Reasoning Notes

Chapter 319 Reasoning Notes 7: Three Kingdoms Kill

Chapter 319 Reasoning Notes 7: Killing the Three Kingdoms (18)
This is by no means done in an instant.That person has to get the notes, copy the previous ones, and rebind them.Such tedious steps take at least an hour.He actually left the notebook for an hour without noticing it?Fortunately, he also claims to be the strongest criminal in the world.

Qi Mu sat slumped on the chair, all the strength in his body suddenly lost.

He has been taking this notebook with him on all walks of the world, but he hasn't opened it for a long time.Because he didn't want to look at it again, but he wasn't willing to throw it away.He had no idea when the notebook was transferred.And... weird isn't it?Qi Mu thought: Why did that person only secretly change the content in the latter part?If the purpose is to take notes, why not simply steal it?Qi Mu flipped through the notes and found that two-thirds of them were forged, that is to say, only one-third of the real notes were left in his hand.

It's really weird to do this.

Qi Mu thought about it but couldn't figure it out.Forget it, he had no choice but to stand up and say to the shopkeeper: "Boss, according to the agreement, tell me the real identity of that customer."

The shopkeeper immediately yelled, "Not fair! Not fair! I have half a minute left! This doesn't count!"

Can it be counted?Seeing Qi Mu's cold, lifeless eyes, the owner choked up his throat and dared not protest.The consequences for pissing off this criminal master are dire. "Okay, okay. Don't use your eyes to discharge electricity! You want to scare people to death! I tell you it is. The guest is also a criminal. But I don't know what he looks like because he wears a mask. But I have him here phone number. By the way! We made an appointment for him to pick up the goods tonight!"

"Give me the phone number!"

Qi Mu took over and dialed the string of numbers, and in the next second, a short cell phone rang suddenly at the door, and then went out.A figure turned around and flew into the night of the alley.That person has been outside!Qi Mu chased him out, ran out of the alley, and found himself standing on the empty street in the middle of the night, with no one on either side.

The criminal was gone.

Seeing Qi Mu's figure turn back into the alley, the criminal who was hiding behind the shadow of the mailbox came out with confidence.

How could someone investigate me?He couldn't figure it out.

Just now he was about to go to the human skin mask shop to get the goods, but he ran into the human skin master talking with another person, he only heard the part behind, without seeing that person's face, he had no way of guessing his real identity.

Could it be... The cold air entered his body, and a thin layer of sweat broke out all over his body.Could it be that he is a ghost?

Speaking of the ghost, no one knows its origin. They only know that since joker's death, it appeared out of nowhere and integrated the fragmented criminal world in a short period of time.Many criminal masters have already been brought under its command.

Master Phantom, this is the name it is called in criminal division circles.Ghost has become a new generation of crime lords.

However, not all criminals are willing to submit.And those criminal masters who did not submit to it, it is said that they will not end well.

If the guy who took the human skin mask by mistake is a ghost, could it be that he came for himself?The criminal standing behind the postbox was sweating. Even if the other party wasn't the ghost himself, he was probably one of the ghost's subordinates.You know, it itself is one of the criminal masters who don't want to be recruited by the ghost.The ghost will definitely try its best to deal with it.

If so, something bad will happen.He didn't dare to take that human leather mask again.After all, life is more important.And that mask doesn't make much sense now, because Jiang You showed up again, and he can still think of many ways to deal with him.Thinking, he turned and hurried into the night.

When Qi Mu returned to the shop, Kang Dou had been dragged into the shower room by the shop owner to wake him up.Under the innkeeper's threat, he washed it three times until the skin was almost torn, and the innkeeper allowed him to come out with his fragrant flesh. "I've never seen a person who doesn't pay attention to hygiene like you." The shopkeeper was still not satisfied, and raised his eyes, "You haven't showered for a few days? The dirt on your body can catch up with Ji Gong. Wash me with a large bottle of shower gel and wash Fat water! No matter! Add money!”

The aggrieved Kang Dou did not dare to speak out, Qi Mu put on his mask, and walked over to tell the shopkeeper not to tell Kang Dou the nature of the shop's work and his real identity as a criminal. When he said that he would add money, he immediately smiled again.

After settling Kang Dou, Qi Mu went back to Jiang You's house.

On the way, he saw the police cordoning off the Jinbei van that had the accident.Forensic personnel searched for evidence in the car, and media reporters also rushed over.Looks like it will be on the headlines tomorrow.

Qi Mu would not know that shortly after he left, the shopkeeper who regarded money as his life turned on his computer and smiled.

The computer showed that his bank account had increased by 100 million.He quickly typed out a line and sent it over.

——The payment has been received!Next time there is such a good thing, remember to call me!

But there was no response on QQ.

