The Queen of Rebirth in the Last World Strikes

Chapter 553 1 It's Too Late

Chapter 553 It's Too Late (1)
Pan Mu nodded, of course he knew.

"You know why she did it?"

"In order to make the residents' lives better."

"She hopes that through this, when returning to the base, the residents will understand that being a prisoner is actually better than living as a resident."

"But, so what? They are obedient and will never resist." Pan Mu understood the thoughts of these people, they were really cowardly.

"They won't, but what about their children and others. After all, everyone will always remember that there was such a time when they lived happily. Even, in the retelling, this time will be beautified unconsciously and become more beautiful. Good. One day, those who are oppressed to the point of being unbearable will do it. Even if they don’t do it, at least those people in Lingguo who are ambitious and treat the residents like dirt will not be able to take over the bases well.”

Because people's hearts are always a very important thing.

The people's hearts are not consistent, so what kind of country is prosperous and strong?
Pan Mu nodded half-understood, some things were really too profound for him.However, he will tell these words to his friends, hoping they can understand.

When leaving, it was actually not difficult, after all, they had no property.

But the matter of Vivienne was officially brought up to Hu Jun for the first time.Hu Jun looked at Leng Kechen and said to him, "I said before, you are not allowed to bring any outsiders with you."

"I know." Leng Kechen stood in front of Hu Jun, but did not sit down, "But we are together. I can't leave her alone."

"Can't leave? Since you know it's impossible to take her away, why did you choose to be with her?" Hu Jun was completely dissatisfied with Leng Kechen's finding a foreign woman.

She thinks that Pan Yin is very good, and she also chatted with Pan Yin, she hopes to be with Leng Kechen.

As a woman, she naturally leaned towards Pan Yin, and continued without giving Leng Kechen time to answer, "I thought you knew that what these women like is actually the life you represent behind your back. Besides, you have always disliked the life in our base." Isn't the reason for the girls precisely because they don't like the performance of superficial forces that those girls are interested in the strength behind you?"

Leng Kechen nodded. Hu Juan was not the first to say this to him.Just talking about my younger brother, I don't know how many eyes I gave myself, let alone other people.

However, he was firm and repeated, "I can't abandon her."

"Why are you so stubborn?" Hu Jun rubbed his forehead, feeling very tired.

Leng Kechen looked at Hu Jun, how could he not understand what Hu Jun meant.However, he couldn't tell her what his feelings for Vivienne were, because even he wasn't sure.

However, one thing he was sure of was that he couldn't give up on that poor girl.You can take it as a kind of sympathy, but he understands that the girl is someone who is worth his company for the rest of his life.

"I really have no way to let her go. If we talk about Pan Yin and I, we can only say that we are destined to each other." These four words are his final conclusion on the relationship between the two.

Seeing this, Hu Juan knew that there was no other way.She's not a matchmaker, so what else?

"Okay, I understand." She waved her hand and let him go down.

Leng Kechen didn't leave, and continued to ask, "And her family."

Hu Juan wished he could pick up the pen in his hand and smash him to death. It was already a great kindness to let a person go, but he wanted a whole family! "Do you want to bring her relatives and friends with you? Why not take the whole city with you!" she shouted.

"If it's possible, that's even better." Leng Kechen said with a stern smile.

"Don't give me that hippie smile! Let me tell you, just this once, you go back and act like a cow or a horse to repay my kindness!" Hu Juan roared angrily!He will definitely be exhausted when he goes back, absolutely exhausted!die!he!

Leng Kechen smiled, "Thank you." He had answered Vivian that he would take his family away, and he did.

Seeing Leng Kechen leaving satisfied, Hu Jun's anger just now gradually calmed down, she shook her head, originally she firmly disagreed with Vivian to follow, let alone a family.

But Ji Jinjiang is right, the matter has come to this point, what's the use of being deadlocked?
From an overall perspective, Leng Kechen's choice is the best.It is not a good sign that the Pan family is married to the Leng family.

She shook her head, letting go of those thoughts.

It's just a pity that Pan Yin didn't grasp it.After all, Leng Kechen is really an excellent man, and also an excellent brother, if he wants to be a husband and father, he will not be bad.

When Vivian's parents and brother knew that they could be together, they were so happy that they couldn't express their inner feelings in words.

"Oh my God, we actually want to leave here!" Vivienne's mother screamed in surprise when she heard the news. It's really surprising that her deep voice can be so high-pitched.

Vivian's father kept asking in disbelief, "Is it true? Is it true?"

Her little brother was staring, listening carefully to every word she said, lest he miss it, but looking at his glowing eyes, he probably couldn't listen to anything.

Vivienne's cheeks are still slightly flushed, just when Leng Kechen told herself the news, she was like a family member, and she was about to faint from happiness.

"It's true, he told me that we can leave here with them and go to New Hope Base." Vivienne couldn't restrain her trembling voice, thinking that she was going to faint from happiness.

He could actually leave here with his parents and younger brother, and the man he liked brought them away. They were going to live in a legendary fairyland-like place!

Vivienne's family of four is still restraining their excitement, otherwise, the roof will be toppled over!However, now is not the time to be excited, thinking of Leng Kechen's entrustment, she quickly calmed down and said to her family, "Mom and Dad, although we are leaving here, I hope you understand that we are the only ones who can leave here. "

Only our four words nakedly exposed the reality.While they are lucky, they are also envied.

"I hope you can keep a low profile, because Leng has made a lot of troubles for our affairs. As rumored outside, they will not take anyone with them when they leave." She paused and said, "We It's a special approval, a special instruction from Ms. Hu Junhu."

Vivian's father held his daughter's hand, looked seriously into her beautiful blue eyes and said, "We understand, don't worry, we won't show off this matter, and we won't embarrass Leng."

(End of this chapter)

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