Reasoning Notes

Chapter 451 Reasoning Notes 9: The Legend of the Lizard God

Chapter 451 Reasoning Notes 9: The Legend of the Lizard God (59)
Mikaka couldn't bear to look directly at it, and asked, "How did it die?"

Qi Mu glanced at the corpse and said, "Poisoned. Its lips are black. Someone should have poisoned its food."

Lin Shan followed Qi Mu's words: "In other words, the murderer has already killed the monitor lizard. He just created the illusion that it escaped, so as to deceive people."

So, who would do that?Everyone can't help but guess.

In any case, now that the monitor lizard was dead, a danger alert was lifted.People breathe a sigh of relief.

This evening, the dim sky slowly approached the edge of night.

Seeing that the day is about to pass again.Things still show no sign of turning around.

Standing quietly under the canopy of the Lizard House, a window on the second floor is open, the breeze carries the fragrance of flowers, and Ran Yuxuan is sleeping peacefully on the white and clean bed.She is too tired, she has endured too much in the past few days.

Her breathing was shallow, and her fair cheeks were quietly stained with the afterglow of the setting sun.

Until, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the bed.An unexpected visitor came to her room.

But she didn't notice at all.

oh.The guy dragged his long tail and walked slowly to her side.

It stared at her silently.

it's time.It thought it was time to carry out the last step of the whole plan.

This terrible plan is coming to an end.

Thinking of this, it suddenly felt a sense of relief from a heavy burden, and let out a long sigh of relief.

It stretched out its hand towards Ran Yuxuan who was sleeping soundly.

But halfway, he stopped.

oh.she woke up.

I saw her open her eyes, she was ignorant at first, then suddenly widened, filled with uncontrollable fear.


The screams broke the tranquility of the Lizard House.

Everyone heard it.Qi Mu in the living room suddenly stood up and looked towards the second floor.

"Not good!" He ran upstairs.

Just when Mi Kaka and others were about to chase after him, Qi Mu shouted without looking back, "Go outside to prevent it from escaping!"

Qi Mu's analysis was correct. When he arrived at Ran Yuxuan's room, he saw a figure jump out of the window on the second floor.Fortunately, Ran Yuxuan was fine.She pointed at the window tremblingly and said, "Lizard... Lizard God..."

No need to ask, the lizard god escaped through the window.

Without saying a word, Qi Mu rushed to the window and jumped down.

At this time, Mikaka and the others had also rushed over.They all saw a figure running towards the woods.While running, it turned its head back, revealing a terrifying face.Everyone took a closer look and broke out in a cold sweat.It turned out that it was the face of a lizard!However, this lizard has human limbs.

In this world, is there such a creature that violates the laws of nature?

"Lizard... Lizard God!"

Mikaka was startled by this scene, tremblingly pointing in the direction it left, her feet trembling a little.

Seeing that the lizard god had already got into the forest.Qi Mu followed behind into the woods: "Chasing!"

This time, absolutely don't let it escape!

After hearing this, everyone followed Qi Mu to hunt down the lizard god, some from the right, some from the left, surrounded by three sides.

Although the lizard god ran fast, there were so many people rounding it up, it had no choice but to panic.While walking, it accidentally tripped over the long green tail, and when it got up and continued to escape, the tail broke and fell to the ground.How could the lizard god care about its disguise, and fled even more hastily.

And Qi Mu caught up and picked it up to have a look.Ha, this is a fake tail made of gum, which looks very realistic.

Sure enough, the lizard god was just a human fake.

In this way, people became even more unscrupulous, chasing its figure all the way to the edge of the cliff.

This is a dead end.

Approaching the edge of the cliff, the Lizard God quickly stopped his body.It looked at the abyss under its feet with a gloomy face, despair welling up spontaneously.

There is no escape.

A few stones fell from its feet, and it couldn't help but take two steps back.

However, others have already chased after them.

Seeing the turned face of the Lizard God, these people couldn't help but stand on end, and the timid Ran Yuxuan and Gu Yingliang almost exclaimed.

"This... what kind of monster is this!" Ran Yuxuan's face was pale, and she almost fainted again.

This lizard god is really scary, it has a big bloody mouth, two cunning eyes embedded in the green skin, baring its teeth in such a terrifying way, the transparent saliva can't stop slipping from the corner of its mouth, layer upon layer Scales cover its skin.It looked at everyone with a pair of slightly frightened eyes, and then looked back at the cliff behind it.

It cannot escape.

"Who are you! Don't play tricks!" Yu Zhan took out his gun and pointed it at it.

Its appearance, though terrifying, is purely due to makeup.In fact, everyone could see that it was a woman.

However, no one knows it.

Lizard God didn't answer Yu Zhan, turned around and wanted to escape from one side, but was blocked by Li Xiaochong.Wanting to escape to the other side, Qi Mu blocked the way again.

