Reasoning Notes

Chapter 18 Reasoning Notes 1:12 Tsundere Detective

Chapter 18 Reasoning Notes 1:12 Tsundere Detective (18)
Xiong Yi and Qiao Qi also couldn't wait to know the truth of the matter.

Xia Zaoan asked me to turn my notebook back to the records of that incident.This is when my penchant for jotting down every detail came into play.I turned back to those pages in my notebook, and although I had studied the details again and again, I still couldn't figure out the truth.

"That time, we did an experiment, and the evil spirits didn't have time to run from the men's restroom to the women's restroom. But, brother, your reasoning is half right. The evil spirits hid in the women's restroom while we were staying in the men's restroom. It was time to slip out."

I don't understand this.

"How did that evil spirit run from the men's room to the women's room? Didn't it prove that he didn't have time to run there? Could it be that he would pass through the wall?"

"No," Xia Zaoan shook her finger, "I never said that the evil spirit went to the men's room. He ran to the women's room from the very beginning."

"It's even more impossible." I shook my head violently, "There are footprints of him running towards the men's room on the ground! Moreover, the class teacher also said that he saw him running towards the men's room!"

"So, in this matter, the head teacher and the evil spirit are accomplices."

"Ah!" I felt as if I had been knocked on the head, and I woke up a little bit.

Xia Zao'an went on to say: "My reasoning is this: when we were chasing the evil ghost, the class teacher accidentally discovered the identity of the evil ghost. This may have been discovered when he was fighting with the evil ghost. To cover up the purpose of the evil spirit, the homeroom teacher was quick to get wise and told the evil spirit to run to the women's restroom while he ran to the men's restroom. In order to confuse the view, the head teacher stepped into the puddle on purpose and asked everyone to take his shoe prints as the evil spirit's shoes In this way, we mistakenly think that the evil spirits ran into the men's toilet."

"But..." While my doubts were still in my throat, Xia Zao'an continued as if she could see through my thoughts: "There is one last procedure in this layout, that is, the head teacher and the evil ghost exchanged shoes. They should be in They are interchanged on the wall holes of the faucets outside the toilet."

"Ah! So, after changing the shoes, there will be no shoe prints on the head teacher's shoes." I finally understood.

Li Xiaochong and others were also impressed by this flawless reasoning.Although I am a little unconvinced, I still have to admit that she is amazing.

"How did you see that?"

"The problem is the size of the shoes."

"What's wrong with that?"

"It's very simple. At that time, I asked the three of you about the size of your shoes. Yours is a size 42, Li Xiaochong's is a size 43, and the head teacher's is a size 42."

"What's the matter?"

"This is a bit strange. Leaving Li Xiaochong aside, you are much taller than the teacher in charge. He is a small man, so the size of his shoes should not be the same as yours."

"However, some people have small feet and big feet."

"Of course, this possibility cannot be ruled out. But, look at the records you made. You wrote here, and the class teacher raised his foot to look at the soles of his shoes. This is even more strange. Most people know the size of their shoes, right? Both you and Li Xiaochong said it without hesitation, but the head teacher looked at the shoes first to confirm. This shows that he does not know the size of the pair of shoes. The biggest possibility is that the pair of shoes is not his at all .”


"Of course, I also found more conclusive evidence, that is the head teacher's trousers."

"What happened to the bottom of the trousers?" My notebook didn't record the details.

"The head teacher's trousers were splashed wet at that time. But his shoes were very clean, which is unreasonable. Why are the trousers wet, but the shoes are fine? The great possibility is that he once stepped into a puddle, and his heel Someone else replaced a pair of clean shoes. Now, we only need to look at the head teacher's shoes to see clearly."

We squatted down, and sure enough, we saw that the head teacher was wearing size 40 shoes instead of the previous size 42.

This completely corroborated Xia Zaoan's reasoning.

"So, the head teacher created the mystery of disappearance to cover up for the evil ghost?"

"That's right. Besides, that evil spirit must be someone the head teacher knows. You have to pay attention, the evil spirit may be around us, and he is also someone we know."

Xia Zaoan's words seemed to pull us into the dark abyss again.

Evil spirits, right beside us? !

"Oops!" She suddenly yelled, and even our nerves tensed up.

"The teacher in charge just died, so the evil spirit should not be far away." Xia Zao'an blamed herself angrily, "It's all my fault that I was too focused on reasoning and forgot to chase after that guy."

