Reasoning Notes

Chapter 443 Reasoning Notes 9: The Legend of the Lizard God

Chapter 443 Reasoning Notes 9: The Legend of the Lizard God (51)
Mi Kaka and Li Xiaochong looked at the table full of steaming instant noodles, and suddenly had the urge to be rude.Daringly, these are instant noodles with more than a dozen flavors.

"Uncle Yu, you are too foolish..." Li Xiaochong protested weakly.

But Yu Zhan shrugged, with an attitude of whether you like to eat or not, he just took a cup of instant noodles and ate it.

In desperation, the others had no choice but to settle the meal with instant noodles.Thankfully, this should be the last meal at the Lizard Mansion, and the worker will be coming to work soon.At this time, it was already eight o'clock in the morning.Lin Shan glanced at the time on the clock, with a troubled expression on her face.It stands to reason that the time for the workers to come to work is approaching, why is there still no sign of the other party?
Ran Xiao also looked up outside the house, but there was no one outside the iron gate.

"Maybe something has delayed it." His tone was uncertain.

The usual working hours for workers are [-]:[-].The worker lives in the next town, and if he rides an electric bike to work, he can get there in half an hour.In addition to feeding monitor lizards, his main work is also responsible for trimming flowers and plants.Why was he late this morning?Naturally no one would know that he had been killed a few days earlier.The murderer was very thoughtful. Since he wanted to trap this group of people here, how could he leave the workers to destroy his seamless plan.

And Mi Kaka was eating the old altar sauerkraut beef noodles, suddenly raised his head, as if suddenly: "Oh! He was electrocuted to death when he tried to ring the doorbell, right?"

"No." Qi Mu said slowly: "I have been staring at the door. No one is approaching outside."

Mikaka breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay. But I think we'd better send someone to guard the door, and wait for the worker to come to remind him that there is electricity."

This advice sounds very thoughtful.However, Saiki said, "It's not necessary."

"Why?" Mikaka asked.

Qi Mu slowly put the instant noodles into his mouth before saying, "I don't think that worker will come."

All the people present were astonished when they heard this.If Qi Mu's speculation is true, then their only hope of contacting the outside world will be shattered.Mi Kaka was a little unwilling, and asked after him: "Brother Qi Mu, are you joking?"

Qi Mu looked at him and asked coldly: "If I were the lizard god, would I let him live to save us?"

This sentence makes sense.With the behavior of the Lizard God, there shouldn't be such obvious loopholes in its plan.

In this way, Saiki's speculation is very likely to be true.

Could it be that the worker really died?This thought weighed on everyone's hearts like a heavy boulder.Everyone's mood instantly became depressed, no matter what flavor of instant noodles, they were all tasteless.After all, this is their only hope!If no outsiders came, they would have no way to leave this ghost place.Although food is not a problem, it is obvious that the lizard god hiding in this lizard house is the most terrifying danger.Maybe they were trapped to death, turned into a pile of bones without anyone knowing.

"Don't worry too much." At this time, Lin Shan said, "Even if that worker doesn't show up, we won't be trapped for long."

"Why?" Mikaka asked.

Lin Shan gracefully covered the finished cup noodles, wiped the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief, and said confidently: "Don't forget, if my driver can't contact me, he will definitely come to find out. All you need to do is Be patient, we'll be out of here soon."

His words were somewhat reassuring.Even Yu Zhan said that his former colleague Lao Song might come over at any time.Therefore, the time the murderer can trap them will only become less and less.

But precisely because of this, Qi Mu said: "The less time there is, the more it has to complete its plan before then. Now is the most exciting time." As he spoke, for some reason, the corner of his mouth leaked out. A cold smile.No one can understand it, it is the joy of the criminal master born from the heart.The stronger the opponent and the more subtle the plot, the strongest fighting spirit can be aroused by the criminal master Qi Mu.To expose the darkest evils in this world is like removing the moss that grows in the corner of a damp wall, which is the goal of Qi Mu's life.

He is both a criminal master and an evil slayer.

He is the most terrible crime scavenger in the world, making all criminal masters fearful.The irony is that many years ago, he was their leader, but today's criminal division world regards him as a traitor.However, the righteous detectives and the police are not with him either.What he has is justice in obscurity.He is just a shadow walking on the edge of light and darkness.

Only Mikaka knows who he is.No, now, another person is also faintly aware of his existence.

Lin Shan looked at him with a slight smile, her pupils were clear and bright.Qi Mu used to be familiar with this look.

This is the eye of a detective.

Who are you?
Lin Shan and Qi Mu were thinking about the same question at the same time, but they didn't reveal the window paper.

They looked at each other.Until Mikaka came out to disrupt the situation.He patted the table and stared at them both.

"Hey hey! Why do you stare at each other with concubine-like eyes?!"

