Reasoning Notes

Chapter 101 Reasoning Notes 3: Death Note Reappearance

Chapter 101 Reasoning Notes 3: Death Note Reappearance (12)
Through the bugs secretly placed on Jiang Yuxuan's clothes, Death Ryuk heard Edison tearing apart the mystery of this murder case without missing a word.

"The murderer laid three mysteries in this case."

"The first mystery is the mystery of the dead end set up to make me a scapegoat. I have told you about this mystery before. It is Jiang Yuxuan's trick using the illusion caused by light and shadow."

"The second mystery is how he carried out his murder plan across an impossible distance. We all know that it takes at least 2 minutes to run from Room 903, Unit A, Building 10 to the square. Someone may ask, What if the murderer used a bicycle or a skateboard to run faster? But the surveillance video of the railway crossing negated this idea. Before the train passed the railway crossing, there was no sign of the murderer in the video. Then, the murderer How did he cross the moving train and run to the square to kill? The answer is that the murderer did not pass the railway crossing at all! The railway crossing is just a trick for the murderer to divert our attention, making it like an insurmountable barrier, misleading our thinking .Actually, the place where the murderer imprisoned me was not Unit 2, Unit A, Building 903, but Building 10!"

"It only takes two or three minutes from Building 10 to the square, enough for the murderer to complete the murder plan. This raises the question, why did I think that the room in Building 3 was the room where I was imprisoned? This is The cleverness of the murderer's trick. He arranged two identical rooms, but the real deception was the window. It was a window rather than a flat-screen TV. I think the murderer might have been affected Inspired by the painting scroll performance at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, I used a flat-screen TV screen to pretend to be a window. And this TV is obviously connected to the network with the camera installed outside Room 2 in Building 2, so the fireworks I saw were actually It was transmitted through Building 903. No wonder, I mistakenly thought that the place where I was imprisoned was in Building 2. If I hadn’t heard the sound of wind chimes when the murderer carried me downstairs, I would have almost Lied to. It dawned on me when I heard the wind chimes on the stairs of Building 2."

"As for the third mystery, it is why the murderer can accurately find his target in a dark and crowded place. Unless the murderer has eyes that are more powerful than owls. But in fact, he only used a very simple method , is to leave the mark of death—let me call it that—on the victim.”

"This mark of the god of death allows the murderer to easily find the victim, but on the other hand, it will also be discovered by others. So the murderer has to take it away after the murder, which makes the body appear unnatural. Of course, in some From a human point of view, this is considered natural, just like Mikaka, he would not notice the abnormality of the corpse, because he has the same unnaturalness as the deceased, and both the deceased and Mikaka are only wearing T-shirts. Tonight Don’t you think it’s strange that the weather is so cold and you wear too little? Someone might say that the deceased, like Mikaka, forgot to add clothes to keep warm. Mikaka may have been careless and didn’t wear a coat, but the deceased definitely No. Because we found cold medicine from the deceased's trouser pocket, it is impossible for a person with a cold to keep warm. I have confirmed this situation by calling the relatives of the deceased before, and the deceased went out wearing a coat. "

"But why is there no coat on the body of the deceased now? There is no doubt that the murderer took it. Would a real robber take the time to snatch a worthless coat? It can only be said that the coat is very important to the murderer. Important...even the most critical evidence against the murderer!"

"The mark of the god of death is the judgment of the dead, and it is also a pair of handcuffs for the murderer!"

L, the reasoning is wonderful, you really are my opponent.

Grim Reaper Ryuk seemed in a good mood. He opened the notebook and said to the young man, "Didn't you say you want to see the power of the notebook? Then I will let you kill a person with your own hands."

"What?" Although the young man looked shocked, his body involuntarily leaned towards Ryuk, the god of death.

That's right, it's the mark of the god of death.

Jiang Yuxuan shivered, his hands and feet were cold.He walked towards Tang Xuejiao who was next to him, trying to grab her hand, but this action aroused the vigilance of the police.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

What else can I do?At this moment, Jiang Yuxuan felt endless sadness in his heart.

What Death's Note, it really doesn't work!
"Xiaoxue, I'm sorry, I got you involved in this turmoil. I didn't expect that the phone would still work after being broken by me. Otherwise, you wouldn't have picked it up."

"What did you say!" Tang Xuejiao opened her beautiful eyes wide, "Did you really do it? Why?"

"Because Wu Han deserves to die! A bastard like him shouldn't live in this world. I wanted to kill him a long time ago! I never regret what I have done!"

