Reasoning Notes

Chapter 334 Reasoning Notes 7: Three Kingdoms Kill

Chapter 334 Reasoning Notes 7: Killing the Three Kingdoms (33)
Asking for an autograph at such a time is really irrelevant, but Cai Chengsi was in a good mood, took the paper and pen from He Yuge to sign his name, and then returned it to He Yuge.

Seeing this, Qi Mu felt something was wrong.I seem to have seen this scene somewhere...

Suddenly, he was taken aback, and his whole body froze: the content of the novel he had just read was exactly the same as the scene at this moment!
Is this a coincidence?
The novel is also about the murder of a pianist.The venue was also at a banquet, the wine was also drunk before the performance, there were also roses on the piano, and someone asked him to sign his autograph!
This is simply a tailor-made murder plan for Cai Chengsi!Damn it!He should have thought about it earlier, Liu Bei was planning to use the tricks in the novel to get rid of Cai Chengsi!

"Be careful!" Qi Mu's blurted call broke the silence of the venue.People looked over one after another, focusing on Qi Mu.Qi Mu couldn't control so much anymore, he pushed aside the crowd and ran towards Cai Chengsi.

"Is this person Jiang You?"

Many people present recognized him, and there was a lot of discussion.Yi Tianjing and Zhang Yue were very calm.

There was even a faint smirk on the corners of their mouths.

not good!Halfway through the run, Qi Mu stopped.

This is not good, is it a trap?Qi Mu remembered that when Zhao Fengchen was killed last time, the Three Kingdoms Killing Organization blamed Kang Dou for the crime.And this time... Could it be that Liu Bei had expected that he would sneak into the banquet and planned to make him a scapegoat?

Just as Qi Mu was hesitating, suddenly, a woman screamed in the crowd.


Everyone followed the prestige, and the woman pointed in the direction of the piano with a look of horror.Everyone was petrified.Cai Chengsi, who was sitting by the piano, was covering his chest with his hands, his face distorted in pain. He stood up tremblingly while supporting the piano, but suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and fell heavily to the ground.

"What's wrong with you?" Yi Tianjing ran over immediately, turned Cai Chengsi over, put his hand up to his nose and said for a few seconds, "He's dead."

After hearing this, the people screamed and backed away, forming a fan shape, so Qi Mu was pushed to the front of the crowd instead.Everyone looked at him, Yi Tianjing waved his finger, pointed at him and said sternly: "He is a murderer, catch him!"

"Wait a minute, why do you say I'm the murderer." Several security guards were about to surround him, Qi Mu stretched out his hand to block them, they stopped moving forward, and people's eyes returned to Yi Tianjing.Yi Tianjing was prepared long ago, stood up, his face darkened, his eyes narrowed into two ugly slits. "Jiang You, you were not invited to this banquet, how did you appear here?"

"This... sorry I have no comment."

"Hmph. There's nothing to say. You're just guilty of being a thief."

"Even if I broke into this banquet, it doesn't mean I killed someone."

Qi Mu argued hard. He was calm on the surface, but secretly observed the situation around him—several security guards had quietly surrounded him, forming a hunting formation.As long as Yi Tianjing gives an order, they will immediately rush forward.Qi Mu calculated the number of security guards and the remaining sleeve pins in his mind, and planned the next escape route.At this time, a voice came from behind the crowd.

"The evidence of his murder is here."

People looked back one after another, only to see He Yuge appearing next to the pillar where Qi Mu was standing just now, holding a small bottle in his hand.He walked over to Yi Tianjing, "Mr. Detective, according to your reminder, I found this bottle at the place where Jiang You stopped just now. It contains a strange white powder."

Poison bottle?This is the trap laid out by the Three Kingdoms.Yi Tianjing took the poison bottle from Singer He Yu, looked at the powder in the bottle, then glanced at Qi Mu with a smile on his lips.

"This is potassium cyanide. Jiang You, you have nothing to say."

This banquet is a trap!Qi Mu didn't hesitate, and immediately rushed to the door.

"Catch him!" Yi Tianjing yelled, "Don't let him escape!"

The security guards who surrounded him in advance rushed forward.It is difficult for him alone to break out from these professional bodyguards.Although Qi Mu first used the sleeve pin to bring down the two nearest security guards, others immediately blocked the direction of the door, and more security guards poured in from the door, and the road leading to the door was blocked.

Unexpectedly, Qi Mu immediately turned 180 degrees.

Escaping from the door was just his false move. In fact, the escape route he chose was the second floor.This fooled all the security guards, and no one guarded the direction of the stairs.Yi Tianjing went crazy with anger: "Second floor! Be careful that he jumps out of the window on the second floor!" At the same time, he instructed the security guards who just ran in from the outside to run out quickly and stop him in the yard.

There are pursuers behind, and interceptions ahead.Qi Mu could only play by ear, he ran up to the second floor, pushed away the first nearest room, ran straight to the window, and broke out.Crash!With glass shards flying around, Qi Mu flew into the air and landed on the grass.He didn't even have a second to catch his breath before the security guards surrounded him from both sides of the lawn.

