Reasoning Notes

Chapter 431 Reasoning Notes 9: The Legend of the Lizard God

Chapter 431 Reasoning Notes 9: The Legend of the Lizard God (39)
After the incident that year, the police collected evidence at the scene, including some strange mucus.It was later confirmed that this was the secretion of a lizard species.On the other hand, the autopsy report of the forensic doctor also proved that the fatal injuries of the deceased were all caused by biting the throat, resulting in excessive blood loss from the aorta in the neck.

The testimony of Ran Xiao, the only survivor at the scene, directly led the suspicion to the legendary lizard god.He kept saying that before being attacked, he saw a huge lizard shadow on the wall.Although he fainted without seeing the appearance of the Lizard God, he was convinced that it was the Lizard God who attacked them and killed his beloved wife.

In addition, the police also collected the testimony of the maids.This testimony is basically the same as what Sister Hua told Qi Mu and the others: the maid heard the screams and found a strange figure in the Lizard Temple, and immediately called the police.Then, young Yu Zhan and Lao Song rushed to the scene.

All these evidences seem to indicate that the lizard god is the murderer.Of course, it is impossible for the police to investigate the gods as murderers.They also conducted an in-depth investigation on Ran Xiao's family, trying to find suspicious characters and motives for committing the crime.Unfortunately, according to the testimonies of the residents of the town, the Ran family and the residents of the ancient town have always gotten along well and have never had any serious hatred with anyone.Therefore, the suspicion of vendetta can be ruled out.In addition, in this incident, the Ran family had no property loss.The suspicion of robbery was also ruled out.Moreover, if outsiders invaded, they would definitely leave clues.However, the police did not collect fingerprints or footprints unrelated to the person in the case.

Could it be that it was really made by the lizard god?After many days of investigation, the police had to make it a mysterious unsolved case.

The file also lists the deceased at the time, including:

Obstetrician, female, 38 years old.The chief physician of the obstetrics and gynecology department of the local hospital has a very good reputation and has never had any grudges with others.

Nurse, female, 20 years old.There is nothing abnormal about the relationship between newcomers.

Mrs. Ran, female, 23 years old.Newly married for two years, I have a harmonious relationship with my husband.

The three deceased did not appear suspicious.

Another person is missing: the maid, Sister Qin, 35 years old.I have worked in Ran's family for many years, and there is nothing special about it.

However, in the entire file, the police missed the most important clue.

——The man in white mysteriously disappeared from the sight of the police.

"The police back then were so negligent." Mikaka scratched her head while looking at the information.

Qi Mu raised his hands and calmly analyzed.He believes that the reason why the police missed the clue of the man in white is that on the one hand, the man in white disappeared half a year before the incident, so he did not attract the attention of others.On the other hand, it seems that someone deliberately concealed the existence of this man in white.

"But why hide that guy's existence?" Mikaka didn't understand the more he thought about it.

Qi Mu couldn't solve this problem for the time being.Deep down in his heart, he always felt that this mysterious man in white would be the clue to unravel the whole case.As long as its identity is found out, it can be peeled off.

The two were discussing, when suddenly, "Duk Tuk!"

There was a knock on the door unexpectedly.Someone is visiting.

Open the door and take a look.

It turned out to be Li Xiaochong.Mikaka exchanged greetings with him and invited him to a seat.Qi Mu has always disliked being in contact with strangers, so he sat quietly and read a book.Li Xiaochong was not familiar with this criminal, so he glanced at him and chatted with Mi Kaka.

Seeing the information on the table, Li Xiaochong asked in astonishment: "So Mikaka, you are also investigating this case?!"

"Yes." Mi Kaka nodded, taking this opportunity to ask the other party for information.Since Li Xiaochong is Yu Zhan's assistant, he must know more inside information.Sure enough, unable to resist Mi Kaka's repeated pleas, coupled with the old friendship, Li Xiaochong told him the information he had without reservation.

Including, the results of today's inquiry to the weird woman in the hat.

She herself firmly denies that she has anything to do with Sister Hua's death, and also denies that she knew Sister Hua.Because there is not sufficient evidence, Yu Zhan is temporarily unable to take coercive measures against her.

"However, I always find this strange woman in a bamboo hat very strange." Mikaka said. "Have you investigated her alibi?"

Li Xiaochong said: "According to the forensic autopsy report, Sister Hua's death time was between 2:4 and [-]:[-] at night. During this period, the strange woman in a bamboo hat who lived in the Lizard House did not have an alibi. She claimed to be sleeping at the time. "

It makes sense to be sleeping late at night, of course.

However, "I always feel that this person is very suspicious." Mikaka said.

"Yes. The origin of this person is very suspicious. She claims to be from a certain place." Li Xiaochong said, "So Uncle Yu provided her identity information to the colleagues of the branch office in that place, hoping to quickly investigate her true identity. By the way, there is one more thing."

