Reasoning Notes

Chapter 15 Reasoning Notes 1:12 Tsundere Detective

Chapter 15 Reasoning Notes 1:12 Tsundere Detective (15)
There was an interval of about 30 seconds. When we turned the corner, we saw the homeroom teacher actually catch up with the evil spirit.He grabbed the demon's clothes and almost tore the man's hat off.The two entangled for a few seconds, but unfortunately, the evil spirit finally pushed the head teacher away, and ran into another corner in a panic.

Hmph, he really ran into a dead end this time!
That place is the school toilet, there is no way to escape!
After the teacher in charge caught up, we rushed there immediately.During this time, at most three or four seconds.There is a puddle around the corner.We didn't step on it, but there was a wet shoe print on the floor leading to the men's room.The head teacher has already entered the men's toilet to see if there is anyone in the cubicle.Li Xiaochong was impatient, he put Xia Zaoan under the tree outside the toilet, and walked in with me.

I am most familiar with the toilet here.The men's and women's toilets are separated by a wall.The faucet is placed on both sides.Boys and girls can catch glimpses of each other through the hollow gap in the wall when they wash their hands in the bathroom.

The shoe print disappeared at the door of the men's room, and the evil spirit must have slipped into the men's room.

There was no one in the compartments, except for the last one with the door closed.

The three of us stood there, holding our breath.After opening the door, the evil spirit will definitely rush out, if he has a weapon in his hand... I am worried about this, but Li Xiaochong seems to be very confident in his martial arts foundation, and he kicked me away before I recovered the door.The door was not closed, it was just concealed, and there was no one in the compartment.

strangeness!I was stunned.Where did the evil spirit go? !
In addition to the door, the toilet also has a small window.However, even a child can't get through that pitifully small window, let alone a person as tall as the evil spirit.

We walked back to the door again.No matter how many times you look at it, it is the shoe print of walking in, not the shoe print of going out.

You may ask, are the shoe prints left by the previous people?But judging from the wetness of the shoe prints, it is obviously freshly baked!
Not only was this strange, it was creepy.I couldn't help shrinking my neck, and Li Xiaochong next to me was even paler, his lips trembling, and he kept muttering: "Oh my God! Disappeared again! My mother!"

"Again?" I was quite sensitive to this word, so I grabbed him and asked, "Have you seen it before?"

"Yes, it's in Zhong Xintong's villa..." Li Xiaochong took a deep breath, and narrated what happened that day in a fearful and secretive tone.He told how the evil spirit disappeared in the courtyard of Zhong Xintong's villa. Listening carefully, it turned out to be no different from our current situation.

Are there ghosts in this world?The answer is naturally no.

So how did the evil spirits disappear in front of us?
The magic shows we often watch, magicians will perform jaw-dropping tricks.And the current scene is undoubtedly one of the unknown tricks. Maybe from another angle, we can discover the truth of the matter.

We walked out of the men's room and observed the surrounding environment again.One side of the men's toilet is close to the experimental building, and the other side is a high wall. It is almost impossible to climb over the high wall, and in order to prevent outsiders from entering, the high wall is also equipped with a power grid.The same is probably true of the women's restroom.

Huh?While I was recording these situations in my notebook, I suddenly found that Xia Zao'an, who was under the tree at the door of the men's toilet, woke up at some point and was squatting on the ground carefully measuring those shoe prints with her fingers.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Xia Zao'an didn't say a word to my concerned inquiry.

She acted a little strangely, with a rigorous and serious expression on her face, which was very different from the laughing Wulong girl before.When she looked up, her eyes sparkled and were as sharp as a falcon's.

"The shoes are a size 40."


"I mean the prisoner's shoes are a size 40. Write that down, boy."

brother?Is that me?Is this girl crazy?Why do you order me in an adult tone?

I didn't have time to make any rebuttals in the future, but I saw Xia Zao'an striding into the men's room.

sky!She is a girl!

The few of us men looked at each other, unable to find the right words for a while.

Forget about it!

I caught a glimpse of the shoe prints on the ground, and my face suddenly changed.

One more line!
Originally, when we chased over, there were only shoe prints on the ground.However, next to the row of shoe prints, there is another row of shoe prints that ran out!The shoe prints that ran out of the row were lying on the ground impressively, as if deliberately mocking us.

There seemed to be a gust of wind blowing in the air, which made me feel chilly.

The shoe prints that the line ran out of were indescribably weird.It appeared on the ground out of thin air, ran out along the original shoe prints, and then disappeared into the grass outside.

