Reasoning Notes

Chapter 358 Reasoning Notes 8: Legend of the Pharaoh

Chapter 358 Reasoning Notes 8: Legend of the Pharaoh (8)
"I only saw his back. But I think he should be one of the members of the expedition team." Li Anna recalled earnestly.Just then, "Shusha".Suddenly there was a small movement outside.Someone has been eavesdropping outside!

"Who!" Qi Mu suddenly turned his head, and the figure escaped.He and Mikaka immediately gave chase.The man ran very fast, and when they chased it out, it had disappeared into the vast night. "He ran away! That person must have a ghost." Under the streetlight, Mi Kaka was very annoyed.The night wind was blowing, and the two rows of mango trees on the street shook their leaves.There are streets in the front and back, and there is no way to track them down.But Qi Mu vaguely saw that the man was wearing a rather familiar hooded jacket, as if he had seen it somewhere.

Finding nothing, the two had to return angrily.At this time, at the corner of the street in the distance, it was secretly staring at their backs as they returned to the museum, and its eyes were clouded.

Unexpectedly, they were actually involved!

It leaned back against the wall, put its hands in the pockets of the thin gray hooded coat, and then left with a cigarette in its mouth.

In the Tianhe police station shrouded in darkness, there was only one policeman on duty.His colleagues all returned home from get off work, and he was alone guarding the huge duty hall, listening to music while playing Dou Di Zhu on his mobile phone.It was almost two o'clock in the morning, he was a little sleepy, drowsy, and his eyelids became heavy.

Right at this moment, suddenly—

The fluorescent tubes in the lobby flickered out.Um?As soon as the police officer looked up, his eyes suddenly fell into darkness.

power cut.

In the dark, the faint and pale screen light of the mobile phone is like a helpless will-o'-the-wisp.Outside the building is the deep sea-like night, and a few street lamps swim through the vast darkness.

Could it be a trip?The policeman used the mobile phone to illuminate and walked towards the electric switch.In the empty building, only his own breathing could be heard.The next moment, his breathing stopped suddenly.I saw a slender figure drawn out of the bright white moonlight spreading at the door.Visitors standing at the door seem to come by moonlight.

"Who?!" The police officer subconsciously turned on the phone light to shine on that person.This look, but lost seven souls and six souls.The light suddenly illuminates a strange golden mask.The pair of deep and empty eyes were staring at him, the police officer took a sharp breath, but was too frightened to move his feet.

The person standing in front of him wore a golden mask and was covered with bandages... At that moment, the police officer thought of the legend about the resurrection of the pharaoh that was widely circulated in the museum.Before he could shout out in the future, a group of black bugs had already rushed towards him...

A moment later, the door to the evidence room opened.The pharaoh came here for only one purpose - the murder that happened in the museum. The police temporarily stored the evidence in this branch, including the murder weapon, the spear.It was the weapon of the Pharaoh.It has to be retrieved.

Soon, the pharaoh walked past the unconscious policeman with a bloody spear and disappeared into the night.

[The mysterious pharaoh mummy appeared at the police station and took away the weapons in his lifetime.Could it be the revived Pharaoh Khufu? ! 】

The next morning, Pearl River Channel TV News immediately reported the explosive news.Not only that, but all the newspapers on the newsstands in the streets and alleys all use this as the headline.And the police officer involved was also fortunate to appear on the morning news, and his expression seemed to be in shock:
"'s not like a living person, it's like a walking skull, and the golden mask is exactly the same as the pharaoh's mummy! It's really scary! Yes, it must be the pharaoh. Otherwise, there can't be so many bugs Get out of it! They're crawling towards me... It's scary! It's really scary!"

The policeman's face was livid, obviously terrified.The horrible experience last night was unforgettable for him in his life.

The reporter seemed to want to ask more questions. Mi Kaka, who was watching the TV, was engrossed in it. Unexpectedly, a person walked over and turned off the TV switch.The screen clicked and went black.Hey, it's bad behavior to disturb others watching TV!Mikaka glanced at the man, but did not dare to protest.

Without it, that person is Qi Mu.The darkest of men, even al-Qaeda terrorists pale in comparison.It's better not to mess with this kind of person.This is the valuable experience that Mi Kaka gained from his narrow escape.Besides, this is at the other party's home.

"Slave, why are you here?" Qi Mulian yawned just after waking up.It's unreasonable, this man looks so handsome when he yawns, and he wears such loose clothes that his charming collarbone is exposed.In the face of beauty, Mi Kaka, as a gentleman, is not in trouble. "Hey, I'm not your follower!" He rose up from the sofa to retort.

No matter how scumbag he is, he is still a member of the Communist Youth League with ideals and aspirations, and he will never allow others to frame him.

