Chapter 559 The Grand Finale (1)
"What's the matter?" Hu Jun asked the girl who led the way beside him. The girl showed indignation and explained to Hu Jun, "It's people from outside who have come again, and they have bad intentions!"

Hu Juan gave her a puzzled look, but he didn't understand why.

Here she was, stuck in a situation where she didn't know what to do.

The New Hope base has long been in chaos.

The disappearance of Hu Jun is puzzling, and Ji Jinjiang and Ran Tao almost disappeared together with her, completely throwing everyone into panic.If it was just Hu Jun who left, maybe Ji Jin would be able to lead his subordinates and control the base with an iron fist.After all, Hu Jun asked him to manage the base on his behalf.Coupled with the relationship between the two of them who talked semi-openly, it can be considered, and the name is justified.

But now both of them have disappeared, and no one knows where they went, let alone when they will return, so the base is now equivalent to a group of dragons without a leader.

Lu Jingsheng sits at the base all year round, and the number of years he has stayed here is long enough.Many subordinates persuaded him to seize power one after another, as if they wanted to add a yellow robe to him.But Lu Jingsheng naturally refused. He only said that Qi Zhejun had a lesson from the past, and he was afraid that if he dared, he would be mobilized and attacked.

As Pan Zhan, although he didn't stay at the base long enough, he often went out with Hu Jun.Things come and go in the wind and rain, and in addition to this six-month operation, Hu Jun took away all the elites.The elites naturally support Pan Zhan, who has been with them day and night, and admires his abilities.Naturally, there are many others because of his sister, a woman with mind reading skills.

Brothers Leng, Xu Langyu, and even Brother Xiaoxia also had a lot of support.The three groups of people all have their own camps and spheres of power, and it is hard not to say that others interfere. The three groups of people are also ranked high in front of Hu Jun.

Of course, everyone also has some need to follow them.

In addition to these capable ones, children like Hu Dong were also drawn into the battle.Many people approached the Hu family, trying to persuade Hu's father and mother Hu to let Hu Dong take control of the base on their behalf.

There are always many people around Hu Dong, and they chant songs in his ears, saying that Hu Jun's hard work cannot be wasted, and that as Hu Jun's closest person, he must shoulder a heavy responsibility and become the new leader of the base.

It was said over and over again, as if Hu Jun died outside and could not come back.Fortunately, this kid Hu Dong is not the kind of person who has too much desire, he was kicked out one by one!

What is this, to coerce the emperor to order the princes? !Besides, this emperor is not the real emperor.

Oh, you have to ask, why not find Hu Yue?
Because he is an individual, he knows that Hu Juan actually has no affection for his cousin.Wanting him to go out is no different from pulling out a random person from all over the street.

However, Hu Yue was not pulled down, and someone came to him, hoping that he would persuade Hu Dong.But they were all kicked out by Zhang Hong one after another. She was like a mirror in her heart, her sister-in-law was very capable.

Hu Jun's parents were worried that their daughter's consolation would be annoying enough in itself, and now they were even more annoyed to see a person coming and going.No, they were too careless that day, and Mama Hu fainted out of anger.

This dizziness is terrible, even though Hu Jun is not at the base now.But everyone knows how much she cares about her parents.No, these people were dealt with immediately.

The momentum of this team has also weakened slightly.

Originally, everyone had no intention of fighting at all.But the residents of the base stood in line, which made them have to face such a situation embarrassingly. After a long time, they avoided meeting as much as possible.

And the more they avoid meeting each other, the more the residents of the base feel that there is a problem, and a vicious circle is about to begin.

As far as the residents of the base were concerned, they absolutely did not want Hu Jun to die.But she disappeared for no reason, and there was no news or arrangement for a long time.For my own future life, I must find a backer.

This is looking around, and this becomes standing in line.

Speaking of it, they are also very helpless, but they have to do so.After all, many things have to be decided by others, and the only trained general Ji Jin also left.

"Where did Aunt Hu go?" Chen Xi asked his mother while hugging the meat. He was still young, but he heard a lot of words and became curious.

Chen Lei shook her head, how did she know that the base was in chaos.Without Hu Jun's suppression, although everyone is restraining, desire will expand sooner or later.

She touched her son's head, afraid that she would not be able to protect him then.

Chen Xi raised her head and smiled sweetly at her mother.Before Chen Lei's mood improved, that unlucky younger brother rushed in and opened his mouth, "Sister, do you know that Vivian and Pan Yin are arguing!"

To say that everyone is hostile is completely out of the question.But when Leng Kechen met Pan Yin, it was really embarrassing.After all, the two had been in love once. Although most people in the base didn't know about it, they couldn't contain the flames, and everyone knew about it in a few days.I also know that Leng Kechen's new girlfriend is a foreigner.

Vivian likes this place, it is really beautiful here.But there are many who don't understand, this is not today, just met Pan Yin because of a trivial matter.

To say that the two didn't quarrel, they just had a dispute.But in the eyes of others, this matter is big!
"Brother, do we want to support Hu Dong?" Xiao Qiu stretched out on the sofa, looking very lazy.

Xiao Xia glanced at her younger brother, but said nothing.My younger brother, I know it well.He must have something to say to himself, no need to ask.Now Xiao Xia is much more mature, she is no longer such a thin boy.

He was holding a knife in his hand at the moment, sharpening it carefully, the knife had a cold light, it was given to him by Hu Jun.

Sure enough, Xiaoqiu saw that his brother didn't speak, so he 'rolled' over after a while, and said to his brother, "Brother, I don't think Hu Dong can do it." He said seriously.


As if he had sensed his brother's question, he told everything he knew like a bean, "You see, he didn't make much contribution when he went out this time, and he was hesitant to do things. If he is really in charge of the base, he will definitely It’s not going to be much better. He can at most be a king of success, and the base is in such a mess now, if you listen to him, it will definitely end badly.”

"Then who do you think is suitable?"

Xiaoqiu didn't speak this time. After a while, she sat back on the sofa discouragedly, lowered her head and muttered, "Miss Hu."

Yes, Hu Jun is the most suitable one.

Xiao Xia didn't speak, although they were fighting for each other, all he had to do when he was sleepy was to wait for Hu Jun to come back, that's all.

He raised the knife and looked at it seriously.Only the sharpest knife can cut the wound and remove the cancer.

The patriarch's eyes were sharp, and he looked back at the tree of life. His eyes were so complicated that Hu Jun didn't know what he was thinking.

"Everyone follow me to defend!" As he said, he himself disappeared like a flash of lightning, followed by others.Hu Jun thought he was fast enough, but if it wasn't for that girl pulling him, he might not be able to keep up with the speed of these ancient people, even their shadows.

(End of this chapter)

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