Chapter 565 The Grand Finale (7)
Hu Jun was taken aback, "How is that possible! Didn't you say that if you leave here, you will grow old? Moreover, not only Fengzhu is not aging, but your brother is also not aging." What Su Mi said sounded really backwards and forwards The contradiction made Hu Jun not feel suspicious of the authenticity of her words.

This made Shu Mike a little anxious, what she said was the truth!
"I don't know why Fengzhu and elder brother can't change, but I'm telling the truth!"

Maybe she was telling the truth, but it was full of loopholes.Seeing that she was about to cry in anxiety, Hu Jun didn't want to make things difficult for her anymore.

This is really a fairyland outside the world, Hu Jun only walked for a while, but he didn't even want to leave.She thought about going into the space to see Xiao Kong, but she didn't dare.

While the two were talking, they saw a woman in blue with an anxious face and a bag in her hand, running over in a hurry.

When she saw Shu Mi, she just nodded and left in a hurry.However, it was Su Mi who hurriedly asked, "How is Lan Li?"

The woman shook her head, the tears in her eyes were hanging but not falling, and her slender figure made people feel affectionate.

Although Sammi remembers to find some food for Hu Jun, seeing that Lan Die is so anxious, she invites Hu Jun to Lan Die's house together.Hu Jun may not be very hungry, so he went with him.

After walking for about ten minutes, I saw a hut. Compared with the common bamboo huts, this room is full of flowers and full of childishness.

After the two entered, they walked to the inner room.

I saw a beautiful little girl like a porcelain doll lying on a small bed. Her eyes were closed and her lips were a little blue.Her skin is so fair and translucent, you can see those tiny blue blood vessels.

Lan Die shook her head at the mother beside the bed. The woman's hopeful face immediately dimmed. She lowered her head and stroked the face of her little daughter, while the father on the other side kept moaning and sighing.

Lan Li tried hard to open her eyes, moved the corner of her mouth and said, stretched out her weak and cold little hand, put it on her mother's hand hard, and comforted, "It's okay."

It's okay if she doesn't say anything, but when she spoke, both mother and Landie cried.

Seeing this, Shami could only exchange some pleasantries and left.

Hu Jun asked, "What happened to her?"

"She is the youngest child in our clan, only in her teens." Sammi shook her head with a sad expression, "We haven't had a new life for a long time."

Hu Jun was taken aback, why?
"Different from the world, the new life of our people is born from the tree of life. We must take the nectar from the newly bloomed flower buds and swallow it into the woman's belly to conceive life. When the flowers of the tree of life are in full bloom, it means that the fruit is ripe. The timing of childbirth. Before the new tribe reaches adulthood, their lives must be maintained by the tree of life, and they must eat the fruit from the tree of life. During the growth process, the more fruits they eat, the stronger they will grow up. We The patriarch of the patriarch is in the growth period, which coincides with the peak state of the tree of life, and eats a lot of life fruits. Therefore, the spiritual power is far superior to ordinary people. But now the tree of life is too weak, let alone make the children in the growth period strong, Even it hasn't produced fruit for a long time, I'm afraid she won't be able to survive." Saying that, Sammi burst into tears.

"We have already died many such children. If things go on for a long time, we will never have any new life."

"Not only that, our tree of life is getting weaker and weaker, and everyone's power comes from the tree of life. Once the tree of life declines, we will die too." Su Mi said very sadly, because they watched the decline of the tree of life , Undoubtedly means watching oneself die day by day.

Hu Jun looked at her crying and was shocked. She didn't expect that the tree of life was so important to these people.It would not be an exaggeration to say that their hearts are locked in the tree of life.

Hu Jun looked for something to eat, and should have returned to his residence.

It can be seen that Sammi was going to see the sick Lan Li, so she also followed.

Lan Li's parents didn't know where they went, only Lan Die stayed there.

She was a little surprised to see Shumi bringing a stranger here, but she still welcomed them in.

"This is mine, you can give it to Lan Li." Su Mi took out a piece, which was about the size of a fingernail, and handed it to Lan Die.

Lan Die quickly shied away, "No, I can't have it!"

The two were talking at the side, and Hu Jun looked down at the little girl. There was no doubt that the little girl was good-looking.

She struggled to open her eyes, her flickering long eyelashes were curly and cute.

"Who are you? Are you here to see me?"

Hu Jun nodded, Lan Li smiled sweetly and said, "Thank you, but I'm fine."

"Do you know your condition?" Know that you might die?

Lan Li's face was calm, and she blinked and said, "I know, but it's okay, at least I've lived, everyone loves me very much." Her lips were pale, but she still said very optimistically, "My sister told me that with I’m the only child of my age left. Isn’t it a joy to be able to be with my loved ones because I’ve lived longer than everyone else?”

Hu Jun was shocked by her optimism.

Returning to the residence with Shu Mi, Hu Jun was lying on the bed, not knowing what he was thinking.

As Mi said, it only bears fruit once every 100 years, which means that only one wave of new life is born every 100 years.Only 100 years away from the next 80 years.

Hu Juan just stayed in the room like this, and Sammi sometimes came to visit her, but most of the time, she just sat quietly and watched the sunrise and sunset.

However, she didn't have such a quiet day for a few days, but three days later, she heard the sound of the horn again.

The opponent actually came again!

Before they knew it, they broke through the line of defense.

Qingzhu was startled, he really didn't expect their attack to be so compact.After all, at least [-]% of them died in the last attack.

But at this moment, he knew that relying on the formation was useless.He had to do it himself, so he quickly mobilized everyone to fight back.

Hu Jun was also among them, she swung the ice chain, even if the effect was not great, sometimes it still had some effect.

I don't know what the other party ate, not to mention the infinite strength, as if they have some indestructible bodies, and they are simply not afraid of death.

Seeing that the situation of the battle was tense, Hu Jun rushed to Qingzhu's side and said quickly, "Hurry up and use the red leaves to defend!"

Qingzhu didn't speak, but joined in the attack of his subordinates.

On the contrary, Fengzhu, who was somewhat similar to the green bamboo, laughed loudly, "Red leaves? I'm afraid the red leaves now are just decorations. The last effort must have been spent on this lake." He laughed, but his eyes were so cold, especially when he looked at Qingzhu, he was full of resentment.

(End of this chapter)

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