Chapter 544
He thought about it and made a decision.

"You want Lu Lerao to stay?" Hu Juan was taken aback, stopped writing and looked up at Xiao Xia.

Xiao Xia nodded, "If she keeps it, it will be a disaster in the end."

Hu Jun put down his pen, stood up, shook his head, and said with a smile, "I used to have thoughts similar to yours, but gradually, forget it. It's just a spoiled girl, nothing to worry about."

"But she has such parents and brothers, I'm afraid she will cause trouble when she grows up."

"Isn't that right?" Hu Juan smiled meaningfully and said nothing more.

When Xiao Xia came out, she didn't really understand it.Where is it?There are quite a few Miss Jijiao, they don't even have a tenth of Lu Lerao's, but they have caused a lot of disasters.

If so, Lu Leluo might go too far and clean up the mess...

Wait, he got it.

It must be the Lu family who cleaned up the mess. What is he worried about?As long as the base is still Miss Hu's, how can Lu Lerao find out?

It turns out that having such a girl is still good.The Lu family must be constrained everywhere. If the family is really full of heroes, warriors, and counselors, then it will be a great threat.

Xiao Xia, who wanted to understand, smiled. In fact, as long as she is not allowed to do anything that harms the interests of the base, other things can be closed and passed on.

At this moment, Xiao Xia is in a particularly good mood, but it's just that poor Qi Yi blindly seeks perfection.Hey, why was Qi Zhejun so stupid back then, otherwise Qi Yiyi is also the proud daughter of heaven.

The king of the Ling Kingdom, who was far away in the capital, had a big head.The Ling Kingdom is not a constitutional monarchy, but a real quasi-feudal dynasty, with the king in charge and the ministers assisting.

After the end of the world began, the country was in turmoil, forces from all over the country revolted, and zombies were rampant, the king almost disappeared.Finally, after several years, he finally regained the country, and when he was full of confidence, he even started conquering other countries.Going to the New Hope base is a test.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually attacked, and was so successful that he took away the land he had finally regained.This is a blatant slap in the face, which makes people angry.

At this moment, he was wearing the king's robe, standing in the meeting room, looking at the occupied red areas on the big screen, his face was gloomy and ugly.

Because if you make a straight line, you will find that they are pointing directly at the city where they are.

The courtiers were buzzing and whispering underground, all discussing this woman surnamed Hu. In their impression, there was no Hu surname in the three major families and five minor families of the prosperous empire.

The king looked at them, and finally said, "The enemy country is coming to fight, and we have to fight. Send General Weld to obey the order and fight!"

"Obey!" The burly and tall General Wilde straightened out his big belly with a look of pride and contempt.He turned and left, his heavy boots walking on the road, making a crisp rattling sound, this rhythmic sound struck everyone's hearts.

The honorable king seemed to have seen the triumphant return of General Wilder, and the crowd rejoiced.He smiled and put the matter behind him.Those small cities are just some weak existences, and once General Wilde faces the battle, they are bound to succeed.General Wilder is the hero who recovered the country after the end of the world, and every attack he made was a prelude to triumph.

There is nothing to fear when a little girl comes to commit an offense.

After the reunification of the country, General Wilde never had the chance to go out again.This time he led a full 10 horses and countless sophisticated and advanced weapons.Compared with the hundreds of unarmed people in the New Hope Base reported on the report, there are too many people, as if they are bullying the small with the big, and the victory is already settled.

He doesn't care how many people there are, his army should be huge in number, showing his glory and honor from the momentum.

What's more, how many younger generations in the family still need to rely on this battle to get promoted, and the children of the allies' families are all waiting for this opportunity to become famous.They are gearing up and eager to try, and there must be a lot of people.

In their eyes, this battle has become a battle that must be won.

The king stood on the high fort, saying those repeated words in a cliché.

After he finished his last sentence, General Wilde saluted him, and then shouted, "Let's go!" The voice was loud and lingered in the air for a long time.

The mighty army stood on the main road of the city, and they stretched for several miles.They are wearing exquisite armor, their steps are neat, and their military boots are very exciting when they step on the ground.In the welcome of the residents, they left the city.

Not long after they set off, Hu Jun and others also received news.

"That's really great." Hearing the news, Hu Jun was not worried at all, and even seemed to be in a better mood, "Stop and rest, since they came to look for us, there is no need to leave." Originally set off The plan of the plan was stranded, although everyone didn't know it, but they didn't care about these things.

This city is a famous historical ancient city and a tourist attraction in Ling State.Usually, if you want to come here just for accommodation, it is so expensive that you will jump your feet.Not to mention the huge crowds of people at the scenic spots, and the free prices of those famous restaurants, people have no choice but to give up.

At this moment, they have enough time to appreciate the beautiful scenery here. Although the buildings have experienced wars, they have been somewhat damaged, but it does not affect the overall situation. They are still amazingly beautiful.

Even the local delicacies can be reproduced.

There are always a few smart people who find a chef among the locals. The chef was afraid at first, but after realizing that this is an opportunity.I did my best.No, Hu Juan praised it after tasting it.

Desserts are sweet but not greasy, one bite after another, you can't stop at all.It smells fine, and there is also the aroma of fruit, "As expected of a chef."

Because Hu Jun likes the snacks he makes, the cook is a bit of a chicken dog, and his status has risen by leaps and bounds, and he is in charge of Hu Jun's desserts.

Such a pleasant life like that of aristocrats makes people feel a little relaxed unconsciously. No, Hu Jun is already somewhat used to the happy time of afternoon tea every day.

Today's dessert is a lovely macaron, paired with black tea, it looks extra cute and attractive in the fine porcelain tableware.

"Try it." Hu Jun invited Ran Tao who came over.

After Ran Tao sat down, he looked at Hu Jun, then at the delicate pastries on the plate, after thinking about it, he picked one up and took a bite.

It's too sweet, this is his deepest feeling, he frowned, not feeling delicious at all.But meeting Hu Jun's expectant eyes, he still said against his will, "Not bad." After speaking, he took a sip of black tea to wash away the sweetness.

Hu Jun was not surprised that he would lie, so he kindly said, "Then I will ask Jerry to make some for you."

(End of this chapter)

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