Chapter 1308
Red abyss.

Qin Yi brought the green ghost to the place where he met Renhuang and Zhentian again.

At this time, Ren Huang and Zhen Tian looked like they had been waiting for a long time.

"What about the rest?"

Qin Yi came in front of Ren Huang and only saw the two of them, so he asked suspiciously.

"They go one step ahead."

The Emperor said casually.

Qin Yi nodded after hearing this, and didn't ask any more questions.

Obviously, Ren Huang did not fully trust Qin Yi.

Until now, Qin Yi still didn't know which Hunyuan treasures Renhuang and Zhentian had found.

"By the way, the green ghost said, the place you found is fake."

Qin Yi changed the topic.


Human Sovereign couldn't believe it, so he glanced at the green ghost.

"I have personally been to that place, and Hunyuan is there."

Zhentian said confidently.

"is it?"

But the green ghost looked very blunt, with a disdainful smile, said: "It's up to you, and you don't want Hunyuan to find out, is it possible?"

Zhentian heard the words, but fell silent.

He doesn't deny the green ghost's statement, but what can he do, anyway, he has been there several times, and he can see the Hunyuan Heavenly Dao, as well as other Hunyuan treasures.

At least, it is very likely that Hunyuan Tiandao often goes there.

Catch the thief first catch the king!
At this moment, Qin Yi, Renhuang and Zhentian discussed that they must kill Hunyuan Tiandao with one blow, or at least severely injure them.

Although the Dao of Heaven is strong, it is not invincible.

"you know?"

Both Renhuang and Zhentian are not stupid people, so they looked at the green ghost.

"of course."

The green ghost nodded.

Both Renhuang and Zhentian looked at Qin Yi subconsciously. After all, he told them at the beginning that Qinggui didn't know about it, so they spent a long time looking for it.

Qin Yi spread his hands and said, "I just found out about it just now." After a pause, "Maybe, she found out with her conscience."

"Conscience discovery?"

Renhuang and Zhentian obviously didn't believe this reason, but they didn't intend to ask any further questions.

They just need results.

"Let's go."

After finishing speaking, Qin Yi broke through the air and left.

The green ghost also followed.

Renhuang and Zhentian looked at each other, and also chased after them.

They don't believe in the green ghost, but they don't deny the green ghost's statement.


Unknowingly, Qing Gui brought Qin Yi and others to a world of pure white, as if white was the only one here.

Even Qing Gui, Qin Yi and others, when they entered this white world, seemed to be integrated into one.

"What is this place?"

Qin Yi looked at Qing Gui's back and asked suspiciously.

"The entrance to the Primordial Profound Realm."

Qing Gui said without looking back.

"Hunyuan Xuanjie?"

Renhuang and Zhentian behind Qin Yi couldn't help being startled.

"you know?"

Sensing the surprise of Ren Huang and Zhen Tian, ​​Qing Gui turned his head and glanced at them.

The Emperor shook his head and said, "I don't know, but I read it from a certain book."

"me too."

Zhentian glanced at Ren Huang in surprise.

"What books?"

If the green ghost doesn't know the unique Hunyuan Xuanjie of Hunyuan Tiandao, it will be recorded.

If he hadn't surrendered to the Hunyuan Heavenly Dao at the beginning, Qing Gui would not have known the existence of this place.


The Emperor shook his head again.

"Me too."

Zhentian thought for a while, then shook his head.


The green ghost was puzzled.

Qin Yi was also puzzled.

With the abilities of Renhuang and Zhentian, it is impossible to forget.

"Forget it, we'll be there soon."

After all, the green ghost moved faster.

Qin Yi did not hesitate, and immediately followed.

Renhuang and Zhentian hesitated for a moment, but followed.

They don't remember what books they have read about the Hunyuan Xuanjie, but they do remember that there is no entry into the Hunyuan Xuanjie.

In other words, once they enter the Primordial Profound Realm, it is impossible for them to get out.

Even if they defeat Hunyuan Tiandao, it will not change the result.

the reason is simple.

The Hunyuan Xuanjie is the embodiment of the way of heaven.

Even Qin Yi couldn't change this.


In a pure white world, gray appears.

Before Qin Yi, Renhuang, and Zhentian came back to their senses, the gray world became like night, and even the white world disappeared.

The green ghost also stopped.

"In front is the Primordial Profound Realm."

The green ghost looked at the darkness in front of him and asked seriously.

"Is that the Primordial Profound Realm?"

Qin Yi also looked into the darkness. Although he couldn't see anything, he clearly felt the strong aura of heaven coming from there.

Even, the breath of heaven is calling him.

Qin Yi knew that this was the resonance of heaven!
And this also means that Qin Yi has the qualifications to compete for the Dao of Heaven.

Even if Qin Yi didn't really become the Dao of Heaven.

This is also where Qin Yi is very strange.

He reckoned that Song Yuerong should have done something wrong.

"I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, there is a big trap inside."

The green ghost hesitated for a moment, then said solemnly: "If you go in, not only will you not be able to get out, but you may even sleep forever inside."

Renhuang and Zhentian heard the words, although they chose to remain silent.But he looked at the green ghost in surprise.

They never imagined this scene.

"I said that my conscience found it, and you definitely don't believe it."

Qing Gui said indifferently.

Human Sovereign and Zhentian remained silent.

Qin Yi looked at the green ghost, then looked at Renhuang and Zhentian, and said, "I have to go in."

After all, Qin Yi turned around and sank into the darkness without hesitation.

Seeing this, Renhuang and Zhentian couldn't help but startled.

They did hesitate.

They long for the way of heaven, but facing a dead end, they feel that they should choose to retreat.

"It's useless!"

Seeing Renhuang and Zhentian's hesitation, the green ghost sneered, and then fell into the darkness.

Human Sovereign and Zhentian looked at each other.

"Just die!"

The Human Sovereign suddenly roared, and in the blink of an eye, he was plunged into the darkness.

Zhentian was startled for a moment, but then he understood.

They had no way out.

This is also the reason why Qin Yi is so resolute.

In other words, Qin Yi didn't give himself a way out.

Nowhere to be found!

This is what Qin Yi wanted.

Suddenly, Zhentian laughed at himself.

"Perhaps, this is the reason why I can't step into the heaven."

Soon, Zhentian was also plunged into darkness.


The night got darker.

Qin Yi was the first to enter the Hunyuan Xuanjie. He thought it was pitch black, but he didn't expect that this place was like a fairyland.

I have to say that Hunyuan Tiandao is very good at enjoying it.

"I seem to have been here..."

Suddenly, Qin Yi felt familiar with this place, just like going home.

"We used to live here."

The green ghost quietly appeared behind Qin Yi, and said meaningfully, the soft and beautiful voice was full of a trace of indescribable nostalgia.

During those days, perhaps she was the happiest, the happiest, and the freest.


All this has long since ceased to exist.

"It's not just that..."

Qin Yi felt the world carefully, then looked at Qing Gui, and said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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