the New Hope Base successfully planted its flag here.

Originally, the prosperous empire did not have a good expansion map, but it was actually achieved by Hu Jun, a little girl, in the last days!Really, I don't know whether it should be joy or sorrow.

The residents of the base complained bitterly, because in their hearts, the New Hope Base was a murderous devil and a terrible predator.I am afraid that what awaits them in the future will be a miserable life like purgatory.

As if the tragic future had been foreseen, when Hu Jun and others walked in, what greeted them were the hateful and angry eyes of the base residents.

But I don't want to, what I imagined actually didn't happen.

The base was quickly put on the right track, except for an iron-fisted crackdown on rebels.In fact, if you think about it carefully, the treatment of residents is not bad.At least in the most basic food and accommodation, there is no skimping, and it is even a little better than before.

But how did they know that this kind of treatment is already very bad in the eyes of the New Hope base people.In the prosperous empire, the life of those affiliated small bases is three points better than here.

It can only be said, hey, this Lingguo has really inherited the inferior tradition of the New Hope Base in the previous world.

Hu Juan was sitting in the spacious office, looking at the extravagance of the decoration, she turned the swivel chair and looked at Qi Yiyi, "What's the matter?"

When Qi Yi came to find her, it was a little surprising.

Qi Yi said seriously, but also somewhat cautiously, "Miss Hu..."

Such an unfamiliar address was interrupted by Hu Jun, "It's just like before."

Hearing what Hu Jun said, Qi Yiyi couldn't tell what it was like, it was a little sour, a little astringent, and a little sweet, "Aunt Hu."

I still remember that when she wanted to drink milk when she was a child, it was given to her by the woman in front of her.Since then, her family has had a relationship with her.

(End of this chapter)

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