Reasoning Notes

Chapter 38 Reasoning Notes 1:12 Tsundere Detective

Chapter 38 Reasoning Notes 1:12 Tsundere Detective (38)
nonsense!You know you are smelling 10,000+ now!What you enjoy is the aroma of wine, but the girl in your body smells strongly of money!If you continue to smell it, the sleeping girl may be awakened.

"Take this bottle of wine for inspection." Edison unscrewed the cork and handed the bottle to the staff of the forensics department. "Drugged?" The criminal police uncle still folded his arms, rubbing his bearded chin with his fingers, "You mean someone put drugs in the wine?"

"I think there might be drugs or something in there," he deduced.

"It's not impossible. Drugs or sleeping pills should be found in Zhong Xintong's stomach. I don't care about this for now, let's watch the video first."

The paused video continued to play, and the time advanced to [-]:[-]: Zhong Xintong was still sitting on the sofa with her eyes closed, and music was playing in the living room, which became the only background of the picture.In such soft and graceful music, it is impossible to imagine that horror will strike.

"Stop, stop, there is it!" Suddenly, Edison stopped the screen, "There is a figure here."

"Really!" After he pointed, we also saw a blurry figure suddenly appearing in the corner of the screen.The man hid in the dark shadows outside the door, stayed only for a short time before disappearing.

"He went up to the second floor, so he just jumped up? Could it be the long-lost Wulin Qinggong Grass Fly!" Li Xiaochong exclaimed.

Speechless... This martial idiot must have read martial arts novels to be stupid.

Edison turned off the screen again, and we ran outside to check the situation.Water pipes and air-conditioning racks were installed on the outer wall of the house, and it seemed that the man climbed up it with ease.

The uncle of the criminal police immediately called the forensic staff, and sure enough, shoe prints and traces of climbing were found on the water pipe.This proves that someone did go to the second floor last night.It is more and more likely that Zhong Xintong will be murdered.

Let's see what happens in the DV player...

When Zhong Xintong stood up after drinking, her body suddenly tilted to the side, as if she was about to faint.She then stroked her forehead with her hand, shook it a few times, and finally stood still.Zhong Xintong in the picture was full of doubts.At this time, a gloomy voice suddenly appeared in the beautiful music background.

Someone was laughing wickedly: "Hey hey..."

The creepy laughter suppressed the melodious music melody, and a person appeared behind Zhong Xintong.

Cap, mask, sunglasses, black coat, who else could it be if it wasn't a ghost? !
"Wow!" Zhong Xintong turned her head and yelled in fright, her whole body froze for a moment, and the muscles on her face twitched violently.

Even those of us watching the replays gasped.

The atmosphere suddenly became heavy, and we held our breath.

"Evil... evil ghost?" Zhong Xintong never imagined that the evil ghost that should have been locked up in the detention center would appear in front of her at this moment.She was extremely shocked, and backed away again and again, but her body was still swaying. It may be that she drank the red wine mixed with the drug, and the drug began to take effect.

What happened next was pretty much what we expected.The evil spirit raised a dagger and approached Zhong Xintong step by step.She backed away in fright, and shouted for help to Ah Yin who was in the room.The strange thing is that Ah Yin did not run out. Later, Edison deduced that Ah Yin also drank the drug at some time, and could not wake up when the crime happened.In short, Zhong Xintong dodged the attack of the evil spirit at a loss, and found a chance to run up to the second floor.

There is no one in the picture, only some messy sounds can be heard.The evil spirit chased after him, as if he was trying his best to knock on the door.

The uproar lasted for several minutes, and gradually, all the noise disappeared miraculously, leaving only the living room's stereo still flowing with a spring-like melody.

The evil ghost came down from the second floor, like a ghost that came and went without a trace, and walked out without a sound.

There are still some things that need to be clarified.

Zhong Xintong's fingerprints were found on the chair used to block the door, that is to say, she blocked the door and made this secret room with her own hands to prevent evil spirits from breaking in.On the other hand, the telephone line in the room was artificially cut.

According to the follow-up test results, Zhong Xintong's stomach was found to have the same drug as the red wine.And the housekeeper A Yin seemed to be stunned too, because a handkerchief soaked in chloroform liquid was found at the scene.

Now that the matter has come to this point, the secret room murder method of the evil spirit is no worse than the truth.

"Well, I admit that your reasoning is indeed very possible." Uncle Meng Jin said.

He took a sip of the coke on the table, and habitually wiped his short beard with his fingers.

This Uncle Meng Jin is the Uncle Criminal Policeman mentioned earlier.

After we left Zhong Xintong's residence, Uncle Meng Jin invited us to a nearby KFC for a rest.He seemed overwhelmed by Edison's reasoning.

