Reasoning Notes

Chapter 2 Reasoning Notes 1:12 Tsundere Detective

Chapter 2 Reasoning Notes 1:12 Tsundere Detective (2)
I saw a circle drawn with chalk at the door.The cardboard box picked up by the housekeeper Ah Yin earlier was placed in the circle.Two police officers from the forensic department were taking models and taking pictures there. It could be seen that there were a few drops of dark red blood on the ground where the circle was drawn.

However, that was not human blood, but cat blood.

There was a dead cat in the cardboard box and a threatening letter.

"Miss Zhong Xintong, may I ask if you have had any grudges with anyone recently?"

Inside, in the gorgeously decorated living room, a woman was sitting on the sofa and smoking a cigarette.When asked such a question, she yelled impatiently: "How can I have a grudge with someone?"

"Since there is no grudge, is it a money problem?"

"No la!"

Zhong Xintong put the cigarette butt on the ashtray and flicked the ash away.Her uncooperative attitude embarrassed the police officer who was questioning her.

On the surface, a big star who is a young and beautiful girl, gives people a kind and friendly feeling on the screen, but the real person is so savage and arrogant.The inquiring police officer couldn't help but smiled wryly, and he reported the recorded situation to a man who came over.

The man was about thirty years old, handsome and handsome, with piercing eyes.He is the captain of the criminal investigation in charge of this case - Mijie.

Mijie is able to take on such an important position at such a young age, of course he is outstanding.As soon as he joined the police force, he was promoted again and again for solving several famous major cases, and he was not only the main training object of the Provincial Public Security Bureau.And he also has a beautiful male star face, known for his frequent appearances on TV.

He was personally responsible for the intimidation case, probably because of the celebrity status of the informant.

Mi Jie took the interrogation transcript, looked at it twice, frowned slightly, and raised his heroic eyes to look at the female star sitting on the sofa.Zhong Xintong was still breathing anxiously, and a lot of ash had accumulated in the ashtray.

Mi Jie returned the transcript like waste paper to his subordinates, he knew in his heart that the big star still had something to hide.

He sat on the sofa opposite her, his falcon-like sharp eyes sparkling.

"Miss Zhong, do you have any impression of this evil spirit?"

Evil spirits—that's what the person who wrote the threatening letter called himself.

There was indeed a very provocative sentence in the threatening letter: "I am an evil spirit, come and go without a trace, no one can catch me!" This is simply a letter of challenge to the police.But Mijie did not rule out that the letter was just a prank by the other party.

It is not uncommon for crazy fans to send threatening letters to their idols.

"I don't have any impression." It was also the first time Zhong Xintong heard of a character like a ghost.

"Could it be your fan?"

"Maybe. How do I know? Isn't this what your police want to investigate? That's right!" Zhong Xintong looked at Mi Jie and said, "I recognize you. You are the famous man on TV." Police officer. Aren’t you very good at solving crimes? Hurry up and catch the criminal!”

"The threatening letter said: 'With the hatred of being deceived, I came to claim my life, and I will tear off your hypocritical masks, so that you will never be reborn.'" Mi Jie repeated the content of the letter, and his indifferent voice told the intimidator The words were rendered like a dark wind blowing from hell, Zhong Xintong's neck couldn't help shrinking slightly, and her pale lips trembling slightly with a cigarette in her mouth.

"What does this sentence mean?" Mi Jie stared closely at the other party's expression.

"Where do do I know what it means?"

"Being deceived, being hypocritical...have you... have you ever deceived someone?"

"No!" Zhong Xintong retorted loudly.

"You... This word shows that the target of intimidation is not only you, but also others. Who is it? Don't you know this?"


Zhong Xintong's eyes widened and she was speechless for a while.She didn't expect that Mi Jie could analyze it so deeply with just a few words, and she would not have called the police if she had known it earlier.

However, having said that, another target of intimidation would be that person?

If this is the case, it means that her secret has been discovered.Once this secret is revealed, her life will be ruined.

God, no way!Her heart was filled with fear, and her mind went blank.

At this time, the housekeeper Ah Yin seemed to think of something: "That person, could it be..." Before she finished speaking, Ah Yin closed her mouth because she saw her master staring at her fiercely.

Mijie naturally noticed the eye contact between the master and servant.

You can't be wrong, that person is the secret that Zhong Xintong tried her best to keep.Perhaps, it is also the cause of this intimidation case.

"Then what does this mean?" Mijie picked up a playing card in the box, and his falcon-like sharp eyes entangled Zhong Xintong, "What does the square 9 represent?"

"This... I really don't know." Zhong Xintong was also puzzled.

