Reasoning Notes

Chapter 437 Reasoning Notes 9: The Legend of the Lizard God

Chapter 437 Reasoning Notes 9: The Legend of the Lizard God (45)
Why does it do this?Everyone looked at the elegant courtyard outside the window, the flowers, stones and trees presented a beautiful posture, and the arc of the distant mountains spread across the sky.Even though he was in a magnificent villa, he couldn't make people feel happy in the slightest.At this moment, they are like birds in a golden cage.Can't escape.

Even if they were all killed here, no one would notice right away.

Mikaka suddenly thought of a way: "We can shout loudly to attract the attention of the residents in the town!"

At this time, Ran Xiao, who had always been quiet, suddenly smiled: "It's useless. People in the town almost never approach the Lizard House. Moreover, there is a distance from the town, even if we shout out our throats, they will Can't hear."

His words are not without reason.A while ago, Mi Kaka and Qi Mu first came here, and it took them a long time to find this remote house. On weekdays, even a dog would not come near this ghostly place.This time Mikaka was out of the loop, his whole body was like a frost-beaten eggplant: "Are we going to be trapped here to death?"

Qi Mu was not in a hurry.He only said: "The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge."

At this time, the housekeeper, Lao Zhang, prepared a sumptuous breakfast and rolled it out with a cart, including bright red ham, fragrant bread, golden polenta and fruit salad.The well-cooked poached eggs exude the aroma of protein, and various small pastries are placed on the plate.

This delicacy will whet the appetite of anyone who sees it.But everyone is not in the mood to feast on it, they just took a little bit to satisfy their hunger.On the other hand, Qi Mu filled a plate full and sat on the coffee table to enjoy it comfortably.

He seemed confident about getting out of here.He has already noticed that in this incident, the shadow of the dark note appeared faintly.If the mastermind really had the notebook full of sinful wisdom, it shouldn't be a surprise that it planned all this.

It, who could it be?
And Lin Shan didn't seem worried at all.He also turned into a gourmet, and commented on the dim sum on the table with interest: "Well, this sweet-scented osmanthus cake tastes good, but the appearance is not good, and the fillings are a bit popular."

"Hey, why aren't you two worried at all?" Mikaka finally couldn't help asking.

Qi Mu snorted coldly with disdain, "What's there to worry about?"

Mikaka couldn't understand, "We're stuck here."

Qi Mu looked sideways, "So?"

Still so so... Mikaka scratched her head, not knowing what to say.

Instead, Lin Shan took over the conversation, "According to the prisoner's plan, it traps us here with only one purpose."

"What is it?" Li Xiaochong also had a good appetite, he was a very nervous person, he would not eat for nothing, he asked while chewing on the pastry.Lin Shan said that the purpose of the prisoner was to kill people in this cage.

"No way?!" Li Xiaochong opened his mouth wide, and half of the pastry fell from his mouth.

Yu Zhan beside him nodded, "Yes. I agree with this boy's idea. Moreover, I think the prisoner is the lizard god."

When mentioning the Lizard God, all the people present couldn't help staring at Ran Yuxuan.

The Lizard God Festival is over, so logically speaking, she is already the Lizard God.

Seeing everyone's attention, Ran Yuxuan waved her hands nervously, "No... I won't kill people... Please trust me."

Ding Lihan came out to defend her in time, "Xiao Xuan is not a lizard god. Don't look at her with such eyes!"

"No one said she was the lizard god." Qi Mu said lightly, "but the lizard god is you!"

His finger suddenly pointed at Ding Lihan.

This shocked the audience.

"Ah!" Ding Lihan was stunned, and hurriedly waved his hands, "I...I'm not a lizard god!"

However, Qi Mu's finger slowly pointed to Xie Xiuzhe, who turned slightly pale.Qi Mu said: "It could be you too!"

Then, his finger moved again, pointing at Ran Xiao, "You are also suspected."

The cigar that Ran Xiao was biting at the corner of her mouth obviously twitched with anger.

Immediately afterwards, he pointed at Yu Zhan, "Of course, including you. Everyone here may be the lizard god."

"What about me?" Mi Kaka didn't know whether to accept the reward or to be brave, but had a little expectation.

Qi Mu gave him a blank look, "Oh, I forgot, except you."


"Because the Lizard God is a powerful character."

"Wait a moment……"

The implication of this is that Mi Kaka has no skills!Mikaka was angry.Thinking of him as a well-known detective, it's okay to be a helper for this red criminal master, and he is teased every day.He was so angry that he almost wanted to stand up against Qi Mu's atrocities.However, before he stood up, he saw a cold light in Qi Mu's sleeve that was about to move.

Forget it, I don't have the same knowledge as him... Mi Kaka had to succumb to Qi Mu's lust again.

