Unsurpassed Martial Saint

Chapter 1301 Rebellion

Chapter 1301 Rebellion
"Ten percent?!"

When Qing Gui got Qin Yi's answer, he couldn't help being taken aback, his beautiful eyes widened, staring at Qin Yi, he couldn't believe his ears.

"Do not believe?"

Qin Yi smiled.


The green ghost said very bluntly.

It's not that she hasn't looked for her sister, but after so many years, there is still no clue, not even Hunyuan Tiandao, Qing Gui naturally doesn't believe that Qin Yi can find it.

"As long as Tianming and Dixuan help, it's not difficult."

Qin Yi said confidently.

"Heaven's Mandate and Earth Profound?"

The green ghost hesitated for a moment, then said: "But this does not guarantee that we will find it."

If there is the Destiny Orb and the Dixuan Book, there is still hope to find Qing Gui's younger sister, but Qing Gui estimates that it is less than [-]%.

She knew better than anyone that it was too difficult to find her sister.

"Hunyuan definitely didn't tell you the truth."

Qin Yi suddenly said something meaningful.


Hearing this, Qing Gui frowned, stared at Qin Yi, but said nothing.

She also doubted Hunyuan Tiandao, but there was no other way but to doubt.

"If it's just Tianming and Dixuan, there is really little hope of finding your sister, but..."

Speaking of this, Qin Yi deliberately paused, as if he wanted to emphasize something, and said: "If you add the power of heaven, the result will be different."

"The way of heaven?"

Qing Gui opened her beautiful eyes slightly, trying to see Qin Yi's true thoughts clearly.

"Of course, believe it or not, it's up to you."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Yi disappeared again.

"and many more!"

The green ghost yelled hastily.

As long as there is still a glimmer of hope, she will not let it go.

The most fundamental reason why Qinggui chose to stand on the side of Hunyuan Tiandao was that Hunyuan Tiandao was able to find her sister.

"Think about it?"

Qin Yi's voice came again, but there was no one there.

"Why should I trust you?"

Qing Gui asked coldly.

"If you have a choice, you don't have to believe it."

Qin Yi said lazily, and appeared in front of Qing Gui again.

The green ghost was silent.

She is so confused!

The choice she has is to believe in the Hunyuan Heavenly Dao.


She knows Hunyuan Tiandao's behavior better than anyone else.

Hunyuan Tiandao is absolutely unbelievable!

"Have you made up your mind?"

Qin Yi asked casually.

"At least, you have to show it."

The green ghost hesitated for a moment.


Qin Yi smiled and said, "Alright." After a pause, "Here you are."

After finishing speaking, he threw a book over there, which was "Nonsense and the Way" that Song Yuerong left for Qin Yi back then.


Seeing this, the green ghost hesitated for a moment, and found that there was nothing unusual about the book, so he stretched out his hand, caught "Nonsense" and glanced at the book.


Qing Gui murmured, then looked at Qin Yi, and said, "What does this mean?"

"You'll know when you open it."

Qin Yi smiled slightly.

Hearing this, the green ghost carefully turned to the first page without saying anything, but her beautiful eyes widened suddenly.

"Is this written by Wen Tianbi?!"

Before he finished speaking, the green ghost's beautiful eyes widened very wide, staring at Qin Yi firmly.

Seeing this, Qin Yi just smiled and said nothing.

"Where did you get this book?"

Qing Gui asked a little excitedly.

Wentian Pen, one of the 36 Hunyuan Supreme Treasures, and Wentian Zhiling is Qing Gui's own sister.

"My sister."

Qin Yi said seriously.

"Your sister?"

The green ghost didn't understand a little bit.

"Dragon Tiger Phoenix Zun."

Qin Yi didn't hide anything.

"is her?"

Qinggui was surprised.

Qin Yi smiled slightly.

"This book..."

Qing Gui thought for a while, then looked at Qin Yi, and said, "Can you give it to me?"


Qin Yi said indifferently.

"Thank you."

When the green ghost heard this, he was very surprised and said gratefully.

Perhaps, this is the closest she gets to her sister.

For a long time, she has not found any clues related to the Wentian Pen.

Afterwards, the green ghost carefully put away "Nonsense" as if it was as important as his own life, then looked at Qin Yi and said, "What do you want me to do?"

"If you're just looking for your sister, there's no need to stand with Hunyuan."

Qin Yi said seriously.


The green ghost smiled, as if nothing had happened just now, and said: "Who doesn't want to step into the way of heaven."

"God, it's not so easy to go."

Qin Yi said solemnly.

"Aren't you on the way to heaven?"

The green ghost said sarcastically.

Qin Yi didn't deny this, and said, "At least, Hunyuan won't let you go to heaven."

"Can you?"

The green ghost laughed.

"Neither can I."

Qin Yi shook his head and said, "Only you."


Qing Gui heard something in Qin Yi's words, and said, "What do you mean?"

"As long as you don't help Hunyuan."

Qin Yi didn't answer Qing Gui's question, and didn't know how to answer it.

God, everything can only rely on yourself.

"I promise you."

Qing Gui didn't hesitate, since Qin Yi could really find her sister Wentian, he naturally didn't need to join forces with Hunyuan Tiandao.

"Okay, see you then."

After all, Qin Yi disappeared.

"Am I that annoying?"

Qing Gui hurriedly called Qin Yi to a stop.

"I don't hate it, and I don't like it either."

Qin Yi's unsalty voice came from afar.


The green ghost snorted and said, "By the way, I'll help you take down Ghost Cloud and Fury Dragon."


Before he finished speaking, Qin Yi appeared in front of Qing Gui again.

"You help me, I don't want to owe you."

Qing Gui knew that Qin Yi would come back.


Qin Yi is not a mother-in-law either.

Although Qin Yi thought about pulling the green ghost over, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was too dangerous, so forget it. Anyway, as long as the green ghost doesn't help Hunyuan Tiandao, everything will be easy to handle.

"Those two dead men are too annoying."

The green ghost said angrily.


Qin Yi didn't understand.

"What are you looking at?"

Sensing Qin Yi's strange gaze, Qing Gui glared at him.

"So there are men you hate."

Qin Yi couldn't help but tease him.

"What did you say?"

Qing Gui understood Qin Yi's meaning and said angrily.

"I never said anything."

Qin Yi laughed.

"I know you stinky men are all the same."

The green ghost gave Qin Yi a blank look.

"Am I wrong?"

Qin Yi refused to accept it.

"Very wrong."

The green ghost sighed and said, "Is it easy to be a woman?"

Qin Yi couldn't help but startled.

"I'm very serious, but what you see is just the surface."

Qing Gui glanced at Qin Yi and sighed inexplicably.


Qin Yi didn't know what to say.

"I know you don't believe me, but it doesn't matter."

After saying that, the green ghost disappeared.


Qin Yi shook his head and followed.

It would indeed be a good thing if we could win Guiyunhua and Fulongdao.

(End of this chapter)

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