Reasoning Notes

Chapter 354 Reasoning Notes 8: Legend of the Pharaoh

Chapter 354 Reasoning Notes 8: Legend of the Pharaoh (4)
"I really want to see it with my own eyes." She couldn't help sighing, seeing Li Yunong's noncommittal, she went straight to the point and looked at her father earnestly, "Dad, can you agree to my request?!"


Li Yunong suddenly became emotional and got up abruptly to grab the photo back. "You are not allowed to mention this matter again in the future." He warned his daughter solemnly, suppressing panic in his bloodshot eyes.For several days and nights, he has not slept well.You must not let your daughter be involved in the curse of the pharaoh!He held on to this belief in his heart.

"Dad... what's wrong with you..." Li Anna was dumbfounded by her father's gaffe.She had never seen her father like this.What happened?Father is really weird today.

"You go. I want to be alone."

Li Yunong sat down again, holding his head in pain with both hands.His suppressed emotions could be felt in the air, like a grenade, ready to explode at any moment.Although Li Anna really wanted to relieve her father's worries, she still retreated silently and closed the door gently.

Maybe, Dad really needs to be quiet.

At this moment, Li Yunong was left alone in the office.In the sparse starry sky, silver moonlight shines gently on his shoulders through the window sill.For a long time, Li Yunong raised his head in the dead silence, staring blankly at the closed door, with his brows furrowed.

Will the curse of the pharaoh return?The terrifying golden mask seemed to appear in front of his eyes again.

What's the matter with dad recently?Li Anna sat on the sofa with a glass of wine in her hand, thinking.She didn't hear a single note of the cheerful tune ringing in her ears.It has been two days since the cultural relics were exhibited, and the number of people entering the museum has skyrocketed. Citizens came here just to see the pharaoh's mummy.Tickets are in short supply. It is said that the scalpers have raised the ticket price several times, but they still cannot stop the enthusiastic tourists.

The exhibition was so successful, logically speaking, Dad should be happy, but he was gloomy, without a trace of joy.Li Anna really couldn't figure it out.

At this moment in the KTV room she was in, the colorful lights flickered on and off, following the rhythm of the music, they flowed quickly on Li Anna's face.Several girls hugged the microphone and sang "You are my little apple, I can't love you too much..." with drunken blushing faces.This weekend was their university colleagues' gathering, and she and her colleagues made an appointment in this KTV to have a carnival.

Unlike others, she just sat quietly on the side, her thoughts drifting away.

"Ms. Li, what are you thinking?" Director Lin, who was sitting next to her, asked with concern.He is the head of the school's department. He is in his 40s this year. He is personable, gentle and popular.

"Oh, it's okay." Li Anna came back to her senses and raised her glass to him with a smile: "Come on, let's have a drink!"

"Okay." Director Lin responded readily.

With a bang, the wine glasses collided, and Li Anna drank it all in one gulp, trying to get out of her tedious thoughts and enjoy the rhythm of the music.

"Don't drink so hard, you'll get drunk easily," Director Lin reminded.

Li Anna made an OK gesture: "Don't worry, I am restrained."

"Don't keep things in your heart, you can speak out and listen."

"Thank you for your concern." Li Anna smiled.

Director Lin also nodded in reassurance, and the two smiled knowingly.He is Li Anna's superior and has already married. He heard that his wife and children are in Hong Kong, so he lives alone in the school dormitory. On weekends, he will go to Hong Kong to reunite with his wife and children.

"You also go up and order a song to sing." Under Director Lin's instigation, Li Anna went up to take the microphone, just about to order a song, but the phone rang suddenly in the box, and the caller ID was Dad.

Li Anna immediately put down the microphone, walked out, and pressed the call button in the corner of the quiet KTV corridor.


"Xiaona." On the other end of the phone, the father seemed to sigh slightly.

"What's wrong?" She felt that her father tonight was also very strange.Then, her father said something inexplicable to her: "Didn't I tell you once when you were a child that I went to explore the pharaoh's tomb?"

That was when she was six or seven years old. One night, her father kept crying while looking at a group photo. Under her questioning, he probably told the story of the Egyptian expedition.She also forgot the specific content, and her father also briefly mentioned it at the time.She didn't understand why her father brought up the old matter again tonight, and, from his tone, the matter was not simple.

"Actually, the story that Dad told you back then didn't end right."


"Back then, the survivors who entered the Pharaoh's tomb and came back were not five, but four."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

Li Anna was at a loss, unable to figure out what her father meant by saying these words to her.Just then, my father hung up.On the other end of the phone, there was an abrupt busy tone.Why did her father say such things to her?Li Anna stared blankly at the phone, froze in place.

