Reasoning Notes

Chapter 22 Reasoning Notes 1:12 Tsundere Detective

Chapter 22 Reasoning Notes 1:12 Tsundere Detective (22)
In the grass, the strong rotting smell of charred corpses filled the surrounding air crazily.

The old woman's mouth trembled a few times, and she screamed again: "Ah—"

The open space was full of police cars, and both the General Bureau and the neighboring police stations sent criminal police to come to help.

Afterwards, the media who got the news also rushed to the scene.The police had to pull up the cordon to keep the media reporters out.Since the body was found on the second day of the ghost challenge, many people couldn't help but wonder about it.

The demon's declaration of challenge is still clearly in people's memory.

As soon as Mi Jie got out of the police car, he was surrounded by media reporters.

"Mi Team! Mi Team! Excuse me, is that corpse Chen Yusheng?"

"What explanation do you have for the failure of the police operation this time and the loss of one life?"

"Don't the police have any clues about the evil spirit so far?"

Mijie didn't answer any of these sharp questions.With an expression of no comment, he walked through the cordon under the cover of his subordinates.Next to the corpse, forensics departments and forensic doctors are already collecting evidence.

When the forensic doctor saw him approaching, he immediately stood up and said, "The body was first strangled and then charred."

"What about the time of death?"

"Probably between two and four in the morning this morning."

"Can you confirm the identity of the body?"

"Well...the body was burned so badly that it can only be tested by DNA."

"Oh, I see."

Mi Jie turned to his colleagues in the forensic department: "What did you find?"

The clerk replied: "For this purpose, we have found a lighter, a gasoline can, and this..." He held up the transparent plastic bag used for evidence collection in his hand, and there was a piece of square 9 in the bag. playing cards and a piece of paper.

There are several large characters on the paper, which read: "Victory of the evil spirits".Those big characters were not handwritten or typed, but cut out from the newspaper and pasted with glue.Doing so avoids leaving your own handwriting.

Although the body couldn't be identified, judging from the remaining clothes and the ghost's message, it should be Chen Yusheng's body.

The devil did not break his promise.On the second day after the successful challenge, he killed Chen Yusheng and threw his body out of the wilderness.

The person who found the body was an old woman who picked up waste, and the police could not get meaningful clues from her statement.

What's interesting is that some media rushed to the scene immediately. This should not be the news leaked by the police.Mi Jie asked someone to call the reporter of a certain daily who arrived at the scene first.

"I was at work this morning when I suddenly received a call from a stranger who claimed to be an evil spirit." The young reporter had a camera hanging on his chest.With the first-hand information about the murder case, he showed a satisfied expression, and now he only looks forward to going back to write the manuscript, "That person told me to come here, saying that I will find something interesting."

"What else did the man say?"

"No, that's all. He obviously asked someone to find the body on purpose. Unexpectedly, not long after I arrived, your police came."

"Did you find anything strange in the call with that person?"

"This..." The reporter frowned in embarrassment, and suddenly, his eyebrows stretched, "Sir, I remembered! When the man was halfway through talking, he suddenly stopped talking. I thought he hung up. I didn't expect him to speak again after a while."


The reporter said while recalling: "At that time, I heard the sound of drinking water on the phone and heard him coughing a few times."


"Well. Although he seemed to cover his mouth on purpose, I could still hear it. He was also weak when he spoke."

"So..." Mijie thought seriously.He suspected that the evil spirit should be sick.

"Sir?" The reporter suddenly asked in a low voice, "That corpse belongs to Chen Yusheng, right?"

"No comment on this one."

The reporter smiled indifferently, anyway, he had already determined that it was Chen Yusheng's body.Sure enough, the newspaper office where the reporter worked immediately published the daily newspaper ahead of schedule that day.The corpse in the open space was placed on the front page cover. Due to the explosive content, the public's enthusiasm for paying attention to evil spirits continued to heat up.

Even with the mosaic on the picture of the corpse in the newspaper, you can still feel the horrific appearance.In the article, the scorched corpse was regarded as Chen Yusheng in a firm tone, and the process of the newspaper reporter receiving the call from the evil spirit was also detailed one by one.

"Really killed the hostage!" I gasped.

"That's right! It's scary!" Xia Zao'an grabbed the newspaper with both hands, his face was pale, "It's a terrible death!"

"Hey, evil spirits are so inhuman!"

"Does it need to be said? That kind of bad guy should be arrested and shot!" Xia Zaoan handed me the newspaper, then put on a smug expression, and started to show off again, "Hey! My vest is back again. It has increased! Now the bid has reached 2 yuan! Oh hehe!"

