Chapter 555 A Better Way

I can feel the really cold wind, I don't know who stepped on something.When I lowered my head and looked at the snow, it turned out to be bones!
The sky was overcast with clouds, and the town was eerily quiet, looking like a ghost town.

With a click, a lightning struck down.

Pan Zhan quickly shouted, "Come in!"

Everyone hurried into the village, and walking in the village, the eerie feeling became more and more intense.You can hear clicks from time to time, but now there is no chance to care about these things.

Dead people are too normal, they are either eaten by zombies, starved to death or killed by people.All in all, nowadays people don't feel so shocked when they see dead people.As soon as I entered the house, it started to rain heavily outside, and the rain came quickly and heavily.

Fang Jia leaned on the window and looked out, "Didn't you say that spring rain is as expensive as oil? Why is the rain gone?" The rain fell on the snow outside, and the road would be more difficult to walk.

Zhou Musen rolled his eyes, and lying on the half-damaged chair with his legs crossed, he said, "I think the rain won't stop for a while, so let's just stay here honestly."

Yes, I can only stay honest.

It rained for three whole days. The rain mixed with the snow on the ground, and the road quickly turned into ice. It was not too much to walk and fall, which made everything very bad.

Hu Jun sat on the chair and looked outside, sighing.

"Miss Hu, this is your afternoon tea." It was Xiaoqiu who delivered the meal, and he acted as a temporary errand worker.

Hu Jun nodded. This dessert was made by Vivienne's father. Although it is not as good as the foreign pastry chef who made afternoon tea for him before, it is still okay.

Thinking about the foreign chef who expressed his desire to continue serving him many times, Hu Jun took a bite of the biscuit, she is not a luxury person, how could she choose to take one more person away for her own appetite.

"What are you all doing?" Hu Jun told Xiao Qiu to sit down and share together.

Xiaoqiu waved his hands again and again, how could he eat it, he was courting death.Standing there well-behaved, he said, "The people in the cooking class have already started preparing the materials for dinner, some of them are patrolling a small area in the village, and some of them are exercising at the base."

Hu Jun nodded, swallowed the biscuit in his mouth, took a sip of tea and asked again, "Where are Lu Lerao and the others?"


Xiaoqiu was speechless for a while, because they were playing.

Originally, everyone was going to boxing, but Lu Lerao didn't like it, so she dragged Qi Yiyi to have a snowball fight.Qi Yi couldn't persuade her as soon as she made a fuss, and everyone joined in.No, it was a hot fight in a small open space in the village, and there were faint traces of adults joining.

"What?" Hu Juan looked at him with raised eyebrows, and he could only tell the truth cruelly.

Hu Jun put down his glass, wiped his hands and said, "Come on, let's go and have a look."

She was still curious about how to play in such a rainy day.It was only when I arrived that I realized that I was really clever. I called an ice-type supernatural person to build a huge sky screen to isolate the rain.Then the ice-type supernatural powers will turn the rain into snow, which is really interesting to fight.

Hu Juan asked with great interest, "Which ice-type supernatural power did it?"

"Lu Lechen." Xiao Qiu replied.

Hu Jun nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Xiaoqiu looked at her, not sure what she was thinking.

Everyone who was having fun had no idea that Hu Juan was watching them from a distance, all immersed in the fun of snowball fights.After a while, young people joined in one after another, and the battle situation expanded rapidly.

Laughing, screaming, calling for help, etc. all converge together, and it looks so happy and beautiful, as if this is not the end of the world, but beautiful.

Suddenly, a snowball hit.Lu Lerao was hit right on the ground, there was a pile of blood on her neck, and she was bouncing around endlessly in the cold, with an angry expression on her face, she shouted, "I'll kill you!" Dong chased after him, poor Hu Dong didn't want to hit Lu Lerao.

However, there is no way.Who made Pan Mu dodge too deftly, the snowball passed him and went straight to Lu Lerao behind him.Looking at the menacing Lu Lerao, he could only put oil on his feet and run away!
While running, he avoided the snowball flying by and everyone who was having fun, and Lu Lerao chased after him.It made him run farther and farther, and was suddenly hit on the head by a snowball.In addition, the snow field that has been built has long since been removed, and the ground is very slippery.It's just that when he leaned forward slightly, his center of gravity suddenly became unstable and he fell to the ground.

"Ouch." He yelled, blushing.

When he rubbed his sore knees and face, thinking that Lu Leluo was going to deal with a new round of attacks, he realized that she was standing there in a daze.

Hu Dong rubbed the back of his head and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Hey, I seemed to see a person walking past just now." Lu Lerao frowned subconsciously, thinking about what it was.

"Someone might go there." Hu Dong said indifferently, since there is no development there at all, how could there be people?

Lu Lerao thought for a while, then nodded, probably because she was dazzled.She suddenly remembered, didn't she come to arrest Hu Dong?But when he looked up, there was no shadow of Hu Dong.

She hurried back, forgetting about the matter of the shadow.

I thought Hu Juan was managing everyone, but I didn't expect that she just watched quietly for a while and then went back.It seemed that this matter was acquiesced, so everyone had a great time playing, and everyone's laughter could be heard from a long distance away.

Each one is full of enthusiasm and vitality.

Even Vivian followed Leng Kechen and participated for a while.Vivienne's younger brother George is naturally attracted.The game is always a good process for everyone to get to know each other, but George has already met many partners.This made him very happy, although the language barrier, but at least not too lonely.

They hooked up and went to get ready for dinner.

The cooking class probably expected that they would be very hungry because they consumed a lot of energy, so the dishes were very rich, and the amount was even more scary.

After dinner, everyone who had nothing to do could only lie on the bed early, waiting for the dark ceiling.A few days ago, I was too tired because of my identity, and I was able to fall asleep all at once.But after a few days of rest, it was obvious that everyone couldn't sleep anymore.

"I'm going to the bathroom." A person tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, and went out after notifying the person next to him.

Just go out, no one thinks much.But once he left, he never came back.

Early in the morning, when everyone realized that something was wrong, they realized that three of them had been lost in one night.

"He's gone?" Hu Jun held his forehead, why is it so.

She thought for a while and said, "Look around." Anyway, it won't disappear for no reason, either there is someone, or there is something strange.Compared with the disappearance of Pan Yin and the others at the beginning, Hu Juan is much calmer now.

(End of this chapter)

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