At this moment, the door of the private KTV room opened, Director Lin blushed from drinking, and just wanted to go to the bathroom.

"Huh? Li Anna, why are you in a daze? Are you okay?" He asked Li Anna when he saw that she was in a daze.

"I'm fine." Li Anna recovered and smiled at Director Lin.

"It's fine." Director Lin walked towards the toilet with unsteady steps.

Li Anna put away her mobile phone and went back to the private room to continue karaoke with her colleagues, with strong rhythmic music filling her ears.Holding the glass of wine, she couldn't help thinking about her father's call.

Only four people?What exactly does this mean?Li Anna has no clue at all.

Since the pharaoh's mummy came to the museum for display, his father's behavior became more and more strange.It seems that something terrible is about to happen!Li Anna was faintly uneasy.Had to go back to see Dad after the party.

The happy time passed quickly, and the hour hand unconsciously pointed to 12:30 midnight.The party here is still not over, while on the other side of the city, the museum has long since finished its day of exhibitions and has become empty.

The most conspicuous place in the exhibition hall is the golden coffin, watching the dark night alone.

Will the curse of that year reappear?

That night, except for the security guards on duty outside the museum, the other staff had already returned home from get off work, and Li Yunong was still the last one staying in the museum.The moonlight is hidden behind the clouds, and the whole land is sleeping.There are only a few dim lights on in the museum, the doors of the exhibition halls are closed, the floor has a cold luster, and the empty floors appear unusually quiet.

Li Yunong conducted the last patrol as usual to ensure that the items were intact.He walked out of the office, the sole and crisp sound of leather shoes hitting the floor.


He lights up the flashlight.Footsteps moved towards the exhibition hall.Most of the lights in the building had already been turned off, and in the dark hall, only the glass cabinets for keeping cultural relics were glowing white, calm and eerie.Li Yunong held the flashlight tightly while walking, and the light circle swept over each item.Those objects from distant times are safely displayed in the glass cabinet, as if telling the history of that year to the night.And that golden coffin was surrounded by a yellow cordon, making it look extraordinarily lonely and cautious.Li Yunong's footsteps stopped next to the coffin again, and the desert wind and sand of that year blew past his memory again.

He remembered his companions who had died tragically many years ago.It was the pharaoh sleeping in the coffin who killed them.

Thirty-two years ago, it was revived, and appeared in front of their group of invaders, slaughtered like a river.Then, it slept again, drying and decaying with the bones of the expedition team.But it will never disappear, just like those pyramids standing in the desert, as long as someone touches the curse on that day, it will wake up.

But is it true?Having received a higher education, he gradually began to question the terrorist incident that happened that year in the following days.How could there be a curse in this world?How could the dead pharaoh be resurrected?Scientifically, this simply doesn't make sense.

Li Yunong was thinking about it, when suddenly, a voice came from behind—"Dede."

A faint voice floated out from the darkness and surrounded him.Li Yunong stiffened his back and stood still.Is something approaching?He should be the only one left in the museum.He looked around, but the light of the flashlight was limited and he couldn't see the whole picture clearly.

"It's got--it's got!"

That voice is still echoing rapidly, it seems to permeate every inch of air.Li Yunong carefully pricked up his ears to catch the source of the sound, and searched carefully.The knocking sound is nearby, suddenly near and far away, as if trapped somewhere, about to break out of the cage...

Suddenly, Li Yunong's heart trembled, and he looked at the golden coffin in disbelief, his scalp numb.

Could it be...he heard clearly.The knocking sound actually came from inside the golden coffin!Something is coming out of it!God!How can this be? !Li Yunong was so shocked that he couldn't breathe, and tremblingly held the flashlight to shine on it.

At some point, the coffin lid actually cracked a gap.In the frozen circle of light, a pale hand swished out from the crack in the coffin.It was so haggard, like a ghost claw, and covered with shocking bandages, its fingers were curled up, making the sound of knuckle joints.

Then, the hand slowly crawled out.

"Kangdang——" the flashlight fell to the ground in panic, and rolled away. Li Yunong fell to the ground, trembling all over.

The sleeping pharaoh woke up again.A golden mask appeared before his eyes.

"you you……"

Li Yunong pointed at the pharaoh who came out of the coffin tremblingly.It is covered with bandages all over, exuding a strong smell of decay, a pair of eyes hidden behind the golden mask, deep and evil.

This is impossible!How could it be revived!
"Hey hey hey!"

Sinister laughter sounded in the empty hall.Beside the golden coffin, Li Yunong fell to the ground in a strange posture, his eyes wide open.Under the shadow of night, the museum quickly returned to dead silence.

(End of this chapter)

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