Unsurpassed Martial Saint

Chapter 1312 Dead?

Chapter 1312 Dead?


When Qin Yigang was about to say something, his back hurt.

At this moment, at some point, the green ghost stood behind Qin Yi, holding the green ghost umbrella, but the green ghost umbrella penetrated Qin Yi's body, and also passed through Liangtian's body.

"Ha ha……"

Liangtian suddenly laughed wildly.

"You still died at the hands of a woman..."

After saying that, Liang Tian lost his breath and dissipated like the wind.

Blood dripped from the green ghost umbrella.

Qin Yi turned around slowly, did not pull out the green ghost umbrella, but just looked at the green ghost quietly.

At this time, the green ghost was no longer the one who was afraid just now, but a proud face, even giving people a feeling of conceit.

She is very proud.

"You are not a green ghost."

Qin Yi said suddenly, as if the green ghost umbrella hadn't penetrated his body.

"You see it?"

Hearing the words, the green ghost was startled for a moment, then smiled slightly: "You are indeed much smarter than those idiots, no wonder you can step into the heaven so quickly."

Qin Yi was silent.

"such a pity."

The green ghost sighed and said, "You chose the wrong path."

"Are you asking God?"

Qin Yi didn't seem to hear Qing Gui's words, and asked on his own.


When Qing Gui heard this, he was completely stunned.

She never expected that Qin Yi could see who she was right away.

That's right, she is asking about the pen and the spirit of the sky.

"I see……"

Qin Yi smiled.

"why are you laughing?"

Seeing Qin Yi's weird smile, Wentian asked angrily.

"It's nothing."

Qin Yi didn't intend to answer, but changed the subject and said, "It turns out that you are not two people, but one person, but your respective personalities have become concrete."

Qinggui and Wentian are indeed sisters, but they are two independent life forms derived from the same soul, just like Longhu Huangzun and others.

To put it bluntly, they are schizophrenic, but they can exist independently, even appear in reality, and meet each other.

"You are very smart."

Wentian smiled.

"No wonder the green ghost couldn't find you anyway."

Qin Yirao said meaningfully.

He can be sure that Qinggui doesn't know about this matter, but Wentian knows it very well.


Wentian said without denying, "This secret was originally known only to me and Heavenly Father."

As she said that, she took a step forward, grabbed the green ghost umbrella without hesitation, and pulled it out.

Blood, like a tide!

Qin Yi didn't fall down, as if the blood that flowed out was not his.

"You are so smart, you really shouldn't be against Heavenly Father."

Wentian wiped the blood on the green ghost umbrella, and smiled coldly.

Qin Yi just fell silent, as if he didn't have the energy to speak.

"Next time, be smarter."

After all, Wentian pushed Qin Yi without hesitation.


With a muffled sound, Qin Yi fell into a pool of blood.

Seeing this, Wentian smiled disdainfully, and said, "Sister is too, how could she cooperate with such a fool, and betray the Heavenly Father for such a fool, really shouldn't."

After finishing speaking, she squatted down and took out the Void Jade from Qin Yi's palm.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Yi's Hunyuan Supreme Treasure fell into Wentian's hands.

"It's quite a lot..."

Wentian couldn't help being startled when he saw Qin Yi's Hunyuan Supreme Treasure, there were more than she imagined, counting them carefully, there were as many as ten pieces——

Xutian Gate, Hexagonal Stone, Destiny Pearl, Dixuan Book, Qiankun Circle, Yin-Yang Wheel, Dream Demon Mirror, Ghost Cloud Painting, Longevity Pagoda, Fury Dragon Saber.

Meng Yao and the others were worried, so they asked Qin Yi to bring their Hunyuan Supreme Treasure, just in case.

Counting the measuring ruler just obtained, there are eleven pieces.

"It's a pity, this time, it's all mine."

Wentian glanced at the ten Hunyuan Supreme Treasures lying in front of him, and smiled smugly.

"Including sister's green ghost umbrella, there are twelve pieces."

Wentian glanced at the green ghost umbrella in his hand, feeling even more proud.

36 Hunyuan Supreme Treasure, and twelve pieces are in her hands, how could Wentian be unhappy.

"Unfortunately, my Wentian pen has been missing..."

Wentian frowned suddenly.

As the spirit of Wentian, she couldn't find the Wentian pen, which made her very upset.

"Fortunately, it's my baby girl."

Suddenly, in the clouds and mist, the voice of Hunyuan Tiandao came.


Wentian was taken aback when he heard the words, apparently he did not expect that Hunyuan Tiandao would appear here.

"Those Hunyuan Supreme Treasures can be handed over to me."

Hunyuan Tiandao walked towards Wentian and said with a smile.


Wentian took away the Hunyuan Supreme Treasures such as Xutianmen, took a few steps back, looked at Hunyuan Tiandao, and said, "You haven't given me what you promised me."


Hunyuan Tiandao smiled and said, "Here."

Before the words finished, Wentian opened his beautiful eyes wide, as if he couldn't believe this scene.

At some point, her head flew high like a kite with a broken thread.

"You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me."

Hunyuan Tiandao looked at Wentian's head and smiled coldly, his eyes full of disdain.


Wentian wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.


With a loud bang, Wentian's head fell to the ground, and half of his face was buried in the soil.

"Xutian, you really shouldn't go this way."

Hunyuan Tiandao glanced at Qin Yi's body, and said with regret.

In any case, Qin Yi stepped into the Dao of Heaven, which is very useful for the Dao of Hunyuan Heaven.


He knew that whether it was Qin Yi or Xu Tian, ​​they were all unfamiliar dogs.

In this way, if you kill, you will kill.

Although Qin Yi will not die, when he returns from reincarnation, Hunyuan Tiandao is confident that with 36 Hunyuan Supreme Treasures, he can already control Tiandao.

At that time, Qin Yi and others were nothing to be afraid of, even if Qin Yi was related to the Third Heavenly Dao, it didn't matter.

Hunyuan Tiandao is self-confident, and he is the only one in the Primordial World.

"Aren't you coming out yet?"

Hunyuan Tiandao received the Xutianmen and other Hunyuan treasures that the question had just obtained, and glanced at the not-so-thick clouds not far away.


In the cloud and mist, there was no movement.


Hunyuan Tiandao sneered, and said: "Human Sovereign, Zhen Tian, ​​those who know current affairs are heroes, don't you guys understand this truth?"

Before the words were finished, two figures flashed across the clouds, rushing towards the Hunyuan Heavenly Dao like the wind.


Seeing this, Hunyuan Tiandao gave a disdainful smile and stretched out his hand.


With a loud tremor, the clouds dissipated, revealing the figures of Ren Huang and Zhen Tian, ​​but they were embedded in the void like statues.

At this moment, Renhuang and Zhentian stared at Hunyuan Tiandao unwillingly.

They also know that there is no escape.


Neither Renhuang nor Zhentian thought that the power gap between them and Tiandao was so great.

In other words, the Hunyuan Heavenly Dao is no longer the Hunyuan Heavenly Dao of the past.

(End of this chapter)

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