Reasoning Notes

Chapter 427 Reasoning Notes 9: The Legend of the Lizard God

Chapter 427 Reasoning Notes 9: The Legend of the Lizard God (35)
"Don't worry." Ran Yuxuan's smile was like a reassurance, "I have my father's permission to invite you."

That said, it is completely reassuring.

Then, under her guidance, everyone entered the hall.

Snacks and tea have been prepared for the group on the tea table.

"Where's Dad?" Ran Yuxuan asked the butler Lao Zhang as soon as she sat down on the sofa in the living room.

"Mr. is in the greenhouse. Do you need to find him?" the housekeeper Lao Zhang asked.

"No need." Ran Yuxuan said, showing a gentle smile to everyone: "Everyone, please have some tea."

The housekeeper Lao Zhang skillfully poured a cup of tea for everyone.

This tea is a bit bitter.Mikaka took a sip and put down the teacup in disgust.On the contrary, Lin Shan and Qi Mu, who seemed to be well versed in the culture of tea ceremony, held up their teacups solemnly and took a sip.The aged taste of tea pours into the lips and tongue, slightly bitter, slightly astringent on the tip of the tongue, and turns into sweetness after entering the throat, just like breathing the freshest air in the tea garden.To achieve this kind of artistic conception, it is necessary to have a good variety of tea, and the ripeness of the production is just right.

The two praised in unison: "Good tea."

Seeing that the two drank well, Mi Kaka couldn't help but took another sip from the teacup.The taste was still a bit bitter, but he also pretended to be lyrical and said: "Ah, it's really good tea. The fragrance of the tea is refreshing. After drinking it, it's like being in a tea garden after the spring rain. Oh, think about it, how much is that?" What a beautiful scenery!" In the depths of his love, he actually recited a poem: "It is warm in the bamboo house for sunbathing medicine, and deep in the courtyard of tea pine trees. When I miss you and visit each other, the remaining snow is like the shadow of the mountain."

After he finished singing, he realized that everyone was staring at him, admiring or admiring him, probably overwhelmed by his talent.On the contrary, Qi Mu's eyes were different, he was clearly saying two words - pretending to be X!

"Ahem..." Mikaka thought of being despised by Qi Mu again, and most of his good mood disappeared immediately.He changed the subject and asked, "Ran Yuxuan, what kind of tea is this? Tieguanyin? Pu'er?"

Ran Yuxuan didn't study tea either, and said, "I don't know, it's a gift from my father's friend. He usually doesn't want to drink it. This tea is only for entertaining guests."

Hearing this, this tea should be very expensive.

At this moment, Lin Shan took a sip, put down her teacup gracefully, and said, "This is the top-grade Uwo tea from Sri Lanka, which is quite expensive."

Oh, I didn't expect Lin Shan to have such profound knowledge in tea culture. Mi Kaka looked at this rich second generation with admiration.Thinking about it, he quickly drank a few more sips.Let’s not talk about whether it is bitter or not, it’s rare to enjoy the life of a rich man, so you have to finish drinking it no matter what.However, it was strange that Lin Shan put down his glass after only two or three sips.

"Huh? Why don't you drink it anymore?" Mikaka thought to herself, didn't you say how high-quality this tea is?
Lin Shan smiled lightly: "This tea is good, but it's not as good as the Harney&sons I drink at home."

This string of tongue-twisting English words almost made Mi Kaka dizzy.

"What's that?" he asked curiously.

Lin Shan said, "Oh, that's a special tea for the British Royal Family."

Exclusively for the British Royal Family!Hearing the name will blow me away!

Mikaka was curious again: "How does it compare with this Sri Lankan oolong tea?"

"It's Uwo tea, not oolong tea."

"Oh... sorry."

Lin Shan was indifferent, took out a handkerchief to wipe his mouth, and answered Mikaka's question with only one sentence: "This kind of Uwo tea is drunk by my servants." Nothing out of the ordinary.

It's just that other people listened with embarrassing expressions.Mikaka held the teacup, not knowing whether to drink it or not.

Let's drink, isn't it equivalent to admitting to the same level as his servants?

Even the corner of Qi Mu's mouth twitched slightly, as if he had the urge to shoot a needle.

"Let's have some snacks first." Ran Yuxuan resolved the embarrassment well.

Mi Kaka looked at the pastries on the table, then at Lin Shan, and asked cautiously, "Student Lin, do your servants eat this kind of pastries?"

Lin Shan really observed it carefully before saying, "Oh. Our servants never eat these southern dim sum."

Then you can rest assured!Mi Kaka picked up a piece of horseshoe cake and took a bite.Um.Delicious!

While eating, he still didn't forget his good partner Qi Mu and handed him a piece.But Qi Mu waved his hand and declined, as if he was not interested in food.

Qi Mu looked around the room cautiously.

