Reasoning Notes

Chapter 401 Reasoning Notes 9: The Legend of the Lizard God

Chapter 401 Reasoning Notes 9: The Legend of the Lizard God (9)
"Oh. I'm Mikaka." Mikaka couldn't wait to introduce herself.

"I know you. You are that famous campus detective." Gu Yingliang smiled.

It's hard not to know Mikaka, a popular figure in the school.

As for another cold and handsome boy, she felt very strange.It's no wonder that Qi Mu said before that the number of times he goes to school to report for duty throughout the year is pitiful, and it's understandable that he doesn't know him.

"Student Mi Kaka, why are you here?" Gu Yingliang glanced at Qi Mu, then turned her gaze back to Mi Kaka.

"Of course I came to visit you. Are you okay?" Mikaka put the fruit basket aside, and then mentioned that she fell from the building that day.Only then did Gu Yingliang remember that before she fell into a coma, the people who appeared in front of her were Mi Kaka and Qi Mu.

"Thank you so much." Gu Yingliang expressed her gratitude to them.

"You're welcome. You're welcome." Mikaka waved her hands again and again, showing humility.However, the question he wanted to ask the most was left silent for a long time. "That...that..." Considering that she had just recovered, he seemed a little hesitant, not knowing whether he should ask.

"Huh?" Gu Yingliang looked at him, waiting for Mi Kaka to finish what she hadn't said.

While he was still hesitating, Qi Mu said straightforwardly: "That day, did your fall from the building have anything to do with the Lizard God?"

ah!This guy asked too directly!While Mi Kaka exclaimed in her heart, she also stared at Gu Yingliang expectantly.He also wanted to know if the falling incident was caused by the lizard god?
Under the watchful eyes of these two people, Gu Yingliang's expression was clearly hesitating, hesitating to speak.She couldn't help replaying what happened on the roof that day in her mind, and her eyes gradually revealed uncontrollable fear.After a long silence, she said with a pale face, "No, that was just an accident and has nothing to do with the Lizard God."

lie.The word lie was clearly written on the girl's face.This can't fool the criminal's eyes at all.

Qi Mu smiled contemptuously, as if dismissing her lies.

She must have something to hide.Just as Mi Kaka was thinking, Qi Mu who was on the side went straight again without giving her any chance to breathe: "Did you write the letter to Mi Kaka?"

Hearing Qi Mu's words, Gu Yingliang's expression was a little dull, obviously she hadn't reacted to the above question, and she was caught off guard by the ensuing questions.

And Mikaka was even more surprised.

"What? You put that anonymous letter for help in my drawer?" He widened his eyes, looked at her, then at Qi Mu, and finally his eyes fell on her, not letting go of anything on her face. A slight expression change.

"I... I... I didn't write it..." The more she tried to explain, the more guilty she seemed.She turned her face away, not daring to look directly at Mi Kaka, for fear that they would see through her mind.

Obviously, if she had not written it, the letter must have been about her.

Mi Kaka was a little anxious at this time, walked to Gu Yingliang's hospital bed, and asked eagerly: "If you didn't write the letter, why didn't you deny it?"

"I...I..." Gu Yingliang seemed to have something to say, she parted her lips, but was momentarily at a loss for words.

At this time, Qi Mu calmly and decisively analyzed: "Is it related to the girl named Xiaoxuan? Are you good friends? Is she the girl who is said to be the lizard god?"

"No! No! Xiaoxuan is not a lizard god! She is not!" Hearing Qi Mu's words, Gu Yingliang became anxious, and immediately shook her head desperately, strongly denying it.

But this is even more clear, what Qi Mu said was right.

Xiaoxuan is related to the legend of the lizard god.

"Speak up. It will be good for you."

At this time, Qi Mu had already made up his mind, and without waiting for the master's greeting, he sat on a chair, raised Erlang's feet, stared at Gu Yingliang, and circulated on her body like an X-ray scanner, making all dreams come true. There are no secrets to hide.

Who is this boy? !
Gu Yingliang was panicked by his stare, as if everything in her mind was being watched.She tried to turn her face away, but under Qi Mu's gaze, there was still nowhere to escape.

Should I speak up?She hesitated.Xiaoxuan said that she must never speak out unless it is absolutely necessary.

But why does this boy seem to know all the secrets?

After hesitating again and again, Gu Yingliang's eyes returned to Qi Mu.He was still watching her closely.He seemed to be smiling, and no one could see the meaning behind that weird smile.

At that moment, she had the feeling of being watched by God.

Before God, she gave up resistance and fell on a knee of surrender.

But before telling the truth, she wanted to know the origin of this boy.

"Who is he?"

Now that Gu Yingliang asked, Mi Kaka coughed twice, and walked over to pat Qi Mu on the shoulder in a pretentious manner, "His name is Qi Mu, and he is in the same grade as us. He, ahem... is my follower."