Although Jiang Yuxuan's confession was surprising, it made both Mi Kaka and Meng Jin heave a sigh of relief.And Edison's expression is always a look of winning.At this time, the police had already loosened his handcuffs. He touched his wrist, looked at Jiang Yuxuan and asked, "Then why did you kill Wu Han and the other three girls?"

"Because Wu Han and them bullied Xiaoxue!" Jiang Yuxuan said angrily, "Since no one has dealt with scum like them, I have to do it myself." He then loudly said to the policeman who was arresting Tang Xuejiao: "Let her go! I admit it, she is not the murderer!"

"Let her go!" he repeated.

Meng Jin nodded to the policeman in custody: Tang Xuejiao's handcuffs were released.With tears in her eyes, she walked slowly towards Jiang Yuxuan: "Is it for me? I shouldn't have told you about their bullying me! It's all my fault!"

"No!" Jiang Yuxuan held her hand tightly, "You are right, they are the ones who are wrong! Only those who live like garbage are at fault! But don't be afraid, I have already cleared all the garbage, hahaha! ’ he laughed uncontrollably.

At this time, the policeman sent by Meng Jin to search for evidence came back.

"Report to Sir Meng, we found this coat in the trash can on the back street with a handprint on it!"

That's not a bloody handprint, but a luminous handprint.At this time, everyone finally understood what the mark of death in Edison's mouth was.

"Jiang Yuxuan found the victim in the crowd based on this luminous handprint. Wu Han was going to hit Mikaka after school this afternoon. Jiang Yuxuan had probably been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. He painted on his hand only The fluorescent liquid that glows at night, took the opportunity of pushing Wu Han away, and left his handprint on Wu Han's coat. When it is dark, it is not difficult to find such an obvious target in the square. As long as the Comparing the fingerprints with Jiang Yuxuan's..."

Edison paused for a moment, his eyes suddenly stared at him sharply like an eagle.At that moment, it seemed that only his voice was left in the world.

"So, the murderer is you, Jiang Yuxuan!"

As if hearing the judgment, Jiang Yuxuan took a deep breath.After a long time, he said with ashen face: "Yes, I am the murderer. Kira was still defeated by L, I admit defeat!"

"Okay," Death Ryuk handed the Death Note to the young man, "write Jiang Yuxuan's name on it, and you will see that someone in the square will die."

The young man hesitated for a moment, but took it anyway.His hand holding the pen was trembling: "Can this notebook really kill people?"

"Don't ask me, try it yourself."

"Okay!" The young man shook his heart and began to move his hands.He slowly wrote a name in his notes, and at the same time, looked at the group of people in the square with concern.

Will anyone really die?
"Now, start counting down," Ryuk, the god of death, said with a smile, "as long as you count to 40, the person you wrote will die!"

"Tell me, who is Death Ryuk?" Edison asked impatiently.He knew that L's real opponent was not Kira, but Ryuk, the god of death.

But Jiang Yuxuan shook his head helplessly: "Even if I want to say it, I can't. I only know that he is a man, and I don't know anything else..." Jiang Yuxuan suddenly seemed to have discovered something As if, he took out a playing card from his pocket, "What is this..." Jiang Yuxuan suddenly clutched his heart tightly, his face contorted in pain, and let out a short groan.

"Yuxuan, what's wrong with you?" Tang Xuejiao asked puzzled, but Jiang Yuxuan just clutched his chest and fell to the ground.

This unexpected situation surprised everyone present, Edison rushed over immediately and turned Jiang Yuxuan who had fallen to the ground, but it was too late.

The first Kira stopped breathing forever.

"It was Ryuk, the god of death, who did it!" Edison picked up the playing cards on the ground with a serious expression.

It was a black sunflower ace, and the character on the card was Ryuk, the god of death.

He is nearby!
Edison gritted his teeth and looked around.At this time, the wind suddenly whizzed past, as if carrying the cold laughter of the god of death.

The 13-day rule for the second pass
【Death of the female anchor】

Two dead bodies lay in the square.The first Kira—Jiang Yuxuan died.His stiff hands were still tightly grasping the clothes on his chest. From this death posture, it can be guessed that he died of a heart attack.

One of the most well-known rules in the comic version of "Death Note" is that if the cause of death is not written, it is assumed that the person died of a heart attack within 40 seconds of human time.But this is by no means a cartoon, Jiang Yuxuan is very likely to have died of poisoning.

(End of this chapter)

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