A high school girl has such a meticulous mind and extraordinary ability of analysis and reasoning that even he, an old detective who has been in the police force for more than 30 years, has to bow his head.

Maybe things are really as the high school girl reasoned, Meng Jin thought.

The process of the evil ghost committing the crime is very simple, roughly as follows.

The evil spirit first went up to the second floor, shut the windows tightly, lit a pot of charcoal, and disconnected the telephone line to prevent Zhong Xintong from calling for help.Then, he went down to the living room and deliberately appeared in front of Zhong Xintong.Zhong Xintong was naturally terrified and kept screaming, but the evil spirit had already stunned the housekeeper, Ah Yin, so she was in a desperate situation.

The evil spirit waved a dagger, pretending to attack her, but in fact, the evil spirit had other plans.Otherwise, it would be easy for him to deal with a delicate woman.He just wanted Zhong Xintong to escape to the room on the second floor.His plan easily succeeded, Zhong Xintong had nowhere to escape, so she could only run up to the second floor and close the door.The evil spirit deliberately pretended to slam into the door again, and Zhong Xintong, who was in a panic, would of course think of using a chair or something else to prop up the door.

This is how the Chamber of Secrets was created.

It wasn't the evil spirits who made the secret room, but Zhong Xintong who made the secret room.

After that, things are even simpler.The evil spirit can leave with peace of mind as long as Zhong Xintong faints after the drug takes effect.And the carbon monoxide constantly produced in the room slowly brought the fainted woman to death.

How ingenious the evil ghost's trick is, but if Edison hadn't secretly installed a camera in the plush doll to record the incident, I'm afraid this wonderful trick would have been difficult to see through.

"The problem is..." Edison paused in thought, "Letting us see through tricks is probably part of the evil spirit's plan."

"How to say?" Uncle Meng Jin asked ahead of me.

"Because he left a poker card at the scene. If he really wanted to disguise Zhong Xintong as a suicide, he shouldn't have left such a thing. He is clearly telling us that he did the thing, and he can crack it if he has the ability Bar!"

"Ha, but he never expected that his trick would be exposed in the end." I felt proud.

Edison frowned as if enduring illness, and said in a restrained voice: "Wrong, the trick is far from solved. You forgot, we don't know how he escaped from the detention center yet."

"Then let's go to the detention center to have a look, he won't really escape, right?"

Uncle Meng Jin stood up anxiously, and he had already taken half a step while speaking. From this point, it can be seen that he is an anxious person.

When we arrived at the detention center, it was in a strange mess, as if something serious had happened.Everyone's face is dignified and their steps are hurried.Uncle Meng Jin grabbed a policeman and questioned him. His answer made our faces change drastically.

"The prisoner is gone! The evil spirit sent in the day before yesterday is gone!"

"No way?! How is it possible! How did the cell door open? Aren't you guarded? How could someone escape so easily?"

Uncle Meng Jin began to question him incessantly, the policeman's expression could be described as ashen ashes.A prisoner's escape from prison is a serious event, and that prisoner is a well-known evil spirit.Once he escapes and continues to endanger the society, the police will not be disgraced, and he may be condemned by the public.

Thinking of the seriousness of the matter, the police officer turned blue and his voice trembled when he spoke.He barely told what happened.

This morning he was in charge of patrolling the cell. When he walked to the fifth cell, he suddenly found a piece of paper pasted on the iron gate: "The evil spirits are here for a visit. Goodbye." The quilt hangs to the floor. --Disappeared!

"Why did it disappear?" Uncle Meng Jin still couldn't believe it.

The police officer in charge replied almost crying: "I don't know either! Anyway, there is no one in the cell, hell! It's... a ghost, he is... an evil ghost!"

"There are no ghosts in this world!" Edison said with a sullen face, his eyes narrowed tightly, "Where is the cell?"

"Go in from there."

Following the door pointed by the police officer, we ran in.

There are two doors from here to the detention center. Even if the evil spirit opens the door of the cell, he still has to find a way to get rid of the iron door at the entrance.To escape, the evil spirit has to pass through the lobby, so that the staff here cannot see it.After much deliberation, this place is difficult to fly even with wings.

How did the evil spirit escape?

However, this problem has not been solved yet, and another thorny problem has come over.

How did the evil spirit escape back?

Because he is right in front of us now!

A ray of light shone through a narrow barred window, and an eerie shadow stood still, covering our eyes enormously.

Phew—a breath of cold air sucked into our lungs, and the bone-piercing chill immediately spread throughout the body along the blood vessels.

The devil is dead.

His body expands and expands in our dilated pupils.

(End of this chapter)

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