Reasoning Notes

Chapter 390 Reasoning Notes 8: Legend of the Pharaoh

Chapter 390 Reasoning Notes 8: Legend of the Pharaoh (40)
Another man appeared before Pharaoh. "Stop! I can't let you make the same mistakes again and again." Meng Jin relayed over to help, but he was also expected to be kicked away.Qi Mu stood on the sidelines and followed Pharaoh around.Mi Kaka was impatient: "Hey! Stop him quickly. Lu Qiuhong is going to be killed!"

Qi Mu is as motionless as a mountain.

He looks calm on the surface, but his heart is majestic like a sea.

Finding another lost Dark Notebook is what he cares most about.He knew the horror of the Dark Notebook, if it fell into the hands of others, the consequences would be disastrous.Anyway, Lu Qiuhong has committed a lot of crimes, and his death is not a pity.Is he doing something wrong?So why did people like Mi Kaka and Meng Jin help a murderer?

I really can't figure out these people.

Unwilling to give up, Meng Jin and Mi Kaka jumped up at the same time.But "plop, plop", the two of them fell to pieces.Seeing that the situation was over, Lu Qiuhong sat on the floor with a look of despair. "Die!" Pharaoh gritted his teeth and stepped forward, not wanting to be blocked again.

It was a pair of soft and slender arms that tightly hugged his waist, preventing him from moving forward.He looked down and saw a romantic curly hair that was spread out, not reaching his chest height.

Weak but full of courage.

"I... I just want to know, why did you kill my father?!" Li Anna raised her head, her eyes filled with tears.

"Go away, don't bother me." Pharaoh didn't want to talk to her, afraid that the last step of the plan would fail again.In the end, Li Anna clings to him stubbornly, with a stubborn face full of unwillingness to let go of the truth.

"Go away!" Pharaoh grabbed her and was going to throw her aside.

Li Anna struggled desperately, and tore something apart in the chaos.Mi Kaka and Meng Jin said "Oh!" at the same time.The pharaoh's false beard was ripped off.This person looks familiar.Li Anna took a few glances and finally recognized it.

She covered her mouth and couldn't believe it—the Pharaoh was Director Lin!

"You...why did you do this?" She was stunned.

The kind director Lin is her father-killing enemy?Recalling the days when she worked with Director Lin, she treated him as an older brother.She never suspected that he was the murderer.That time she was attacked by Pharaoh, and he rescued her.It now appears that the Pharaoh was an impostor he had hired to conceal his true identity.

When the word trust collapsed in an instant, Li Anna seemed to hear her heartbroken voice.

She forgot to struggle, and was easily strangled by Director Lin like a fragile little animal:

"You are going to die too!" He never softened his heart.

At this time, "Hoo!" An anesthesia needle was shot and stuck in Director Lin's neck.He was startled, let go of Li Anna, and turned to look at Qi Mu in disbelief. "You don't want the Dark Note anymore?"

"I want it. But I can't let you do anything wrong." Qi Mu said lightly.

"Is this your justice?"

"No. I just see you upset, that's all."

The reason why the red criminals do things is as simple as that.

But soon, a trace of surprise flashed in Qi Mu's eyes.It stands to reason that if he was hit by the needle, his whole body would be numb and unable to move.However, Director Lin pulled out the anesthesia needle with a sinister smile: "I expected you to have this trick."

He wore a stab-proof underwear under the bandages, and the anesthesia needles didn't work for him at all.

Oops!Qi Mu was unwilling, so he rushed forward, but he was a step too late.He heard a "click" mechanical sound.

Director Lin took out a small Browning pistol and pointed it at Li Anna: "Don't come here, or I'll kill her." His eyes were like hungry wolves, ready to show their fangs at any time, bringing blood.Everyone didn't dare to act rashly, for fear that if he was not calm, the bullet would penetrate Li Anna's temple.

There was silence in the hall, and a crystal teardrop oozed from the corner of Li Anna's eye.

Is this really Director Lin?She still couldn't believe it.Is this really Director Lin who comforts her not to be sad, who caresses her head and palms so warmly?Why has it become so strange?

Which is the real him?

Even Director Lin couldn't see his real self clearly.From the moment he decided to take revenge, he had already abandoned everything in his heart!Including the last conscience, only deep hatred is allowed to remain.The reason why he became a demon was all due to the bloody storm that year.

"Stop it. Xiao Yu..." Suddenly, Meng Jin murmured in pain.Eyes squeezed with tears.

The name he called out caused ripples on Director Lin's face.

Uncle Meng... Director Lin responded in his heart, looking at him sadly.

Meng Jin stepped forward step by step.

" are Professor Xia's son Xia Yu. I remember it."