Besieged on all sides, that's exactly what he said.

"You can't escape. We will reveal your true face." Yu Zhan said.He stared at the lizard god as resolutely as an eagle catching its prey.After several days of isolation and several tragic deaths, it was precisely because of this beast that it finally showed up.Yu Zhan's heart was full of disdain and contempt for the Lizard God.This murderous lizard god!He must be arrested and brought to justice.

The Lizard God looked around in a panic, as if he was still looking for a way out.

"Catch it! You have been at large for too long." Said Qi Mu.

Everyone also looked at the Lizard God with enmity.

People's eyes, like a heavy mountain, crush its heart step by step.The lizard god retreated step by step.Everyone pressed on with perseverance and surrounded it.

At this moment, Ran Xiao noticed the commotion in the house and rushed over.

"Huh?" He stared at Lizard God for a moment, and unexpectedly recognized her true identity: "I didn't expect it to be you!"

Mi Kaka was very surprised and hurriedly asked: "Mr. Ran, do you know it?"

Ran Xiao looked around at everyone for a few seconds, and then said with wriggling lips: "It's Miss Qin, the maid who disappeared back then!"

What? !As soon as this remark came out, the scene was shocked.

This is Miss Qin, the maid?Everyone stared at her, her expression was very flustered, her fists were tightly clenched, showing despair and panic because the crime was revealed.

"You did all of this?" Yu Zhan asked, his tone almost scolded because of anger. "Why are you doing this?!"

Sister Qin didn't answer.

And Ran Xiao suddenly rushed up angrily, his anger interrupted the inquiry: "You damned guy, why did you pretend to be a lizard god to harm the world! You deserve death!"

Hearing these words, sister Qin trembled all over.Perhaps, she knew that she couldn't escape this time.Suddenly, she turned around.

"Quick! Stop her!" Sensing her intention, Qi Mu quickly ran up and stretched out his hand.

Always one step slower.

Qi Mu's hand was empty, and Sister Qin jumped, and her body jumped off the edge of the cliff.

Her figure gradually turned into a small black spot and disappeared quickly.

This murderous maniac finally got what he deserved.

"It turns out that the real culprit is her..."

Standing on the edge of the cliff, it took Mikaka a long time to say such a sentence.

Now that the real culprit has appeared, the case can be regarded as cleared up.At this point, even if they continue to stay in the lizard house, people no longer have to worry about their lives being in danger.

Next, just find a way to leave the Lizard House.This evening, people finally had a delicious meal with peace of mind.With no psychological pressure, everyone ate very happily and opened a bottle of red wine to celebrate.

"Cheers!" Their cheerful voices sounded from the living room.Yu Zhan's face was red, the case over the years had been solved, he was the one who was most relieved, he put his arm around Li Xiaochong's shoulder and drank a cup, then went to respect Mi Kaka again.

Mi Kaka also clinked glasses with Yu Zhan politely.While drinking, he found that Qi Mu and Lin Shan didn't seem so relaxed.

"The case has been solved, why are you still unhappy?" Mikaka asked puzzled.

Qi Mu sneered and said, "Childish, do you really think the case is solved?"

There was something in his words, and the others couldn't help putting down their glasses and looking at him.Yu Zhan immediately frowned, put down his wine glass and approached him, and asked, "Boy, what do you say?"

To the group of stupid people in front of him, Qi Mu disdained to speak.It was Lin Shan who explained instead: "Think about it, everyone, if Sister Qin is the real murderer, what is her motive for killing?"

For money, for love?One cannot kill for no reason.On this point, no one here can figure out why she did this.The scene suddenly fell silent.

Everyone looked at Ran Xiao, after all, Sister Qin was from his house.

"To be honest." Facing everyone's eyes, Ran Xiao said: "Actually, Sister Qin was a little mentally abnormal back then. She fantasized that she was a lizard god all day long. I once helped her find a doctor, but in the end It doesn't help. I didn't expect that she really thought she was a lizard god, and she started killing."

"So that's how it is." Mikaka understood that this was a criminal with paranoia.

"Even so." Lin Shan said, "Where has she been in the past 18 years?"

"This..." Ran Xiao said, "After the massacre that year, would she hide in the nearby forest? I heard people in the town say that they once met strange guys in the forest."

"So, she is indeed the real murderer?" Lin Shan said, but her tone seemed to be asking herself.

"Is it fake?" Yu Zhan interjected: "Didn't we all see it with our own eyes? She was clearly dressed up as a lizard god, and she jumped off a cliff in fear of crime. If she hadn't done it, how could she commit suicide?"

Because of this, everyone believed that she was the murderer.

Qi Mu remained silent.

Obviously, the reasoning in his heart is completely different from the guesses of these people.

Lin Shan also had the same idea with him.

Is sister Qin really the murderer?not necessarily.

(End of this chapter)

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