Square 9... must be implying something.

As for the person who rang the doorbell that morning, the police got very few clues from the confessions of the two witnesses, A Yin and the sanitation worker. They only knew that the person was bald, and the possibility was higher that he was a man.A set of fingerprints was collected from the cardboard box. Since the witness did not see the man wearing gloves, it is very likely that the set of fingerprints belonged to the guy-let's call him a ghost for the time being.

However, after confirmation by the police, no corresponding records were found in the police files for this set of fingerprints.It can be inferred from this that the evil spirit has no previous criminal history.

Sure enough, it was a prank by a crazy fan.

"I think of someone." Zhong Xintong ordered the housekeeper Ah Yin to take out a stack of letters, which were letters and postcards from some fans.

Ah Yin picked out several postcards, all of which were written by the same person.The date can be traced back to Christmas three years ago. At that time, Zhong Xintong was not well-known, and it was rare to receive letters from fans.

"Do you suspect it's this fan?"

Mijie took the postcard.Judging from the date, postcards will be sent every festival, and its cover is all about the youth idol group of Zhong Xintong and another girl.Mijay knew the girl, committed suicide a few years ago, and then the idol group died because of it.What I didn't expect was that after Zhong Xintong's solo career, her stardom rose to a higher level, and she became a first-line star in just a few years.

"Is there something wrong with this fan?" Mi Jie found that there were only some blessings written on the back of the postcard, and there was nothing unusual about it.

"He, he...I'm not sure, the gift he sent a few days ago was a bit strange."

"What's wrong?"

"He sent a posthumous photo!"

"The posthumous photo? Is it the posthumous photo of the deceased? Where is it now?"

"I'm afraid, I threw it away long ago."

Mi Jie couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, so he could only ask: "So, who is the person in the photo?"

Zhong Xintong had a serious expression and hesitated a few times before saying, "It's me..."

"It's you?" Mijieluo pondered, "So, it's obvious that the other party sent the posthumous photo. It's a death warning."

"Then is he an evil spirit? Sir, this person... gives me an indescribable feeling. I think this person did it! He seems to know everything about me and is always watching me!"

"Really?" Mi Jie pretended to be pondering, but did not continue to ask, "Okay, I will take these postcards back and study them, maybe I can find some clues from them."

From the bottom of his heart, he felt that the female star was deliberately hyping up this threatening letter.In today's entertainment industry, celebrities have endless means of hype. Exaggerating a prank can attract the attention of the media.By the way, I heard that this woman just started filming a movie recently, maybe she made a big fuss for the promotion of this movie?

All in all, it's not a big case so far.

Mi Jie and his subordinates were about to return home when Zhong Xintong chased him out.

"Sir, you just went back like this? Don't you send someone to protect me?"

"This is..."

It's a big joke.Mi Jie frowned slightly, he didn't want to waste the police force to cooperate with the star's hype.However, he has a duty to provide protection to reporting persons who feel threatened.Mi Jie looked at his subordinates on the left and right. These people were the elite of the police force he led.It's a bit difficult... Mijie glanced at the door inadvertently, and there seemed to be a few more people watching, including a strange person.After he questioned the guarding police officer, he found out that the guy was an intern at the police academy.

"Hey, the one over there!" He walked out of the door and waved to Li Xiaochong.

After Li Xiaochong looked left and right, he realized that Mi Jie called him.He walked over and stood at attention to salute.

"Report to the Commander!"

"En." Mi Jie nodded slightly, staring at Li Xiaochong, "Are you the policeman in charge of this community?"

"Yes, no, actually not, I'm still an intern, I haven't graduated yet to become a policeman..."

"It's okay, what's your name?"

"Li Xiaochong."

"Li Xiaochong?"

"It's not a worm, it's Li Xiaochong! I adore you!" Li Xiaochong has long been used to explaining his misleading name to others.

"Oh!" In short, it's right if it's a bug.Mi Jie continued, "Student Li Xiaochong, I will give you a mission to protect the safety of Miss Zhong Xintong here."

"Ah! But..."

There are only two police officers in this community. If he is transferred to guard the door of this house, then Lao Liu will be the only one responsible for other matters?Thinking of Lao Liu's old-fashioned appearance, Li Xiaochong was very worried.Although there are no cases of robbery in this area, it is not enough for Lao Liu to manage it alone.

He really wanted to refuse, but the policeman beside Mijie said impatiently in a commanding tone: "This is the task assigned by Captain Mijie of the General Administration. Don't you think you, a little policeman, still want to refuse?"

"Captain Mijie? Are you the 'Sherlock Holmes of China'?"

(End of this chapter)

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