At this time, Ran Xiao put down her cigar and said, "I don't think you need to worry. There are plenty of water and food in this house. You can treat it as a vacation and take a rest at my house. Just wait another day, and you can go out .”

These words aroused Mikaka's interest."Why wait another day?" he asked.

But the housekeeper Zhang suddenly realized: "Oh, I remembered! That new worker will come to work tomorrow."

He was referring to the previous worker who almost lost his life by breaking into the lizard cage.

After this reminder, everyone remembered that before the worker left that day, Ran Xiao had told him to come back to work on June 6th, that is, tomorrow.

As soon as tomorrow comes, the workers will find that they are trapped here, and all problems will be solved.

People are pinning their hopes on this unknown worker.However, they did not know that the worker had been killed before the start of the Lizard God Festival.The murderer killed him just to unfold his conspiracy in this secret room-like scene.

The sun is gradually rising, and the warm morning light shines on the distant town.The figures of the residents gradually filled the roads of the town.

And only Lizard House stands alone in the wild.

And in the dormitory building over there, in front of one of the windows, stood the mysterious girl in the bamboo hat.

There was an extremely weird smile on her lips.

Since the workers will come tomorrow, everyone can feel a little relieved.

After breakfast, everyone was busy with various things: Ran Xiao went back to the study; Yu Zhan was smoking by the window; Li Xiaochong was practicing martial arts routines in the garden; Ran Yuxuan, Gu Yingliang, and Ding Lihan were sitting around the coffee table reading and chatting; I am very interested in the oil paintings of the mansion, and I am looking at them one by one; while Mikaka is standing at the iron gate, thinking about how to get over this high-voltage electric wall.Looking out from the iron gate, the Ran family's mansion, which is located alone in the countryside, has a wide view. There is a forest and farmland on the side, and a winding path connects the town in the distance.

Is this place really a secret room?Mikaka thought.

At this time, I saw two beautiful butterflies flying among the flowers. They were carefree and fluttering, but gradually approached the iron gate inadvertently.Perhaps, they just want to fly to the outside world.But there was a crackling sound, the iron gate lingering with electric current was an impenetrable ghost gate, their fragile lives were vulnerable to a single blow, and they slowly fell to the ground with their scorched wings.

Alas, poor little thing.Mikaka held the dead bodies of the butterflies, trying to find a place to bury them.

As soon as he was buried, he looked up and saw Qi Mu's figure walking towards the woods.

"Brother Qi Mu, what are you going to do?"

The other party didn't answer, didn't even glance at it, and went straight into the forest.

This kid may not have found any clues.Mikaka thought about it, patted the dirt on her hands and followed.

"Wait for me." He quickly caught up with Qi Mu.

The other party glanced at him indifferently, how could he wait for him, and his pace did not slow down at all.

"What are you doing?" Mikaka was curious.

"Mind your own business." Qi Mu said coldly.

"Hey, we're partners. It's not good to go it alone."

"Partner?" Qi Mu stopped and looked at him with playful eyes, as if to say, who is your partner.Then drop the price!
"Okay! I'm your horse boy, that's fine."

Anyway, I was used to being abused.Mikaka doesn't care either.

After hearing what he said, Qi Mu was very satisfied, so he told him that the purpose of this trip was to see if there was a way out behind the woods.After all, it was just the housekeeper's one-sided words before, without careful searching, maybe a way out could be found.

Mikaka was right after thinking about it, and followed behind Qi Mu like an idiot.

The two started wandering in the woods.

The forest is large and dense, quite like a primeval forest.Numerous towering ancient trees grow staggered, their tall and straight bodies pointing straight to the sky, and dark green vines as long as ropes hang down to the ground along the tree trunks.Occasionally a rotting broken tree lay horizontally on the ground, and white poisonous mushrooms were scattered on it like small umbrellas.When the wind is about to invade the woods, the leaves will dance and make a rustling sound, as if thousands of troops are shouting.

The deeper you go, the weaker the light becomes.If it is night, there must be a very mysterious and terrifying scene inside.

"Will there be monsters in here?" Mikaka slowed down and looked into the depths of the forest.The overgrown forest seems to leave no room for people to pass.If there are terrifying animals like monitor lizards ambushing here, it will be difficult to detect.

"If you are afraid of death, don't follow." Qi Mu said lightly.

This guy's words are really ugly, who is afraid of death?Mikaka followed behind him with a displeased face.

"Someone has been to this place."

Qi Mu noticed a broken branch, obviously leaving traces of being trampled on.

"Maybe it was left by an animal."

Mikaka was talking, when suddenly, "Wow!"

A ghostly black figure disappeared from the trees over there, and was gone for a moment.

"Wow! There seems to be something..." Mi Kaka tightened his voice, his face turned pale.That thing moves too fast, it is not known whether it is a human or a ghost, if it is a monster as terrifying as a monitor lizard, it will be finished.

(End of this chapter)

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