Li Xiaochong then leaked an important clue: In the case of the teenager being murdered by the lizard god in the city, the two surviving teenagers had recorded the suspect's appearance.And the girl in this portrait of the suspect is seven or eight points similar to Ran Yuxuan.

Looking at the portrait of the suspect saved in Li Xiaochong's mobile phone, Mi Kaka found that it really looked like Ran Yuxuan.

Reminiscent of the rumor that Ran Yuxuan is about to become the lizard god, this matter is even more confusing.

People have to face a question: Is Ran Yuxuan really a lizard god?Was it her crime?
However, something always felt wrong.

Mi Kaka told Li Xiaochong that they came to this ancient town because they were entrusted by Ran Yuxuan to investigate the mystery of the Lizard God.

"If she committed the crime, how could she let us investigate it? Isn't this a thief calling for a thief?"

After thinking about it, Li Xiaochong was also confused.

It was always strange to include Ran Yuxuan as a suspect.

However, at this moment, a voice came in from outside the door.

"Not necessarily. Some criminals deliberately shouted "stop thief" to clear themselves of suspicion."

The people in the house saw Lin Shan standing at the door.He bowed slightly and asked, "Excuse me, may I come in?"

It seems that he also wants to join the discussion of the case.It was inconvenient for Mikaka to refuse.

Lin Shan ordered the driver to bring in some snacks, and the three of them continued to express their views on the case.In addition to the point of the thief shouting "stop the thief", Lin Shan also put forward a very interesting point of view-sleepwalking murder.

"Sleepwalking murder?" Hearing this fresh statement, Mi Kaka and Li Xiaochong, who were eating snacks, couldn't help but look sideways.

Lin Shan picked up a piece of white sugar cake, took a sip gracefully, and said, "Sleepwalking murder is not uncommon. In foreign cases, patients were once acquitted because of sleepwalking. The crime was unaware, and they didn't even know that they could sleepwalk. Combined with this case, if Ran Yuxuan is a sleepwalker, it can be explained. She herself has been under the psychological suggestion that she is about to become a lizard god. The spirit is highly tense. Under the heavy pressure, she will unknowingly turn into the identity of the lizard god in her sleep, wandering in the dark night in the shape of a lizard, and committing a series of crimes."

"Oh...that makes sense..."

Both Mi Kaka and Li Xiaochong were overwhelmed by Lin Shan's incisive analysis.

Unexpectedly, this rich second generation's reasoning ability is surprisingly strong.

"Could it be that Ran Yuxuan really turned into a lizard god to kill people while sleepwalking?" Mi Kaka also began to lean towards this idea.

But Lin Shan told him that everything is possible without sufficient evidence.

And Qi Mu is more concerned about whether Ran Xiao is the one who has the second Diablo notebook?
And these people never expected that after the night completely swallowed the lights of the ancient town...

At a remote pool in the town, a figure appeared.Holding a flashlight, he stood under the tree and looked around, as if he was waiting for someone.However, after a while, the person he was waiting for never appeared.

"Why haven't you come yet?" He said, a little impatiently.It was obviously that person who had made an appointment with him, but he was late, so it's not surprising that it doesn't make people angry.But because of his sympathy, he is not easy to get angry.In fact, he was also very surprised why the man asked him to meet him late at night.In the middle of the night, the surroundings were gloomy, the dark night took away all the light, the dark woods were swaying in the night wind, and there were many small animals lurking in the depths of the woods, rustling back and forth.Looking at the endless darkness, the longer he waited, the colder his body became. He couldn't help but licked his dry lips and hugged his arms to warm himself.

After a while, the man still didn't show up.Surrounded by darkness, he became more and more frightened, squatting on the spot shivering from the cold, so he couldn't help but took out his phone and turned on the screen.The faint light lit up, and his facial features were reflected, which turned out to be a worker who was scared to death in the cage during the day.

He almost became the food of the giant lizard today, and almost saved his life from the gate of hell.

So why is he here alone?
It was all because he received a call from that person not long after he left the Lizard House, telling him to wait here tonight, saying that he had something to ask for, and telling him not to tell others.

However, the man was late.

The impatient worker decided to call the other party.He just pressed the call button, and then...

A mobile phone rang at the same time behind him.

The source of the sound is deep in the grass.The sound was empty, like a bleak evocation.

Startled, the worker looked back, but there was no one behind him.Only the deep forest turned into a mass of darkness, blinding his eyes.He couldn't see the deeper scene clearly.But the ringtone of the mobile phone continued to echo, which was particularly abrupt in this solitude.

He hesitated whether he should go and have a look.

But at this moment, rustling.A strange sound sounded.

It sounded like an animal crawling by.

(End of this chapter)

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