As soon as he finished speaking, a silver needle pierced into Mi Kaka's butt cleanly, causing him to yelp in pain and jump up to a height of three feet.Qi Mu's injection didn't seem to have an anesthetic effect, it was just to destroy Mikaka's chrysanthemum.Naturally, Gu Yingliang didn't know the mystery, and looked curiously at Mi Kaka with her butt clamped, looking constipated for a few days and about to have diarrhea, and kindly pointed him to the location of the toilet: "The toilet is over there." .”

"Oh. Thanks. No need." Mikaka said with a smile, but his body wriggled restlessly, giving people a sense of irony, because he was secretly pulling out the silver needle.

"Are you really okay?" Gu Yingliang was very worried that he would solve it on the spot, and asked with concern: "It's not good for the kidneys to keep holding it in."

"...I think we should switch back to the topic just now." Mikaka couldn't laugh or cry.

"Alright then." Finally, Gu Yingliang slowly talked about the root of everything.

The legend of the lizard god comes from a small town not far from this city.

It is remote and the folk customs are simple.People live and work in peace and contentment, making a living by farming.Every spring, when the flowers bloom, there will always be large tracts of rapeseed flowers in full bloom in the fields.Every summer when the leaves are luxuriant, insects and birds hide in their respective habitats and sing summer-specific musical scores.Every autumn, everyone here will show the joy of autumn harvest.Every winter, three or two people always gather together to enjoy the winter sunshine comfortably.

However, no one would have guessed that in this seemingly quiet, peaceful and beautiful land, there is a mysterious legend about the lizard god.

Directly related to this legend is the most powerful family here - the Ran family.The Ran family has owned large tracts of land since ancient times, and they are veritable local tyrants.Even after hundreds of years of changes, the prosperity and wealth of the Ran family has never declined.It is said that this is because the ancestors of the ancient Ran family made a contract with the lizard god.The lizard god blesses their family's fortunes forever, and once the offspring of Ran's family give birth to a baby girl, they will grow up to be the new lizard god.

For hundreds of years, the Ran family has never given birth to a baby girl.Until 18 years ago...the birth of a baby girl broke the taboo of hundreds of years, and also broke the peace of this small place for hundreds of years. A huge bloody storm was coming quietly towards them.

On the night when the baby girl was born, a sensational murder occurred in Ran's family: on the night of thunder and lightning, the lizard god appeared.It killed the doctor delivering the baby, the nurse, and the mother of the baby girl.When people arrived, only two survivors were found, the baby girl and her father, Mr. Ran.And Mr. Ran was seriously injured, dying in a pool of blood.The baby girl was lying on the ground crying loudly. The red birthmark on her back was crawling like a lizard.

Except for Mr. Ran, outsiders had no way of knowing exactly what happened that night.It may have been greatly stimulated, and Mr. Ran has never mentioned this matter since then.This topic is a minefield that cannot be touched in Ran's family.

What no one could have imagined was that this was just a prefix for a bloody storm.

Eighteen years later, the baby girl has grown into an adult.

In order to stay away from that horrible legend, she left her hometown and came to Xiangyun High School in this city to study.She never thought that even though she was far away from her hometown, the Lizard God would still follow her like a shadow and haunt her tightly like an indelible nightmare.

"That baby girl must be Xiaoxuan."

Hearing this, Mikaka finally realized something.

Gu Yingliang nodded: "Yes. Xiaoxuan's name is Ran Yuxuan, and she was the baby girl back then. After she came to Xiangyun High School to study, we became close friends. She also told me the story of the Lizard God. That letter I asked her to write the letter for help. Because I know that Mikaka, you are a detective, and I hope you can help her. However, Xiaoxuan does not want to involve others in this matter. Because the Lizard God is really ……terrible."

Mentioning the Lizard God, Gu Yingliang's face turned pale, as if recalling a terrible memory again.

And now, Mi Kaka finally dug out the truth behind the anonymous help letter.

It wasn't a prank.

So, next, will it be a detective VS a lizard god?

Thinking of this, Mikaka swallowed subconsciously.

Please, he is just a mortal, how could he fight against the gods? !Besides, that legend is really scary!
But at this time, Qi Mu said, "Is there really a lizard god?" He expressed doubts about this, and while standing up, he picked up an apple in the fruit basket and played with it in his hand.

"It really is!" Gu Yingliang said impatiently, fearing that others would not believe her words.

Qi Mu put the apple to his nose and sniffed it, smelling its aroma, and said: "You are so sure, have you seen it?"

As soon as this question was raised, Gu Yingliang choked and fell silent.

Yes.She saw it, it was on the roof of the teaching building, but she can't tell what happened at that time now.

(End of this chapter)

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