I almost spit the Coke down my throat: "Oh my God! So much!"

Li Xiaochong hadn't figured out the ins and outs, and looked at us blankly.When I told the story one by one, he also opened his mouth wide and stammered, "Cheat... lie, right? A vest signed by Zhong Xintong can be sold for 2 yuan?"

"That's needless to say!" Xia Zao'an raised her nose triumphantly, "It's really thanks to the evil spirit! If it wasn't for him, Zhong Xintong's vest wouldn't be worth so much money!"

"Then why don't you sell it quickly!"

The person who asked this question was Li Xiaochong, and Xia Zaoan's answer was similar to what I expected.

"Don't rush, don't rush, it will continue to rise! Hee hee, I want to sell it! Oh ha ha!"

To be honest, I think she is a post-90s girl who is greedy, confused, and perverse.

Unexpectedly, this girl is a combination of beauty and wisdom.But her "wisdom" has been sleeping with another personality, and she doesn't know when she will wake up again.

We walked through the crossroads, and not far ahead was our destination—the hotel where the event that caused a sensation in the city last night was staged.Although it has experienced a strange storm, the hotel is still operating as usual today, and there are as many guests coming and going as usual.There are all kinds of cars parked outside the hotel, and there is no trace of the commotion of last night at all.

We plan to visit the site today to investigate.Anyway, just watching the whole process on TV is still not comprehensive enough, and some details can only be perfected on the spot.With this thought in mind, I walked to the entrance of the hotel, and the automatic sensing glass door suddenly opened to both sides in front of me, and I swallowed subconsciously.

It was the first time for me to enter such a high-end hotel.The waiter standing by the door bowed to us with an invariable smile: "Welcome!" I was flattered.

The hotel lobby is more magnificent than what you see on TV. A gorgeous large crystal chandelier hangs from the ceiling, and the sunlight reflects silently on the crystal.There were neatly dressed and elegant people everywhere in the hall. Two foreigners with yellow hair and blue eyes were chatting happily, and one of them glanced at us as we passed by.

It must seem strange that we are in such a place with our high school uniforms on.Because, at this time, the school should still be in class.

Skipping class is an embarrassing thing for a standard and good student like me, but for this case, I have to make an exception.Because when I think of Qiu Ziming and the head teacher who were innocently implicated, I will blurt out my anger.

Why did the evil spirits want to kill them?
Ordinary high school students and high school teachers shouldn't be involved in such a horrible case!

I said to myself, no matter what, the evil spirit must not be allowed to go unpunished!

Li Xiaochong showed his police ID to the waiter at the counter.At this time, you can only rely on him.

"Huh? Didn't the police all withdraw this morning?" the counter lady, who was about 20 years old, asked suspiciously.

"Oh, this time I'm here to do a supplementary investigation."

The counter lady didn't seem to be suspicious of the lie she made up long ago.Li Xiaochong was still a little nervous, what he was holding in his hand was just the ID of a police trainee, luckily the lady at the counter didn't look at it carefully.

"We're going to the 12th floor to investigate again, especially the room where Zhong Xintong rested last night."

"Ah? Do you still need to investigate? I can't be the master of this. Manager!" The counter lady turned and summoned the hotel manager who was talking to the guest over there.As the manager walked over, he looked at the three of us curiously.The combination of a policeman who looks like a college student and two high school students is inevitably a bit strange.

After listening to the counter lady's words, the hotel manager also frowned and complained, "Can't you police finish the investigation at once? It's really annoying!"

"I'm sorry. It can't be helped. Cases are sometimes handled like this."

"Forget it, forget it, you can investigate, but you can't harass the guests of this hotel."

"Of course! Of course!"

Li Xiaochong said with a smile, and just took us a few steps, when he heard the hotel manager ask from behind: "Sir, what are you doing with the middle school students?"

Our steps froze, a little guilty, and beads of sweat oozed from our foreheads.

"Oh, they are assisting the investigation."

"Oh, that's the case." The hotel manager turned around and walked back without any doubt, continuing to talk with the guests.

We breathed a sigh of relief and walked to the elevator.The red numbers above are beating rhythmically, showing that the elevator is descending.

I suddenly said, "Hey, let's not take the elevator, let's go up the stairs."

"Why? Walking the stairs is so tiring!" Xia Zao'an pouted in disgust.

"The evil spirit also took the stairs last night. Perhaps there may be some evidence left in the stairs."

So we went into the stairwell instead.

(End of this chapter)

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