The QQ profile picture of the ghost in the vest turned gray and never lit up again.This appears to be a throwaway new number.

The human skin master still can't figure out why this man named Ghost spends 100 million, and only asks him to do one thing - that is, to exchange Jiang You's mask for this criminal named Qi Mu.

However, he heard rumors in the Jianghu that a mysterious guy named Ghost is ruling the world of criminals.

Section [-] Not·match
After sleeping overnight, Qi Mu went out to have a look the next morning, and the van that had the accident was still there.The corpses had been transported away long ago, and the police were conducting questionnaire surveys one by one.Qi Mu then went to the human skin mask shop to look at Kang Dou, brought him some clothes and daily necessities, and told him to be careful not to show his face.

Back home after lunch, Qi Mu immediately rummaged through boxes and cabinets.He wanted to search again, hoping to find that painting - "Sunrise in Xiaomeisha".

This painting may be the key to solving the whole case, and the biggest mystery is the mystery of the disappearance of the villa.

He searched all day and found nothing.All the places have been searched, and the house is almost torn down.

Was it taken away by those who hunted down Jiang You?While eating a red apple, Qi Mu thought: probably not.If the painting has been taken away by the mastermind behind the scenes, why would it send Chen Linsi to look for it?

That painting should not have fallen into the wrong hands.But where is it?
And what truth is hidden in that painting?If you solve it, you may be able to solve the mystery of the disappearance of the villa...

The only information about the painting came from the interview program - when Jiang You was sitting on the sofa at home to be interviewed by reporters, and the painting hung on the wall behind him.Due to the angle problem, half of the painting is covered. Even if Qi Mu zooms in with a fixed frame, he can only see a round of rising sun slowly rising from the sea, and a white roof is exposed on the edge of the cliff bathed in the morning light.That villa is exactly the house of Hai that mysteriously disappeared in the case.

Based on this alone, there is no clue at all.

Qi Mu looked at the wall, and the painting hanging on the wall was no longer "Xiaomeisha Sunrise", but a brightly colored sunflower.Only the next time I see Jiang You, ask him about the whereabouts of the painting.

Maybe he hid the painting.Qi Mu turned off the computer, threw the apple into the trash, and before going to sleep, he walked to the window and opened the curtain to look downstairs.On the side of the night-covered street, an expensive white Lamborghini has been parked there since the afternoon.A figure is quietly emerging half of its head, looking towards this side with a telescope.

Mikaka again!This guy was not scared out of his wits last night, but he still dares to come to watch today.

Qi Mu drew the curtains, turned off the light and got into bed.He wants to get a good night's sleep and find out the origin of the shredded paper Chen Linxiang is holding tomorrow.

After turning off the lights, the room was instantly covered in darkness.

"Ah!" Mikaka cried out in a fuss on the street here. "The lights are off there!"

The famous detective sitting in the driver's seat took a glance, then looked at the gold Rolex watch in his hand, "It's past 11 o'clock, I should be sleeping. You, go buy me a cup of cat poop coffee."

"Cat poop coffee?..."

"It's the most expensive coffee in the world, you know? It's the only one worthy of a famous detective like me!" This man became narcissistic again.This is in line with his usual style.After the red Lamborghini was blown up last time, he immediately replaced it with a new Lamborghini.

He wouldn't know how to drive if it wasn't a famous car!
Mikaka ran to the opposite cafe helplessly and speechlessly.

I only found out after asking the clerk Mikaka that a cup of cat poop coffee is outrageously expensive.He couldn't figure out why the rich people like to spend money to eat shit... In short, Mi Kaka watched on the street all night, didn't sleep for a minute, and suddenly became a national treasure panda.His boss is fine, he fell asleep after drinking coffee.In this way, the next morning, there was no movement in that room.

Mi Kaka quickly woke up the detective in the car, "Boss! There is a situation!"

Opening the curtains, Qi Mu walked to the balcony to enjoy the beautiful morning sunshine.The weather is so nice.When he realized it, he glanced at the white Lamborghini from the corner of his eyes, and saw Mikaka squatting behind the car, looking like a voyeur.

Qi Mu smiled secretly, turned and walked into the room.He was actually more interested in the famous detective sitting in the car.Those who can make Mi Kaka work hard for him must have a lot of background.It's a pity that he hasn't been able to see the detective's face clearly.

It doesn't matter.Anyway, Qi Mu never took the so-called famous detective seriously.Except, of course, that famous detective named Edison... like a ray of dawn piercing the darkness.He's only ever lost to that one.

If it was Edison, how would he solve such an incident?While thinking about it, Qi Mu sat at the dining table to have breakfast, and he took out the torn paper again.There are four printed words on it - [Fruit Reasoning].

(End of this chapter)

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