Could it be... Mi Kaka was about to cover her mouth and snicker, "Go to hell!" He was kicked from the chair to the ground by Qi Mu.

The other party came over hurriedly, causing Mi Kaka to scratch his head in fright.

"Brother Qi Mu, I was wrong, don't hit me!"

This tone is like a maid who was bullied by the landlord Lao Cai in ancient times.Unexpectedly, Qi Mu didn't care about him, but looked around and asked, "Huh? Mi Kaka, where's your male ticket?"

"What male ticket?" Mi Kaka scratched her head, expressing her confusion.

"It's Ding Lihan."

"Bah, bah, bah! Don't talk nonsense, the friendship between our classmates is extremely pure. But, what about others?"

Only then did everyone realize that Ding Lihan was not by his side.

Lin Shan's expression changed slightly.He had a premonition.

"Let's look around quickly!"

So, everyone divided into several groups to look for Ding Lihan.Some stayed in the house, some searched in the dormitory, some went to the iron cage, and some went to the temple.In case of being attacked by the monitor lizard, they all divided into two groups and took sticks and other weapons to defend themselves.

Where will Ding Lihan be at this moment?
Everyone searched around anxiously, and while searching, they were worried that the terrible monitor lizard would suddenly appear.

After searching for a long time, Ding Lihan was still nowhere to be seen.After a while, screams came from the garden.


something!When everyone heard the sound, they ran over one after another, but they saw Gu Yingliang and Ran Yuxuan standing by the flowerbed, trembling like cicadas in October.They were dumbfounded, forgetting everything because of panic.Both of their faces were terribly pale.I don't know if they were too panicked, their lips trembled, and they could no longer utter a scream.

Qi Mu and others rushed to the scene quickly.

oh!When they witnessed the tragic scene before them, their hairs stood on end.Terror spread from the heart to the whole body.

In the middle of the flowerbed, the blood all over the place was blooming like delicate red roses. The dead Ding Lihan fell into the mud, his heart was pierced by a dagger, lying powerlessly like a captured witchcraft doll. In the grass, the delicate grass trembled slightly, as if crying for the dead young life.He opened his eyes with reluctance to die, and his eyes revealed endless reluctance and nostalgia for the world.His mouth was slightly opened, as if there were infinite words he wanted to say.But his already stiff hands stretched forward, as if he was embracing someone.

This death is quite strange.

"Wow woo woo! Xiaohan..."

Seeing the tragic death of the boy she liked, Ran Yuxuan, who was overly sad, hugged Gu Yingliang and cried bitterly.The two girls were too timid to look directly at such a bloody scene, and were so frightened that they sat on the ground with their feet limp.Yu Zhan ordered Li Xiaochong to help them aside. He was about to walk into the flower garden to check the corpse, but Qi Mu called out to him.

"Wait a minute, don't go there."

What's wrong?Yu Zhan stopped in his tracks and cast puzzled eyes.

Qi Mu pointed to the footprints in the flower garden and said, "Look at the footprints."

A series of trampled footprints appeared in the flowerbed, the flowers were broken, and the trampled leaf sap seeped into the soil.Because of the rain last night, the soil in the flower garden is very soft, and anyone who wants to go in will leave footprints.But currently there are only footprints left by Ding Lihan.

Where did the murderer's footprints go? !

Is this the trick recorded in the Dark Notebook?
"Ahem!" Lin Shan squatted by the flowerbed, covered her mouth with a handkerchief, "This is an impossible crime."

Why do you say this?
Please look at it - the flowerbed is square and nearly 50 square meters.The dead man lay in the middle.Except for Ding Lihan's footprints around the flower garden, there are no other traces.It is impossible for the murderer to enter the flowerbed without leaving footprints.If the corpse was transported after death, how did it put the corpse of the deceased in the middle of the flowerbed out of thin air?

After taking photos of the scene and archiving them, Yu Zhan and others walked over to examine Ding Lihan's body.The cause of his death is quite different from the other dead: the other dead were all bitten to death on the neck, but the most traditional way of murder appeared on Ding Lihan - he was stabbed in the heart with a dagger.

"Huh? It's very strange." Yu Zhan bit a cigarette, did not light it, but said, "Why is the way of killing a bit different this time?"

Assistant Li Xiaochong's thoughts were naive and simple: "Maybe the Lizard God is tired from biting, or maybe it has a toothache..."

"It still hurts. Why don't you call a dentist for it?!" Yu Zhan patted his elm head.

My reasoning is clearly correct.Li Xiaochong hugged his head depressedly and hid aside.

Lin Shan pinched the handkerchief, thinking, "The Lizard God suddenly changed his way of killing, there must be a special reason."

Mikaka also came over.He was deeply saddened by the death of his classmate.He vowed to find the murderer and restore justice.

"Could it be that the lizard god didn't kill it?" He said.

(End of this chapter)

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