The exterior of this house looks old and old, but the interior decoration is very modern.Probably after some repairs, the entire hall is paved with classical and luxurious Apollo microcrystalline stone floor tiles. The spiraling staircase is a brand new white plaster European-style carved column. With the style of white arches, you can see the thick greenery outside the window, and the gorgeous decoration looks like a European villa in the new era.But the only thing that is out of place is an antique wall clock at the corner of the stairs.This thing is old for a certain period of time, the damp wooden shell is a little corroded, and even the tiny sleeve pendulum is shaking very hard, completely worn out.But the older this kind of antique, the more valuable it is.

Qi Mu was observing, and suddenly found that Xie Xiuzhe was also looking at the room, and there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.Qi Mu couldn't help asking: "Teacher, have you been here before?"

Xie Xiuzhe shook his head with a smile: "Oh, no no. It's my first time here. It's just that I'm a little surprised to see such a big mansion."

Indeed, the mansions of the rich are difficult for ordinary people to set foot in.

However, except for one person.

"Is this house big? I think it's generally spacious." Lin Shan's words would drive the poor to death.

It is estimated that the toilets of Lin's family are bigger than Mikaka's house.Thinking of this, Mi Kaka didn't want to have anything to do with him.This leads to low self esteem.

And Gu Yingliang looked around this gorgeous and noble living room, she was very envious: "This place is really big and beautiful. Xiaoxuan, you must be very happy to live in such a big house."

Being envied by peers is a happy thing, but Ran Yuxuan's smile is very bitter.She lowered her eyes, and sadness slowly emerged from the corners of her eyes: "Although this place is huge, it is like a cage to me. I have wanted to leave here since I was a child, to escape the curse of the lizard god..."

Having said that, she fell silent.

Silence spread to the surroundings, and the others seemed to lose their voices and became quiet.

Until, Ding Lihan suddenly looked at her firmly and said, "Xiaoxuan, it's okay. We will help you! I won't let the Lizard God hurt you!"

This boy is making an important promise.However, Ran Yuxuan avoided his fiery gaze.

Of course she knew what he was thinking.It's just that she can't and dare not accept a love until the curse of the lizard god is lifted.Her mind is full of things about the lizard god.She wasn't sure in her mind that these people could really help.

After hesitating for a moment, she finally decided to tell the strange things that happened to her: In the past few nights, the shadow of a lizard often flashed suddenly on the wall of her bedroom.And, when she wakes up, she finds strange mucus in the bathroom.One of the most bizarre incidents was that one of the housemaids once saw a lizard in her room.And that lizard looks exactly like her!
"I must be gradually becoming a lizard god." Ran Yuxuan twisted her fingers uneasily.When these strange things were combined, she couldn't help but believe that the day when she completely became a lizard god was not far away.

There are only two days left until the Lizard God Festival.

"It's really weird to hear you say that." Mikaka said, and he made an absurd reasoning: "Could it be that you will become a lizard god after nightfall?"

This is somewhat similar to the legend of the full moon turning into a werewolf.

"No. Maybe someone is doing it on purpose." Qi Mu put forward different opinions.

"How to say?" Mikaka cast his gaze over.Qi Mu was about to explain, but was interrupted by Lin Shan: "Student Qi Mu should mean that someone has arranged a trick to make student Ran Yuxuan mistakenly think that she is a lizard god. For example, if you see the shadow of a lizard, you just need to use a flashlight. It can be done. It's not hard to get lizard slime or something."

"No. Didn't the maid say that she saw a lizard that looked exactly like her?" Mikaka asked.

"We need to ask the person concerned in detail." Lin Shan said, "Where is the maid?"

The housekeeper, Zhang Zhang, expressed regret, "It's a pity that she was too frightened and had already resigned and returned home. Currently, I am the only servant in this house. However, I remember very clearly what the maid described at the time."

As he said that, the housekeeper Lao Zhang recounted the experience of the maid in detail.It is said that it was night, and the maid saw a lizard crawling into the lady's room in the corridor, and she was frightened out of her wits.Just then, the lizard actually turned its head and grinned at her.For a brief moment, she saw the lizard's face...

"The face is covered with lizard-like lines, with oval eyes and protruding lips. It looks like a lizard man!"

As soon as the housekeeper Lao Zhang finished speaking, Lin Shan waved his hand, "That's not right."

"What's wrong?"

"Didn't the maid say that it looks exactly like Ran Yuxuan? According to her description, it doesn't look like Ran Yuxuan either."

After all, the oval eyes and protruding lips are completely different from the beautiful Ran Yuxuan in front of her.

"Yeah." Even the housekeeper Zhang scratched his head in confusion, "But that maid keeps saying that the lizard looks like a young lady."

"Hehe." Lin Shan smiled slightly, "Perhaps, what the maid said was true."

(End of this chapter)

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