Reasoning Notes

Chapter 420 Reasoning Notes 9: The Legend of the Lizard God

Chapter 420 Reasoning Notes 9: The Legend of the Lizard God (28)
Qi Mu said, "He's suspicious, isn't he?"

The mysterious man who suddenly appeared and disappeared, no matter how you look at it, has an inextricable relationship with the murder case.Well, as long as this man is found, maybe many mysteries can be solved easily.

However, Saiki still has one thing unknown.

"Didn't the police investigate this man back then?"

It stands to reason that the police should conduct a detailed and in-depth investigation of a character with such an abrupt presence.

"No." But the old grandma said regretfully, "Because everyone's attention was on the Lizard God at that time, no one mentioned this man."

"Huh?" Qi Mu said, "Didn't the Ran family mention this person?"

"No," said the grandma. "Besides, everyone believes that the lizard god did it."

"But why did the Lizard God kill people?"

"I think it should be a sacrifice."


"Well. After all, it is the reincarnation of the Lizard God, who sacrificed a few humans as sacrifices..."

From a superstitious point of view, the idea of ​​sacrifice is also reasonable.But where did the gods come from in this world? This is clearly a terrible crime.

What a fatal loophole!Qi Mu thought that if the police could grasp and find out the identity of the man in time, the case might be solved.Not to mention whether he is the murderer in this case, but his sudden disappearance is obviously tricky.

Alas... Qi Mu suddenly sighed.

After so many years, how easy is it to find that man again?

With the criminal's intuition, he vaguely felt that this mysterious man would be the key to solving the whole puzzle.

In the middle of the night.

The sky was covered with darkness.The floating clouds flowed under the moonlight, and the cool night wind blew through the trees.The earth is lost in a sea of ​​darkness.The heavy shadows extend to the endless distance.

The night is always silent.Two figures appeared furtively at the gate of the Lizard Temple.

They bowed their bodies and looked around hesitantly as they advanced, for fear of being discovered by someone.

These two people, one tall and one short.Among them, the tall figure looked familiar under the moonlight.He was wearing a short-sleeved shirt with a DSLR camera hanging from his chest.Oh, isn't he the reporter Wang Chen?

But the man walking with Wang Chen has a sharp mouth, monkey cheeks, wicked eyebrows and evil eyes, and has no righteousness.Who is he?I saw that although he was thin and small, he was very agile.He turned out to be a habitual theft criminal that Wang Chen had known in previous interviews, known as Thief A Xing.

In order to invite him here, Wang Chen spent a sum of money.Tonight, the two will explore the Lizard Temple at night together.

This lizard temple is a forbidden place on weekdays.According to legend, those who enter the Lizard Temple privately will be punished by the Lizard God.Due to the fear of the gods, the residents of Shawan Ancient Town never dared to trespass.However, this taboo is like child's play to outsider Wang Chen.He wholeheartedly wanted to dig out the secrets about the Lizard God, otherwise, he would not have ventured here tonight.

However, he never expected that this trip would pay a terrible price!

In the dead of night.The surrounding darkness seemed content to lie dormant.

The two tiptoed to the gate of the Lizard Temple and stopped.

They dimmed the light of the flashlight, and kept an eye on the movement of the old house.Look at the time, it's already one o'clock in the middle of the night.The ancient house is like a sleeping coffin, the rooms and windows are all extinguished, only the porch lamp emits a faint white light.The gentle night wind blew on the skin, and there was a slight chill.

Fortunately, their infiltration was not detected.

Even so, Wang Chen was still a little anxious.If you stay here for one more minute, you will have a higher risk of being discovered by the owner.

It is a trivial matter to be investigated by the law for breaking into a private house. If the residents of the town think that they have offended the Lizard God, the consequences will be no joke.

"Ah Xing. Are you ready?" He urged in a low voice.

"Brother Chen. Wait a little longer."

An ancient copper lock hung on the dark red door.This is exactly when Ah Xing behaved, he quickly took out the lockpicking tool from his pocket, and just inserted the key into the lock hole.Sudden--


A series of small voices sounded in the temple.Like some animal crawled over.

Ah Xing's keen hearing caught it.His movements froze.

"What's wrong? Why did you stop?" Wang Chen was still in the dark.

"No... nothing."

Or maybe it's just mice.Ah Xing thought.

But at this moment, the voice came again unexpectedly.


Listen, like a reptile, gliding slowly through the night.The problem is, it doesn't look like a small animal like a mouse...

What could it be?

Could it be... A terrifying image flashed in Ah Xing's mind - the lizard god!

No way? !Is there really a lizard god living in this temple?
Thinking of this, Ah Xing felt a burst of fear for no reason.He held his breath, not daring to move anymore, cold sweat slipped from his forehead.The sudden strange sound was like a warning to uninvited guests.