Xia Zao'an stayed in the men's room for a while, and then ran to the women's room, as if the police were handling a case.But when I saw her in the women's room, I was enlightened.

Ah, if the demons disappeared like this...

"Finally, I understand!" I was very proud of the conclusion I had deduced, and blurted out.Li Xiaochong and the head teacher looked at me immediately.

"Understand what?"

"That's how the evil spirits disappeared!"

"Ah? What's going on?"

Li Xiaochong and the class teacher couldn't wait to know the truth of the matter.So I told them my reasoning: the evil spirit really ran to the men's room at first, but he took off his shoes behind the men's room, and quickly ran to the women's room barefoot.In this way, we created the illusion that we thought he ran into the men's toilet.While we were scratching our heads in the men's room, he came out of the women's room without haste.

"Ah! That makes sense!" Li Xiaochong said in admiration, "Mi Dui's younger brother really has a talent for reasoning!"

Don't mix me with my brother!Although I am a little dissatisfied, I am still a little complacent when I hear other people's praise.

"What a pity! My brother, your reasoning cannot be realized."

My joy was suddenly shattered by Xia Zaoan who came out of the women's toilet.

"What? Why do you say my reasoning is wrong?"

I stare angrily.Xia Zaoan, this guy is always against me.This time she dares to slander my reasoning, I will definitely not let her go!

"Your reasoning ignores an important factor."

She walked up to me and still looked so convincing that I was almost blown away.But I still suppressed my anger and asked disdainfully, "Oh, what is it?"

"Time. The devil has not enough time to complete the reasoning you have done."


Xia Zao'an smiled calmly, and there was always a certain light in the depths of her eyes.She asked me, "What was the distance between you and the evil spirit when he ran around the corner and out of your sight?"

"About forty to fifty meters."

"Then, it should be five or sixty meters from the corner to the toilet, which means the distance is about the same, and the distance from the men's toilet to the women's toilet is more than ten meters, so when you complete the 60-meter distance, the evil spirit must complete it." A distance of at least 50 meters."

"If he runs fast, it's not impossible." Although I felt that there was some truth in what she said, I still insisted on my opinion.

"Then let's try it out. Li Xiaochong, you run faster than my younger brother, so you play the role of the evil spirit and stand here at the corner, while younger brother, you stand at the place where you saw the evil spirit disappear just now."

Following what she said, we decided to repeat the case.

Ready, she gave an order, and the two of us standing on different starting lines started running.I have to say that I played a little trick and deliberately ran slowly so that Li Xiaochong would have time to complete my reasoning.

However, when I arrived at the corner, I happened to see Li Xiaochong running towards the women's toilet.

"The experiment failed." Xia Zaoan concluded calmly, "So, the evil spirit has no time to run from the men's toilet to the women's toilet. My brother, I'm really sorry, your reasoning is not valid."

"However, if the evil spirit runs very fast, it is also possible." I refused to admit defeat.

"Unless he can run faster than the [-]-meter flying man Bolt in the Beijing Olympics. And, don't forget, there is the class teacher who ran before you. Even if you can't see the evil spirits running from the men's toilet to the women's toilet , I think the head teacher will see it too."

I forgot this.The class teacher also echoed: "I did see the evil spirits running into the men's restroom."

I was immediately discouraged and had to admit that there was a big hole in my reasoning.

"So, what's your reasoning like?" I turned to Xia Zaoan and asked.

I'd like to see what she's up to.Although this girl looks confused on the surface, she is actually thoughtful and observant.Will it be like this?
"This, I haven't figured it out yet."

When she said that, I almost fainted.Suddenly, she stared at our shoes and asked, "What size are your shoes?"

I quickly replied, "I wear a size 42."

"I'm wearing size 43." Li Xiaochong replied.

"How about you, teacher?"

The head teacher raised his right foot and looked at the logo on the sole: "I am also a size 42."

"Hmm..." Xia Zao'an became silent again, she lowered her eyelids and frowned slightly.What is going on?This thorny question occupied her brain, she was trying to solve the mystery of the two rows of shoe prints, her eyes kept turning on the shoes of the three of us, as if she could get the key to solve the problem from the shoes of.However, the shoe prints on the ground are size has nothing to do with our shoes.

She looked up at the sky above.

She wouldn't think that the evil spirit was originally hiding in the air and then jumped down.

The toilet faces the football field.At this time, several boys played football there.They weren't there just now, so they shouldn't have witnessed the process of the evil spirits running out from here.

(End of this chapter)

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