Unsurpassed Martial Saint

Chapter 1316 1 enemy 2

Chapter 1316

Xuanxu Tiandao heard the words and immediately reacted.

It will take time for Qin Surong's awakening to the fourth heaven.

Obviously, by saying so much, Qin Surong actually wanted to divert the attention of Hunyuan Tiandao and Xuanxu Tiandao.

At some point, Qin Ji and the others became nothingness, exuding a holy radiance.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, Hunyuan Tiandao suddenly thought of something.


Before the words finished, Xuanxu Tiandao rushed towards Qin Surong without hesitation, trying to stop her from doing the next thing.

"Too late……"

Seeing Xuanxu Tiandao rushing over, Qin Surong smiled coldly and said, "No one can escape this debt today."

"You are too conceited!"

When Hunyuan Tiandao heard the words, he smiled disdainfully, stretched out his big hand, and the world seemed to shrink into a ball, trying to imprison Qin Surong.


Qin Surong didn't seem to see the shrunken world, and smiled slightly: "You guys are too conceited."

Before the words fell, the shrunken world recovered.


Seeing this, Hunyuan Tiandao frowned.

"Her fourth day is about to awaken!"

Xuanxu Tiandao stopped suddenly, knowing it was too late.

Qin Surong smiled, and gently threw Qin Yi's body up, and disappeared like the wind.

Behind him, the phantoms such as Qin Ji turned into starlight, and rushed towards Qin Surong's vest, before entering her body in a blink of an eye.


When Hunyuan Tiandao saw this scene, a trace of remorse flashed in his eyes.

Xuanxu Tiandao is no exception.

Qin Ji and the others are not reincarnated bodies at all, but the real power of heaven, just transformed into entities.

To put it bluntly, the Fourth Heavenly Dao turned the power of the Heavenly Dao into humans, that is, Qin Surong and others.

As for the deity of the fourth heaven, Hunyuan Heaven and Xuanxu Heaven are unknown.

It's just that soon, the two heavenly dao finally knew where the deity of the fourth heavenly dao was.


A roar came from afar.


When Hunyuan Tiandao heard the words, he immediately looked up at the sky.

He knew that that whistling sound came from the primordial world.

Soon, a huge black shadow came through the air.

"Dragon Tiger Phoenix?"

When Xuanxu Tiandao saw the black shadow, he was a little surprised.

Hunyuan Tiandao is no exception.

Neither of the two heavenly daos thought that the deity of the fourth heavenly dao would be the dragon, tiger and phoenix.

Dragon head, tiger body, phoenix wings!

It's not that they haven't seen the endless chaotic dragon, tiger and phoenix, but they didn't expect that she was originally a creature of the primordial world.

At this moment, Longhuhuang's body exuded a strong primordial aura.

Hunyuan Tiandao and Xuanxu Tiandao both know that only the strong born in the primordial world have such primordial aura.

Obviously, the dragon, tiger and phoenix are powerful celestial beasts born in the primordial world.

The Heavenly Beast is the spirit beast that becomes the Daoist Master.

However, the current dragon, tiger and phoenix are not as simple as Dao Zun, and the familiar breath of the third heaven makes Hunyuan Tiandao and Xuanxu Tiandao fearful.

"Accept my anger!"

Qin Surong suddenly roared, and it turned into a stream of light, blending into the eyebrows of Longhuhuang.


A dragon chant, like thunder from the sky, came from Longhuhuang's body.

Those longan eyes opened wide like the scorching sun.

A powerful breath of heaven, like a hurricane, swept away in all directions, and wherever it passed, the sky and the earth turned into nothingness.

"So strong!"

Hunyuan Tiandao felt the power of heaven on Long Huhuang, and couldn't help but be surprised.

If the power of the fourth heaven is inherited from the third heaven, then this kind of growth is too terrifying.

At least, Hunyuan Tiandao thinks he is not as good.

Xuanxu Tiandao also had similar thoughts, so he glanced at Hunyuan Tiandao and said: "It seems that this time, we have to join forces."

"It seems that it is definitely not unreasonable for the Third Heavenly Dao to pass on its power to her."

Hearing the words, Hunyuan Tiandao seemed to have figured out something.

Perhaps, the third day Tao took a fancy to the potential of Longhuhuang.

Xuanxu Tiandao nodded after hearing the words, but didn't say much.


When Hunyuan Tiandao and Xuanxu Tiandao were discussing how to deal with Longhuhuang, the pair of huge phoenix wings on Longhuhuang's back stretched even further like crimson flames.


Fengming is like a song from the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the dragon, tiger and phoenix turned into flames.


Before Hunyuan Tiandao and Xuanxu Tiandao could react, the flames exploded, revealing a graceful figure.

"Absolutely her!"

Hunyuan Tiandao saw that graceful figure clearly, so he no longer doubted it.

Dragon, Tiger and Phoenix are definitely the phantom he saw back then.


Xuanxu Tiandao didn't deny this, his gaze was always on the face of that graceful figure.

Although at that time, Hunyuan Tiandao and Xuanxu Tiandao didn't see the phantom clearly, but they knew that the woman in front of them was that phantom.

If Qin Yi was still there, he would never forget who this graceful figure was, it was Song Yuerong.

At this moment, Song Yuerong stood in the air, with the phoenix wings on her back stretched out like a dream.

The flame seemed to be her body.

"We meet again."

Song Yuerong looked at Hunyuan Tiandao, then at Xuanxu Tiandao, as if meeting old friends, she smiled slightly.

Hunyuan Tiandao and Xuanxu Tiandao heard the words, but chose to remain silent.

"Not happy?"

Song Yuerong's smile was still so sweet, it was impossible to see that she was angry at all.

"Do you think I'd be happy?"

Hunyuan Tiandao said sarcastically.

"of course."

Song Yuerong still smiled so sweetly, as if such a smile would never disappear, and said, "Don't you really want to get my heavenly treasure?"

"Heavenly treasure?"

Xuanxu Tiandao couldn't help opening his eyes wide.

Hunyuan Tiandao was silent.

"It is a pity……"

Song Yuerong suddenly sighed and said, "You all guessed wrong."

"Wrong guess?"

Hunyuan Tiandao was a little puzzled.

"There is no such thing as a treasure of heaven."

It was rare for Song Yuerong to speak seriously.

"What do you mean?"

Xuanxu Tiandao asked.

"It means literally."

Song Yuerong was still smiling.

"you sure?"

Hunyuan Tiandao asked meaningfully.

If the Heavenly Dao Supreme Treasure does not exist, then his refining 36 Hunyuan Supreme Treasure is equivalent to doing nothing.

"He told me, and I believed him."

As she said that, Song Yuerong thought of something, and there was a trace of tenderness in her smile.

"Dao said on the third day?"

Hunyuan Tiandao suddenly realized.

"Who else is there besides him?"

After finishing speaking, Song Yuerong took a step forward and appeared in less than a hundred steps in front of Hunyuan Tiandao.

"Do you think you can fight two against one?"

Xuanxu Tiandao smiled coldly when he saw that Song Yuerong was about to make a move.

"If you don't try, how will you know..."

(End of this chapter)

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