Qi Mu stared at Mi Kaka with a very unhappy iceberg face, like looking at a robber who broke into a private house. "What are you doing at my house? Want to covet my beauty? I'm sorry. I'm a 24K straight man, and I'm not interested in petty things like you." He looked at the expression of the cockroach, as if he was about to take out the insecticide and spray it madly at any time. of.

You are really thinking too much.Mikaka explained slowly: "Two points: First, I didn't break in, obviously you didn't lock the door. I knocked on the door before I came in. Who told you to sleep like a dead pig and didn't hear. Second, don't Call me a follower, I am a campus detective, and I am here to assist you. Do you understand, it is assistance!"

Qi Mu understood, and replied coldly: "There are so many explanations, I'm still a follower."

Mikaka's jaw almost slammed into the floor: "I warn you seriously! I'm not a servant!" He protested the title most strongly.And hop on the couch for a height advantage.Qi Mu raised his eyes and glanced at him calmly, then raised his arms coldly:

"Nobody can warn me."

These words are full of menace.Mi Kaka suddenly saw a silver light in the opponent's sleeve, ready to go.That is the exclusive secret weapon of the red criminal - the latest embroidery needle of this year, a must-have product for murder and arson.

Mikaka stiffened her back, obediently stepped off the sofa, and wiped the footprints on the sofa vigorously with her sleeve:

"I... I didn't warn you... I was just persuading and teaching patiently..."

Qi Mu snorted coldly and turned around. Mi Kaka just wanted to scold this guy who is always intimidating and threatening others, but Qi Mu didn't turn his head back. "Are you scolding me behind my back?"

Can you hear this too?Mikaka quickly covered her mouth in fright. "No no. I didn't say anything. Ah, what a sunny day!"

Over the city outside the window, dark clouds gathered in large swaths, gloomy, how could there be half a meter of sunshine?

Qi Mu clearly spit out the word "stupid", then walked to the drawer and took out the old photo of the expedition team.It was borrowed from Li Anna, hoping to find clues to the survivors.It's just... Who is this blackened person?Qi Mu was very concerned about this mysterious man.No matter who deliberately blackened the head of this person, it must be the key figure in the whole case.Because, obviously, someone doesn't want this person exposed.He stared at the circle of black smoke marks on the photo, lost in thought for a long time.

Who are the remaining four?
Just as he was thinking, Mi Kaka's diligent and studious face suddenly approached beside him.Qi Mu poohed him in disgust. "You'd better stay three meters away from me."

"Why?" Mi Kaka couldn't figure out why he was always rejected.

"Your character is too bad."

This man speaks really badly.Mikaka was furious, wasn't it because he touched the legendary pharaoh's cursed spear?The point is: "It was you who pushed me out, and I met that cursed spear!" To put it bluntly, it was Qi Mu's fault that he was haunted by the curse!It is said that because of this matter, Mi Kaka has been on the school's blacklist No. 1, far away from other candidates.

Mikaka was about to cry out his grievances, but at this moment, a needle flew over the top of his head with a "swoosh", and shot off a hair, which fluttered down from his eyes.

"Three meters away." Qi Mu threw him a roll of rope with no expression on his face.

Mikaka silently took the ruler to measure the distance of three meters, like a poor little daughter-in-law.One Piece once said that under the overwhelming power balance, you'd better choose to submit... So, when Saiki was concentrating on studying the photos, Mikaka hung aside like a pair of wrung-out underwear.As a pair of studious underpants, he secretly turned on the TV.Today, the TV station will rebroadcast his favorite treasure show as usual.Turning the volume down to the lowest, Mikaka sat cross-legged in front of the TV watching with gusto.

"Hi everyone, welcome to the National Treasure Collection broadcast at eight o'clock every day. I'm Wang Gang. How are you..."

A well-known presenter with thinning hair came out from the center of the stage to the sound of music.

After some gags, Treasure came on stage grandly.The first Tibetan friend of this program is holding an exquisite blue and white porcelain and putting it on a seat covered with red cloth, and it will be appraised by three experts on the judging panel. "Hello everyone, this is a piece of blue and white porcelain in my family's collection. When my family was still in the countryside..." The Tibetan friend eloquently introduced the origin of his treasure. After the Tibetan friend finished speaking, experts began to go forward to appraise it. In the end, the market price was finalized at 100 million.

100!How many years of scholarship is that, how many months does it take to work part-time to earn it back... Mi Kaka thought it would be great if I picked one up.Just at this time, a voice suddenly rang in my ear: "Huh!" Turning around, it was Qi Mu who came over.Mikaka swallowed in fright, and hurriedly looked for the remote control to turn off the TV. "I was wrong. I shouldn't have turned on the TV to interrupt your thinking." So, brother, spare me a shot!

"Don't move!" Qi Mu snatched the remote control, and actually forgot the three-meter danger zone, and stared at the TV intently beside Mikaka. "It's him!"

(End of this chapter)

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