Reasoning Notes

Chapter 20 Reasoning Notes 1:12 Tsundere Detective

Chapter 20 Reasoning Notes 1:12 Tsundere Detective (20)
In a movie company building located in the central business district of Tianhe, the lights in room 13 on the 301th floor had just been extinguished when a man came out of the building.He walked along the street late at night towards the direction of the company's dormitory, walking heavily, and lit a cigarette in the dark night.

He didn't notice at all, there was a dark figure quietly approaching him not far behind.

A car passed by the road, and the lights of the car illuminated Chen Yusheng's face.He squinted his eyes a little, the sudden strong light in the dark night was somewhat difficult to adapt to.And that ray of light also illuminated the whole figure of the figure behind him - the peaked cap, the mask, and the lack of sunglasses this time, perhaps because of the late night.

Those evil eyes were only visible for a brief moment in the fleeting light.

Chen Yusheng recalled all kinds of things that happened recently: Zhong Xintong, Tang Zheng, the movie that was temporarily suspended... The more he thought about it, the more confused he became, and the turbulent anxiety in his heart had slowly spread in his chest.He suddenly thought of another person—the evil ghost.

What is the purpose of that nasty guy?Is Tang Zheng really a ghost?
Although the gossip from the police did say so, and Tang Zheng was locked up in the detention center as a major suspect, Chen Yusheng still had doubts about the true identity of the evil spirit.He always felt that evil spirits were not so easy to be caught, maybe that guy was hiding in the dark and planning the next conspiracy.

Chen Yusheng's speculation was surprisingly accurate, but he never thought that the next target of the evil spirit would be himself.Moreover, the evil spirit was behind him at this time, and was holding a wooden stick tightly!
Chen Yusheng suddenly shook his body, and the sudden ringtone of the mobile phone startled him.

He picked up the phone: "I'm on my way back to the dormitory. I worked overtime in the company after twelve o'clock... Don't worry, I'm fine... I'll see you again on Saturday. I'm going to talk to the producer tomorrow. People discuss the progress plan of that movie... Alas, too many things have happened recently, don't worry, everything will pass..."

Chen Yusheng turned the corner while talking on the phone, and the company dormitory was not far ahead.

The night was still so dead.The sound of footsteps running hurriedly from behind caught his attention. As soon as Chen Yusheng turned his head, he shouted in panic, "Ah!"

He took a sap and fell straight down. The phone also fell to the ground, and there was an inquiring "Hello" sound from inside.

The evil spirit picked up the mobile phone on the ground.At this time, he suddenly pulled down the mask a little bit rarely, revealing his mouth, and there was a sinister smile on his mouth...

The day after Chen Yusheng was kidnapped, in fact, people didn't know about his kidnapping at that time.The news program team of a local TV station received an unexpected courier in the evening.

That night, there was a report in the evening news: "The well-known young director Chen Yusheng was kidnapped by the evil spirit last night, and the evil spirit used this to send a letter of challenge to the police..."

Of course, he still included a 9 of diamonds playing card.

At the same time as the news was broadcast, the criminal investigation department of the city's public security bureau also started to make noise.While watching the news reports on TV, the detectives secretly glanced at Captain Mijie behind him.He still had no expression on his face, and his eyes were determined, but at this moment, it was difficult for him to hold back, and an angry flame flashed in his eyes from time to time.

The letter he held tightly in his hand was exactly the same as the one read aloud by the host on the TV news.

What an arrogant evil spirit!He actually sent the letter to the bureau, and even challenged him in front of the whole city!

The letter paper was crumpled under the fingers.

I also saw that news report.

The beautiful anchor said slowly: "...the evil spirit claims to attack Miss Zhong Xintong on the 15th of this month. If the police can't stop his plan, he will kill Director Chen Yusheng as a prize for challenging the police!"

The news broadcast a video of Chen Yusheng being tied up sent by the evil spirit: I saw him being tied up and thrown in a dark corner, with his eyes blindfolded and his mouth gagged.We can tell by the sound of his struggle that he is still alive - at least for now.

I turned off the TV, went back to my room, and lay on the bed, more and more confused.I feel that the behavior of this evil spirit is becoming more and more elusive.Under the premise of excluding Tang Zheng as the evil spirit, this evil spirit looks so arrogant, as if he has full confidence in his own wisdom.

However, there is also a possibility that Tang Zheng, who was in prison, specially asked others to commit crimes again in the name of evil spirits in order to exonerate himself.This possibility is based on the fact that he has accomplices. However, the evil ghost should be a lone traveler.

Can't figure it out!

I tucked my head under the pillow in distress, my thoughts were in a mess.I hate that I have read so many mystery novels, but I can't even think of a clue about this case.If the person in Xia Zao'an's body wakes up, maybe everything will be resolved smoothly.

