Reasoning Notes

Chapter 352 Reasoning Notes 8: Legend of the Pharaoh

Chapter 352 Reasoning Notes 8: Legend of the Pharaoh (2)
"I don't know either." Xia Mingliang's face was full of lingering sorrow. "These days, I always feel that there is a pair of sinister eyes watching our every move. It may do terrible things."

"Could it be your illusion?" Li Yunong's mind flashed the faces of his companions like a slideshow.After several months of getting along, we have long been intimate.He would not believe that there were traitors among them.He would rather believe that it was a misunderstanding, but Professor Xia's expression was extraordinarily serious and dignified, not like a spur of the moment illusion.

So, are there really demons?

"I hope my intuition is wrong." Xia Mingliang sighed, but the worry on his face did not fade away.He turned around and pressed Li Yunong's shoulder: "Xiao Nong, I want to ask you one thing, if I encounter misfortune in the future..."

at this time--

"Professor! Professor!" The tranquility of the night was broken by hasty and excited calls.In the excavation area not far from the tent, there was a burst of cheers.A vigorous figure quickly crawled out of the pothole, like a leopard running towards the two of them.He was out of breath, his young face was covered with dust, only showing a pair of bright eyes.

"Xiao Meng, what's wrong?" Xia Mingliang couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart.The sudden cheers can only explain one thing.He and Li Yunong both guessed it, their voices were trembling: "Looking for... did you find it?! Found it?!"

"Yes! Yes! Professor, we have found the entrance to the pharaoh's tomb!" The young man named Xiao Meng nodded desperately, pointing excitedly to the excavation site.Xia Mingliang's heart throbbed suddenly.His dream for many years has finally achieved a breakthrough today!

He couldn't wait to hold Xiaomeng's hand. "Look! Go look!!!!"

The people of the expedition team gathered at the edge of the pothole.Every tired face is filled with excitement.Months of labor are about to pay off.They gazed down in awe.On the endless desert, the black pothole silently faced the expedition team in the deep night, like a small mouth leading to a narrow throat.

"The professor is here!"

People gave way one after another.Professor Xia jumped down the pit with Xiao Meng, and a corner of the stone gate was exposed from the excavated earth wall.Xia Mingliang approached the stone gate, shoveled off the soil above it with a shovel, then took out the sheepskin roll in his arms, and carefully looked at the pattern on the stone gate.

It really is it!This is the entrance to the Pharaoh's tomb!Xia Mingliang announced to everyone with trembling hands. "We found it! This is the tomb of Pharaoh Khufu!" Hearing this, the team members by the pit cheered and hugged each other.The resentment and fatigue of the past few months were miraculously swept away at this moment.

Xia Mingliang pointed to the right side of the door: "Light it up there, there is a door opening mechanism."

Xiao Meng took a flashlight and saw several rows of obscure stone carvings.There is a place with a beetle pattern, slightly protruding.Xiao Meng just wanted to press it, but suddenly, Xia Mingliang shouted: "Don't move!"

"What's wrong?" Xiao Meng didn't know why, her fingers froze on the stone carving of the beetle and she dared not move.But Xia Mingliang's eyes fell on the top of the stone gate.Text was faintly exposed on it.Xiao Meng immediately cleared away the soil with a shovel, and an ancient Egyptian text was clearly displayed in the light of the flashlight.

"Professor, what does this sentence mean?" Xiao Meng turned around and asked.

Xia Mingliang leaned over and took a closer look with the light, his face turned pale instantly, and the flashlight almost fell to the ground.

The content of that ancient inscription is exactly the same as the spell at the entrance of the Pyramid of Khufu - [Whoever disturbs the peace of the pharaoh, the wings of death will descend on his head. 】

Xia Mingliang translated them word for word.The sharp words ran through everyone's nerves with a cold chill.This is the curse of the Pharaoh!The atmosphere at the scene instantly dropped to freezing point, and silence surrounded everyone.A trace of fear flashed in people's eyes.At that moment, they thought of the legend about the pharaoh's curse.The most famous is the Pharaoh Tutankhamun's spell.It is said that the archaeologists who entered King Tutan's tomb either died on the spot or contracted a strange disease and died painfully shortly afterwards.

Today, the entrance to Pharaoh Khufu's tomb bears the same mysterious and horrific death warning.An uncomfortable silence lingered among everyone, and someone whispered, "Let's not go in. It's too scary."

Someone immediately retorted in a low voice: "What stupid words are you talking about? It took a lot of hard work to find this place, how could it be possible to give up so lightly!"

yes.Backing down at this time, no one is reconciled.Furthermore, curses are mostly used to intimidate grave robbers.Even for Tutankhamun's curse, many scientific explanations have emerged over the decades.However, a curse is a curse after all...

"What should I do next...Professor Xia." Someone asked in a whisper.