- "Don't come in. Otherwise, you will die!"

Legend has it that if you anger the lizard god, the consequences will be very serious.

rustle! ——The wonderful strange sound seemed to be lingering in the ear, and Ah Xing was holding the tool in his hand, and he was stunned.Horrible legends about the lizard god kept appearing in his mind.Suddenly, that soft voice seemed to sneak into the surrounding darkness again and disappeared without a trace.But it was enough to make him tremble with fear, and cold sweat soaked his back.

"Brother Chen, why don't we go. I heard that this lizard god is very evil." He felt timid.

Wang Chen glanced at him, very dissatisfied.

"Didn't you hear it just now?" Ah Xing swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Hear what?"

"That... rustling sound."

To be honest, Wang Chen vaguely heard it just now.What is that crawling?It would be a lie to say that he has no fear.However, it would be really useless to flee in fright because of this.Seeing that Ah Xing wanted to retreat, Wang Chen roared in a low voice:
"Where to go! This is just a bluffing legend, I don't believe it."

"Brother Chen, that's not what you said. I always feel that this place is eerie, let's go!" Ah Xing's face was pale, and his body trembled slightly.Rumors about the lizard god have long been in the city.He didn't want to sacrifice his life for money.

However, the more mysterious this place is, the more curious Wang Chen is, and the more he wants to find out.However, his partner Ah Xing was timid, so he had no choice but to ask for an increase in salary.

"I'll give you five thousand more! How about it? Are you afraid of this?" He squinted at A Xing with disdain.

Wang Chen's strategy was very successful, and his salary was doubled. Ah Xing was obviously moved.For money, he also decided to give it a go.What's more, it's just a legend, if something goes wrong, he will run away at worst.After so many years in the arena, Ah Xing is still full of confidence in his escape skills.

However, "Don't renege on your debt!" He declared first.

"Don't worry. It won't happen!" Wang Chen smiled.

"Then I'll open the door!" Asing said, he fiddled with the brass lock again.

This is different from the modern lock style. Ah Xing had never seen an ancient lock with this structure before, so he pondered for a while before finally finding the trick to unlock it.Finally, with a click, the lock opened——

At that moment, the hearts of the two also jumped.They licked their dry lips and looked at each other for a moment.Wang Chen slowly put his hand on the doorknob and pushed it away.


The harsh sound of the old and heavy wooden door broke the dead silence of the night.

The flurry of flying dust rushed towards the face with a dull breath, like old things accumulated at the bottom of the box.

The figures of the two quietly stepped into the darkness.

The light of the flashlight probed into the deep part of the house.

At first glance, there is nothing special about this lizard temple—it is empty and surprisingly simple, with few clutter, just a large unused wooden house.The floor, walls and beams are all made of thousand-year-old nanmu, and the aroma of wood flows in the air.When the shoes step on the floor, there will be a slight "rustling" sound, which sounds particularly obvious in a quiet and peaceful environment.

Could this house be hiding something?

At this time, the moonlight illuminates a corner of the door, and the remaining area is filled with ink.

The flashlight shines everywhere.suddenly--

Ah Xing's eyes widened, he gasped suddenly, and took a few steps back.The sound of the heartbeat is like a drum beating in the night.

It turned out that a huge lizard appeared in the middle of the house!Its face was in an upside-down triangle shape, its teeth and claws were open, and its body was covered with scales, as if its whole body was standing upright and pounced.

Mom... Mom!Lizard God!

Ah Xing was so frightened that his calf trembled uncontrollably, and there was an instant urge to urinate in his abdomen.

Subconsciously, he turned around and wanted to run away, but his collar was pulled.

In the darkness, Wang Chen's voice scolded: "You idiot, take a closer look, this is just a stone statue!"

The light of the flashlight swept across the lizard's body.

Ah Xing took a closer look.Under the light, although it looked terrifying and imposing, it remained motionless in place, indifferent to the intruders in front of it.

oh!Sure enough, it was just a statue of the lizard god.

It is so lifelike, and the light in the room is dim, which makes people feel the illusion.

"Huh... shit! I was scared to death." Ah Xing patted his chest and shouted congratulations.

This coward...Wang Chen on the side couldn't laugh or cry when he saw his cowardly appearance.

The two continued to grope in the dark.The dead air filled the surroundings.

The wind blew, and the shadows of the trees swayed and trembled coldly.As far as the eye can see, most of the temple is swallowed by darkness, undetectable like a deep lair.

In the dark, a pair of cunning eyes watched the two uninvited guests quietly.

Since this is a forbidden place, there should be hidden secrets in the temple.It's a pity that Wang Chen searched for a long time and searched the temple like a blanket, but found nothing.Apart from the statue of the lizard god, and some ancient weapons and agricultural tools, there is nothing else in this wooden house.

(End of this chapter)

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