NO.15, after eight o'clock in the evening.

The outside of the hotel was packed with interview vehicles of various media.There are only three hours left before the end of today, and after twelve o'clock, the challenge of the evil spirit will be declared a failure.

Actions must be taken during this time.Thinking of this, not only the reporters and the media, but even the more than [-] police officers sent by the General Administration tightened their nerves.The hotel is also very cooperative with the police, and the inside and outside are full of criminal police in uniform or plain clothes.Everyone entering the hotel is under close surveillance by the police.

Mi Jie nervously commanded his subordinates to deploy at the scene.The subordinates seldom saw him so tense, and the frowning did not match that handsome and calm face.He usually acts chicly, obviously encountered a difficult opponent.

After Mi Jie ordered his subordinates to stick to their posts, he returned to a white truck.

The command vehicle looks like a truck used for express delivery, but in fact there is heaven and earth inside.It is similar to the reconnaissance vehicles often seen in movies, with all kinds of electronic communication equipment, eavesdropping and tracking equipment inside.Thanks to the connection to the hotel's surveillance cameras, a row of screens shows the situation in every corner of the hotel.

An agent sits in front of a computer, watching each screen intently.

There are people coming and going in the hotel.Because this big hotel will hold a charity reception tonight, and many celebrities and officials in the city will be present.As a well-known artist, Zhong Xintong was also invited.It would be a great humiliation to the police if evil spirits could infiltrate such an occasion.

But Mijie didn't think that evil spirits would sneak into the reception.The security at the reception was very strict, and the people on the guest list were either rich or expensive, and the evil ghost logically said that it was impossible for him to have such a status.

What if he got mixed up with the waiters?Mijie had already thought of this, so all the waiters in the reception were plainclothes police officers.Moreover, all passages into the reception are guarded.

The most likely plan of the evil spirits is to launch a remote attack, use a bomb or something, as long as the effect is achieved, the attack is successfully completed.Knowing that the police were closely monitoring him, he wouldn't show up rashly.Sitting in the scout car, Mijie subconsciously sighed.He thought to himself: The behavior of this evil spirit cannot be analyzed with common sense.

is not that right?One question that Mi Jie still can't figure out is, why did the evil spirit kidnap Qiu Ziming?
What use is a high school student to him?
Moreover, since the incident at the black tea house, the evil spirit has never mentioned anything about Qiu Ziming.No one knows whether Qiu Ziming is alive or dead.

The kidnapped high school student now seems to be ignored by the evil spirits along with the police.Regarding this, Mi Jie was full of doubts. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.The confusing mystery slowly expanded in his chest, and it was about to burst.He felt bad, the pain he had never felt before.

"Mi team." A voice awakened his thoughts.The detective sitting in another chair was using a communicator to contact his colleagues. He reported that Zhong Xintong had left the reception suddenly during the dinner.

"Send someone to ask what's going on?"

Mijie almost jumped up in anxiety, which was different from his usual calm and steady style.

Soon, the contact agent replied: "Oh, Zhong Xintong said she was a little tired, and wanted to take a rest in the hotel suite."

With a sigh of relief, Mijie sat back on the chair heavily.

"A hotel suite?" he asked.

"Well. I heard that Zhong Xintong often comes to this hotel and has a fixed suite. If I remember seems to be on the 12th floor."

"Hurry up and send someone to check on the 12th floor. Tell Team A to guard both sides of the corridor, and Team B to guard the stairs. Be sure to keep your spirits up!" Mijie then remembered something, "Tell Xiao Li to check quickly , who live on the 12th floor?"

A later reply stated that the other rooms on the 12th floor happened to be unoccupied tonight.

Mi Jie was still worried, and ordered the police officers to check all the rooms on the 12th floor to make sure that no one was hiding inside.

After arranging everything, he turned his head and glanced at the reporters and media gathered outside the hotel.

What if evil spirits are in there?
Just when this idea was brewing in his mind, Mi Jie's eyes suddenly widened. Behind the crowd, there was a guy in a strange dress who was struggling to push through the crowd and walk towards the hotel.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" The man roughly pushed the person in front of him away.The people pushed away by him just wanted to turn around and curse, but when they saw his attire, they all stood there stunned.

The man was actually wearing a peaked cap, sunglasses and a mask!Isn't this the iconic dress of the devil?

People who have long been familiar with the image of evil spirits stared wide-eyed, unable to believe what they saw.Is he a ghost?The reporters became suspicious and involuntarily moved out of the way, allowing the man to squeeze out of the crowd smoothly.

"Quick, the devil is coming!"

(End of this chapter)

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