"Everyone!" Xia Mingliang turned around and glanced at everyone, with steely determination on his face: "This is the result of our hard work so far. We must not give up. The victory is in sight, and we have no reason to back down. Of course, if anyone feels scared, you can Leave voluntarily. I won't force it."

There was silence all around, and a gust of wind swept the sand quickly.

After a long time, someone slowly raised their hands.

"I decided to continue." It was Xiao Meng who spoke.He wiped the dust off his face and smiled innocently: "I don't believe in curses. I don't want to give up this exciting and adventurous journey."

"I want to continue." The second person to express his opinion was Li Yunong.

With the forerunner, others have also expressed their willingness to continue to follow in the footsteps of Professor Xia.Professor Xia knew very well that among this group of people, some came for the gold and silver treasures in the tomb.It must be known that each of the Pharaoh's funeral objects is priceless.These people have their own ghosts.Professor Xia was thinking, and an ominous premonition suddenly invaded his whole body.An evil aura surged through the crowd, surrounding him.

It's that demon!
Professor Xia watched everyone's faces vigilantly.He was aware of this malice very early on.But he couldn't be sure who it came from.But now that the entrance to the pharaoh's tomb has been found, the malice is obviously stronger than before.

Could it be that its purpose is the same as mine, for that book? !

He did not enter the tomb immediately that night.Xia Mingliang asked everyone to recharge their batteries for two days, replenish supplies and equipment, and repeatedly discuss possible emergencies in the tomb to make sufficient psychological preparations.On the third day, everyone in full armor gathered in front of the pothole.

Finally, it's time to open the pharaoh's tomb.People were so nervous that they almost stopped breathing.


Under the watchful eyes of many eyes, the ancient stone door slowly opened, fine dust flying everywhere, and a stale and old pungent smell rushed to the face, as if the time that had been dusted for thousands of years quickly penetrated into the hearts and lungs of the visitors.Behind the stone gate is a dark passage with no end in sight.

What kind of history is buried there?And what will be the first visitors waiting for thousands of years later?
February 1982, 2.That is, the night when the expedition team entered the pharaoh's tomb.


A few ghosts ran out of the tomb passage screaming, they didn't dare to look back, and ran wildly.What was left behind was the eerie tomb and the corpses of the companions left in the tomb.

A mournful wind blows in the desert.

At this time, in the tomb passage filled with a strong smell of blood, there seemed to be two dark pupils staring at the figures who fled in the desert.Afterwards, the stone door closed suddenly.

When the morning comes, the Sphinx lies peacefully on the ancient land, and the Nile River meanders through the thousand-year watchmanship of the pyramids.Those few people who ran all night and nearly collapsed finally lay exhausted on the gravel with the cold night temperature remaining.They looked up at the sky and breathed heavily.

These survivors are still in shock, like a nightmare.So scary, so thrilling.

In the night that just passed, the curse of the pharaoh's tomb became a reality.

Pharaoh, resurrected!
32 years later in 2014.

A museum full of modernist architectural style stands quietly on the banks of the Pearl River.On a sunny morning, a man in his 50s walked quickly into the gate of the museum.It is said that a group of precious Egyptian cultural relics will be exhibited here today, and he specially went to the office in advance to prepare.Before he recuperated from illness for half a year, all matters related to this exhibition were handled by the deputy curator.

I heard that this time the Egyptian artifacts came from a mysterious pharaoh.

"Hello, Director Li." The security guard on duty saluted the visitor.The man was wearing a suit and leather shoes, with a simple cowhide bag in his hand, and his work card on his chest marked his identity - Li Yunong, the curator of the museum.That's right, he is the little assistant who didn't know much about the world back then, and now he has become the head of a library.

He walked quickly to the elevator and pressed the third floor.

Finally came back.Sitting on the familiar office chair, Li Yunong breathed a sigh of relief.On the first day he came back to work, he encountered this batch of Egyptian cultural relics being exhibited abroad for the first time.People from all walks of life paid close attention to this exhibition, and domestic and foreign media rushed to report it.It is expected that on the opening day of the exhibition, the number of visitors will break the historical record.In view of the importance of this exhibition, as the curator, he rushed back without taking much rest after he was discharged from the hospital.

"Curator, your tea." The assistant came in and handed a cup of hot tea.

"Give me the list of Egyptian artifacts." He said, sitting at his desk, massaging his forehead with his thumb and forefinger to relieve fatigue.He is no longer young, and the years have left traces of vicissitudes on his forehead and temples, and his frail body often feels powerless.

he is old.The young man who used to be vigorous and vigorous has already married and established a business, and has entered the year of knowing his destiny.To this day, his greatest wish is to retire with good deeds, and then go home to spend his old age peacefully, until he sees his daughter get married, give birth to a son, and hold his grandson in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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