Now how to do?Qi Mu's gaze swished around.This villa has no back door, and the walls are so high that it is difficult to climb with bare hands.If you want to escape through the gate, you have to knock down the dozen or so security guards rushing forward.The security guards who came running from behind got even closer.

"Plan C!" Saiki yelled through his throat.The voice was particularly loud in this restless night.The night swallowed his voice, and there was no immediate response.

Depend on!Jiang You and Wang Le wouldn't choose this kind of time to slow them down!Qi Mu thought of handing over Plan C to them, it was really unreasonable.

Fortunately, a rope was finally thrown from the other side of the wall at this time.

Jiang You's voice shouted: "Ouba! Catch it!"

Grab your sister!Qi Mu felt as if he had been shot, and almost wanted to vomit blood.No one threw the whole rope over!He had to pick up the twine, grab one end, and throw the other end back.

He scolded: "If I can't go back! I will drag you to jail too!"

Jiang You on the other side of the fence was very wronged, "Ouba! Don't be so cruel!"

At this time, if you sell less cute, will you die? !
"Hurry up and pull!" Qi Mu was in a state of anxiety, seeing several security guards running up to him, he issued the last armband and knocked them down one by one, which somewhat bought extra time.Qi Mu hurriedly grabbed the rope and stepped onto the fence, climbing and climbing, until finally, Qi Mu found himself still hanging one centimeter away from the grass, with his toes touching the ground.The people over there said, "Ouba! You pulled us all over!"

Qi Mu felt as if he had been shot a second time, rushing to his heart.God, it's fine if you create men and women, why do you want to create such helpless little friends!This little friend is not saving lives!It's clearly cheating!

"Didn't I tell you to get the car ready? Tie the rope to the back of the car and drive!"

Qi Mu was as patient as a kindergarten teacher, and Chun Chun taught the two companions what to do.As soon as he finished speaking, the security guard rushed forward.Qi Mu grabbed the hemp rope with one hand and wrestled with them with the other.As the saying goes, four punches are hard to beat with two hands, and there are so many security guards here, even if he is the strongest red criminal, he will soon be defeated when he runs out of sleeve pins.

Soon he was punched in the left eye, and then again in the right eye, and the dark circles under his eyes were so beautiful that they could pass off as giant pandas.But as the saying goes, there is no worst.Only worse.He was kicked to the ground, and someone among the bodyguards yelled, "Let me do it!"

one look!A fat security guard weighing [-] jin came rushing over, and the ground shook like an earthquake.

Qi Mu exclaimed in his heart!I saw the big fat man yelling "Squash you!" He flew into the air nimbly, and smashed down heavily with the force of Mount Tai.


Qi Mu sprayed out one kilogram of blood, and the shape of the blood spray was extremely beautiful.

But he's not dead yet.Several bodyguards rushed forward, and they were about to tie him up.

At this critical moment, suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Qi Mu in a flash, and there was a thunder on the ground, which scared the security guards away.When they took a closer look, it was actually a dog, with its teeth bared and its eyes gleaming fiercely.The security guards had no way to deal with the mad dog. They looked at each other, and no one dared to move forward.


Seeing this heroic dog who saved lives and healed the wounded, Qi Mu was moved to tears.At this time, the rope in his hand suddenly slid quickly, pulling Qi Mu into the wall, and dragging him over the wall.

Under Wangcai's intimidation, the security guards did not dare to step forward and could only pay attention.

Qi Mu swears that he has never escaped so fast in his life, at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour.

drive slowly!will die!
What Jiang You stole was a garbage truck, which drove so fast that even Bolt couldn't outrun it.Qi Mu managed to chase after him for a few steps before being dragged and slid on the ground.That tragic scene was like ten tortures, and Qi Mu shouted hysterically: "Stop the car!"

Unexpectedly, the two people sitting in the cab didn't hear it at all, and continued to drive all the way.Qi Mu screamed until his voice became hoarse, but the car still didn't stop, but continued to speed.Poor Qi Mu, the clothes on his body are about to smoke and catch fire, and his little butt is throbbing in pain.If it wasn't for a figure suddenly jumping out from the front of the car to stop the car, he would have been tortured to death by this pair of live treasures.

The person who stopped the car was Kang Dou, and he was not much better. He was dressed in rags, and he seemed to have gone through untold hardships to escape the siege of those vicious dogs.Seeing Qi Mu, who was also unlucky, he immediately had the intimacy of seeing a revolutionary comrade.

"Brother! Come on, let's hug!"

"Go away!" Qi Mu didn't have time to be hypocritical, he pouted his buttocks, picked up a brick and rushed to open the door of the driver's cab, "I'll kill you!"

Seeing this, Jiang You and the two in the car groaned and fainted from fright.Qi Mu had nowhere to vent, so he had to throw the brick away angrily.Kicking the two of them to the back seat of the car, he stepped on the accelerator after beckoning Kang Dou to get on the car.Not long after the car started, a white Lamborghini caught up with it from behind.

Yi Tianjing chased him single-handedly.

(End of this chapter)

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