The No.11 person who was not photographed in the group photo was just a ten-year-old boy.The moment Meng Jin saw the true face of Pharaoh, he confirmed his inference.The only person who can look exactly like Professor Xia is his own son.

Now, that little boy has grown up, full of hatred, into a vengeful pharaoh.

"Don't make any more mistakes." Meng Jin persuaded affectionately.

"No, I want to avenge my father!" Director Lin's red eyes suppressed countless anger.

Looking back on that year, he was still young.His father studied history in college, and he often listened to his father's lectures in college classrooms.People respectfully call their father a professor.He is proud of having such a father every day.In his eyes, his father is the greatest and most knowledgeable man in the world.Often in the evening, he would ride home on his father's neck facing the slanting sunset.

In his impression, his father's back was as reliable as a mountain.He thought that he would grow up slowly holding his father's big hand like this, and then when his father was old, he would continue to hold the old man's hand and walk the way home in the setting sun.

But all these good things are like a dream, ending in the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh 30 years ago.

That year, he went to Egypt with his father, suffered for several months, and finally found the real pharaoh's tomb.In my memory, my father was full of joy, but there was an imperceptible shadow in his eyes.He overheard the conversation between his father and his assistant Li Yunong.My father said that there might be a terrible demon hidden in the expedition team.Tomorrow's trip to the tomb will be full of crises.

So, the father made a decision to entrust his young son to Li Yunong.

"Don't let him in," said the father.

Li Yunong agreed.When everyone entered the tomb, he was guarded by Li Yunong and stayed outside.The last words left by Li Yunong - "Not five people survived from the Pharaoh's tomb, but four people." This is because Li Yunong did not enter the tomb at all.It's just that others don't know.

He and Li Yunong waited outside the tomb for a long time, but no one came out.Being very curious, he purposely sneaked into the pharaoh's tomb while Li Yunong was dozing off.He didn't expect that a terrible tragedy was happening inside.

A pharaoh appeared in the tomb and was about to kill.The gloomy tomb was filled with screams.He was terrified, helpless, and shouted his father's name while running around in the maze-like tomb passage.At this moment, the father turned from the tomb, and they met again.

"How did you come in?!" Father was surprised.

Before he could explain, the sound of Pharaoh's footsteps approached.

The father knew that with a child there was no escape from Pharaoh's clutches.So, he made one of the greatest decisions.He hid his son in a dark cave at the end of the tomb, but he gave up and escaped, leaving Pharaoh to do his best.Only in this way can he protect his son.

"Xiao Yu, Dad loves you."

When he was parting from life and death, his father stroked his head affectionately, with tears in his eyes.


He held back tears.Dad said, wait a minute, whatever you see, don't make a sound.

And the scene he witnessed with his own eyes will never be forgotten.

He watched as the pharaoh's spear plunged into his father's chest.Pharaoh picked up the golden book and left with a wicked smile.Only his father's body was left bleeding and getting cold.And the seeds of revenge had already germinated in his heart.

Years later, the grown-up Director Lin vowed to find the murderer of his father.He believed that the murderer was among the five survivors, and the one with the golden book was the real murderer.And the real murderer, Lu Qiuhong, finally understood why Professor Xia wanted to kill himself back then.

Because, in Professor Xia's heart, his son is his most important treasure.

"30 years, do you know how a child of mine survived alone? Do you understand?!" Director Lin, no, he should be called Xia Yu, and shouted at Lu Qiuhong.

Lu Qiuhong was too ashamed to raise his head.

"Hey, wait a minute, something seems wrong." Mikaka scratched her head and asked a question.

"If you are said to be the murderer, then what about those mysteries? Isn't the murderer one of Li Yunong and the others? Besides, doesn't the death message left by Cheng Yuhao imply that the murderer is Meng Jin? What the hell is going on? What's going on? I'm going to be confused!"

Mikaka's IQ is not enough to solve such a complicated mystery.

Another person is completely different.

"That's just his mystification."

Qi Mu slowly analyzed: "The purpose of the murderer is to disturb our sight and shift our suspicion to the deceased or Meng Jin. On the one hand, he pretended to be Meng Jin and called the deceased. The gray jacket of the same style as Jin, the best trick is to deliberately blacken Meng Jin's profile picture in the group photo, the purpose is to make Meng Jin our main suspect. In fact, it is impossible for anyone to think that a passerby like him The character is the real culprit."

This trick is too cheating.Don't play like this!Mikaka was speechless.If this kind of case is written in a novel, the author will probably be slapped to death on the wall by readers like a cockroach.

"But there's one thing I still can't figure out," said Mikaka. "Why doesn't Li Yunong's DNA match Li Anna's? Oh! changed the body."

(End of this chapter)

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