She rushed out and leaned on the railing in the corridor to look at the campus.It just so happened that the class was over, and the campus was bustling with crowds of students everywhere, and on the tree-lined school road, there were even more figures, and it was impossible to pick out any suspicious ones.

She turned to Li Xiaochong and asked, "Did you see any suspicious people when you ran up just now?"


"That may be that he went down another staircase."

I remembered something and told her: "But the exit of the other staircase is locked with iron bars, and it will only be opened after class."

"Then he must walk to the second and third floors along the stairs over there before turning back to the exit of the stairs here."

She ordered Li Xiaochong to stay at the scene, and then led us down.

In the music room on the third floor, there are two students playing musical instruments, they are classmates in our class.Recently, they have to prepare for the performance of the school band, so they took the opportunity to make up for it.Xia Zao'an asked them if they saw anyone passing by in the corridor, they thought about it and shook their heads.

"Did you hear any noise upstairs?"

They still shook their heads.Because they were sitting by the window, they saw a black shadow flying outside the window, and then heard the sound of the flower pot falling to the ground.

We went to the second floor again.A girl in the art room was also painting by the window, and also saw the black shadow of the flowerpot and heard the sound of falling to the ground.However, she didn't see anyone passing in the corridor either.

Of course, it's not good to miss it.

We are back on the fourth floor.

At this time, the siren of the police car gradually approached.The students who had just finished class watched the police car drive into the campus in bewilderment, not knowing what was going on.The floor we were on was rarely visited by people, so despite the noise from the downstairs floors, the corridor on the storage room floor was still deserted, like a world isolated from the outside world.

This world is suddenly so dark, the sun becomes cowardly and incompetent, and endless sorrow fills the air in the room heavier and heavier.We silently watched the head teacher's body, as if we could feel the breath of death left in our lungs with every breath.

Only Xia Zao'an looked back and forth for clues.The body on the ground was like a dead thing to her.She didn't show a trace of sadness, or she didn't reveal her feelings easily.

"There's something strange about it," she said.

"what's up?"

She turned around and pointed to the window: "Why are the windows closed here? If the flower pot was thrown down by the murderer, why did he close the window? If the flower pot was thrown down by the head teacher to warn, or it was accidentally touched during the fight. Actually, in either case, the murderer had no reason to close the window."

"Well, it is indeed. Moreover, when we came here just now, the windows were still closed. I didn't see anyone close them downstairs." I also fell into this difficult mystery.

"So, the murderer opened the window and then closed it?" She began to simulate the situation at the time of the crime, and walked slowly towards the window, "No, the more accurate reasoning is that after the head teacher came to the storage room, he thought of the window Come to open the window, at this time the evil spirit suddenly came behind him, and suddenly strangled him with the rope, the head teacher struggled desperately, struggled..."

She entered the scene, like a person who was about to be strangled to death, her hands choked her neck, her body twitched violently, and then her eyes turned white, and she fell to the ground.Watching her immersive performance, I seem to feel a burst of wailing of fear coming from the depths of the cold air.

"It's roughly like this: After the evil spirit strangled the head teacher to death, he had to close the window for some reason. During the process of closing the window, he accidentally knocked over the flower pot." She continued as she got up from the ground. Reasoning, "But, why does the evil spirit have to close the windows? Isn't that superfluous? And killing people should hurry up and escape. I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out!"

Although her expression was a little distressed, it was more joyful.If the case was easy to solve, she might find it boring.

Then she went to the window and pushed it open.The room suddenly became much brighter, and soft light flooded the entire room.Our vision also suddenly opened up, and we got rid of the gloomy and sluggish atmosphere.Outside the window, you can see long white clouds spreading to the horizon.

Xia Zao'an turned around, her eyes turned clockwise, and suddenly turned back 20 degrees counterclockwise.She stared at the cabinet against the wall.The cabinet is full of things, there are globes, teaching compasses and triangles, and so on.There are pennants and trophies and other items in the window of the cabinet. The window glass clearly reflects the scene in the house, and several of us can be seen.

She went to the cabinet to check, then squatted down.

"Ah!" She exclaimed excitedly as if she had discovered something.

However, she didn't notice that the globe on the cabinet shook suddenly.


"What?" She raised her head awkwardly.The globe hit her forehead impartially.


With a muffled grunt, Xia Zao'an fainted.

She woke up 2 minutes later and turned back into that innocent and ignorant girl again.

The case that day alarmed everyone in the school.

(End of this chapter)

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