Unsurpassed Martial Saint

Chapter 1299 You Pick One

Chapter 1299 You choose one

Qin Yi dare not say how much he knows Renhuang and Zhentian, but he is fully sure that Renhuang and Zhentian will definitely not compromise with Hunyuan Tiandao.

If there is really a compromise, it will not wait until now, and there will be no riots on Whitsunday Island back then.

Qin Yi never underestimated the Hunyuan Supreme Treasure. After all, he used to be the Xutianmen. Therefore, facing other Hunyuan Supreme Treasures, he felt that he still needed to find some helpers.

Renhuang and Zhentian should be ideal partners for cooperation.

Human Sovereign and Zhentian will definitely not let Hunyuan Tiandao control them.

Qin Yi didn't want to either, including Qin Xuewei and others.

Even though they used to be enemies, but now, they have a powerful common enemy.

Red abyss.

Back then, in this red world, Qin Yi personally sent Zhen Tian to the world of Hongmeng.

At this moment, Qin Yi stood facing Ren Huang and Zhen Tian.

"What a surprise."

Seeing Qin Yi's appearance, Renhuang couldn't help but tease him.

"I was surprised too."

Qin Yi smiled indifferently.

"I didn't expect that you would take the initiative to contact us."

Renhuang glanced behind Qin Yi, and found that Qin Yi was indeed alone, and was even more surprised.

It seems that Qin Yi is not joking, but really wants to cooperate with them.

In fact, Renhuang and Zhentian also planned to find Qin Yi, but let Qin Yi take the lead.

"Have you seen Hunyuan?"

Qin Yi ignored Renhuang's ridicule and asked meaningfully.

The Emperor nodded and said, "It seems that you are the same."

"Should you not compromise?"

Qin Yi asked jokingly, as if joking with an old friend.

"You're scared?"

The Emperor asked back.

"A bit."

Qin Yi did not deny it.

"Ha ha!"

The Human Sovereign laughed out loud, and said: "I didn't expect that you would have a day of fear."

"I'm no longer a ghost."

Qin Yi said seriously.

"You can't deny that."

The Emperor said meaningfully.

Qin Yi was silent.

"Okay, let's talk about business."

Zhentian opened his mouth and said, "How are you going to deal with that bastard?"

Qin Yi couldn't help smiling when he heard that Zhentian was so rude. Obviously, Zhentian hated Hunyuan Tiandao very much.

"You guys should have a plan too, right?"

Qin Yi didn't answer, but asked seriously.

"How many of you are there?"

Renhuang didn't answer Qin Yi's question, but asked back.

"I, Tianming, Changsheng, Liufang, Dixuan and Meng Yao."

Qin Yi didn't hesitate, thought for a while, and added: "There is also the Yin-Yang wheel, but the spirit of Yin-Yang should be in the Hunyuan Heavenly Dao."

"I can't tell, you're quite attractive."

When the Emperor heard this, he smiled slightly.

"Each each other."

Qin Yi accepted the other party's compliment generously.

"Together you and I, there are only twelve Hunyuan Supreme Treasures."

Zhentian thought for a while, and said with a little worry: "I just don't know how many Hunyuan treasures that bastard got."

"Conservative estimates, more than half."

Qin Yi said without hesitation.

"He told you?"

Zhentian and Renhuang were very surprised when they heard this.

At least, they don't have any clue, they can't even guess how many Hunyuan Supreme Treasures Hunyuan Tiandao currently owns.

If it is really what Qin Yi said, things will be a little difficult.

"By the way, isn't the universe circle with you?"

The Emperor suddenly thought of something.

"He has no combat power for the time being."

Qin Yi didn't hide anything.

"how long it takes?"

The Emperor said seriously.

"At least three years."

Qin Yi thought about it for a while. Although the injury of Qiankun circle recovered, but at that time, in order to fight against the crack of time, Qiankun circle itself was severely damaged, and it was difficult to repair itself in a short period of time.

"Three years..."

The Human Sovereign murmured, as if he was calculating something.

Three years, for them, is very short.


Hunyuan Tiandao will not give them so much time.

They are at a disadvantage, and it would be best to have one more Hunyuan Supreme Treasure.

"can not wait anymore."

Qin Yi knew what the emperor was thinking.


Suddenly, the Emperor frowned.

"There are guests here."

Zhentian suddenly looked behind Qin Yi.

At some point, the three figures came out from the void, all of them looked very contented.

Qin Yi also turned around when he heard the words, and in a flash, he appeared not far from the Human Emperor, facing the three uninvited guests.

"What a rare scene."

Among the three figures, one was a woman. She glanced at Renhuang, then at Qin Yi, and said jokingly, it was like seeing an old friend whom she hadn't seen for several years.

"It turned out to be the big beauty of the green ghost."

After hearing the words, the Human Sovereign smiled slightly.

That woman is one of the 36 Hunyuan Supreme Treasures, the Green Ghost Umbrella.

The green ghost umbrella dominates the way of death.

Wherever she went, there was no undead.

At this moment, the green ghost was dressed in green clothes, and his appearance was gorgeous, but it gave off a lifeless feeling.

If there is one thing Renhuang doesn't want to see the most, it is the green ghost umbrella.

When the Holy Spirit Island rioted, the Emperor and the Green Ghost joined forces.

Qing Gui, a very ambitious woman.

Human Sovereign knew that even if the green ghost surrendered to Hunyuan Heavenly Dao, it would probably be temporary. As for what else she wanted to do, Human Sovereign could not guess.

Qinggui is an unpredictable woman.

"Qing Gui, are you happy to see your old lover?"

Next to the green ghost, a man who looked like a child glanced at Renhuang, then looked at the green ghost, and said with deep meaning, but there was a trace of jealousy in his voice.

"Of course I'm happy."

The green ghost smiled triumphantly, and said, "It's been a long time since I had that old lover, and I miss it a little."

After hearing the words, the Human Sovereign fell silent.

Renhuang is one of Qing Gui's bedside people.

That child-like man is Gui Yunhua, one of the 36 Hunyuan Supreme Treasures.

Like the green ghost, he is related to the Avenue of Death, but there is a difference between the two.

"Xu Tian, ​​are you unhappy seeing your old friend?"

The remaining one had a handsome face, his gaze was always on Qin Yi's face, and he just turned a blind eye to Renhuang and Zhentian.

"Old friend?"

Qin Yi heard this and said coldly, "I didn't expect you to be alive."

"You are not dead, how could I die."

The handsome man smiled and said: "He who knows the current affairs is a gentleman. It seems that after so many years, you still haven't understood this truth."

"Ha ha."

Qin Yi just chuckled, as if he didn't want to say anything more to the handsome man.

Back then, during the battle on Holy Spirit Island, Meng Yao betrayed the Emperor, and the handsome man in front of him betrayed Xu Tian and others.

The handsome man is the Dragon Fury Saber, one of the 36 Hunyuan Supreme Treasures, which rules the way of power.

Because of the betrayal of the Nulongdao, Xutian and others fell into a desperate situation, and Meng Yao betrayed the Emperor.

If it wasn't for Meng Yao's betrayal, it would be self-evident to wait for the result of Xu Tian and others.

These are all things of the past.

Qin Yi didn't want to recall it for a long time.

"You pick one."

(End of this chapter)

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