Reasoning Notes

Chapter 46 Reasoning Notes 2: The Murder of the Fox Demon

Chapter 46 Reasoning Notes 2: The Murder of the Fox Demon (5)
"Oh! Doctor Ma, I was almost scared to death by you!" Xia Zao'an seemed to be still terrified while speaking.I quickly looked over there, and the straw man disappeared at some point, and there was a constant flow of people going to work or school on the street.

Doctor Ma smiled and asked, "What's the matter? You two, make such a fuss!"

"Just now..." Xia Zao'an didn't know how to explain the ins and outs of the matter, "Forget it, it's fine." She shrugged dejectedly and stopped talking.

"Then hurry up, or you'll be late."

So, the three of us walked together.As soon as we walked to the school gate, we heard the horn of a car on the side of the road, and a silver BMW stopped beside us.

The young man named Mu Xiao poked his head out of the car window.He is wearing a pair of brown glasses today.

"Xia Zaoan, classmate, Boss asked me to tell you, I will go to Straw Village the day after tomorrow, please prepare yourself."

Xia Zao'an hesitated for a long time before replying, "I don't want to go."

"How can this be?"

"I'm sorry. But I'm really scared!" When she said this, her eyes were still full of fear, and her voice was as dry as if it was squeezed out of her throat.

"Then I need to contact the boss first." Mu Xiao took out his mobile phone and made a quick call.Huang Wanwan's exasperated scolding could be vaguely heard from the phone, and after hanging up, Mu Xiao looked aggrieved, "You heard it too, the Boss is very angry. He said that if you dare to go back on your word, you will have to pay!"

"What are you paying for?" Xia Zao'an blinked and was about to cry.

Asking her to lose money is almost like killing her.

"Breach of contract damages. According to the contract, the penalty is double, that is to say, you have to pay 4 yuan."

"Four... 4 yuan?" Xia Zao'an's face turned pale.

"You have to think it over carefully?" Mu Xiao was half threatening and half sympathetic, "4 yuan is a big amount for you."

"Oh..." Xia Zao'an said with a depressed face, "It seems that I can't go if I don't go."

"Well. Are you sure you're going? By the way, didn't you say that you had friends going with you last time? Who is it?"

Mu Xiao cast his eyes on Doctor Ma and me. At that moment, he had a strange expression on his face, as if he was looking at Doctor Ma carefully, but he didn't say anything.

"Yes, this is the man who is going with me. He is my best friend."

Xia Zao'an dared to ignore me and make a decision on her own.I yelled in dissatisfaction: "Hey, I didn't answer..." The following words were immediately replaced by screams, because Xia Zao'an stepped on my foot hard, and the pain was so painful that I couldn't speak.

The silver BMW just drove away, and I didn't even have time to say no.

"Strange..." Doctor looked at the car going away, and said in a deep thought, "I seem to have seen that person somewhere." It's a pity that Xia Zao'an and I, who were arguing, ignored this sentence.

"Hey, hey! I didn't promise to go with you!"

"Don't you have the heart to let me go on an adventure alone?"

"Who made you greedy for the 2 yuan reward?"

"Then... the reward will be shared with you... 100 yuan, how about it?"

This guy is a stainless steel cock meaner than an iron cock!
"Stop arguing, both of you." The Doctor immediately separated us, walked into the school with his shoulders on our shoulders, and asked thoughtfully as he walked, "Who was that person just now? What straw village? You guys Are you going to Straw Village?"

When it comes to Straw Village, not only do we feel weird, Doctor Ma's face is also surprisingly dignified.

When I told the story, about Master Fox Demon, Straw Village, and even Huang Wanbai, Doctor Ma felt an imperceptible shudder in his eyes.

"I've been to that village before."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah." Doctor Ma nodded, recalling with lowered beautiful eyes, "That was four years ago, when I was still working in the forensics department, I was ordered to investigate a strange case there."

"Strange case?" Xia Zao'an and I looked at each other uneasily.

Doctor Ma said: "That case is related to the legend of a fox demon..."

She slowly told us about the case back then.Four years ago, six students went hiking in Daicao Village to paint from life. As a result, five of them died, and the remaining one was regarded as a suspect, but was finally released due to insufficient evidence.The strange thing about this case is that the corpses of the five people were handled exactly according to the legend of the fox demon.It is said that as long as this is done, the spirit of the fox demon sealed in the scarecrow can be released and reborn again.

We were mesmerized.

"Actually, even stranger things are coming later." Doctor Ma was about to say, when the class bell rang untimely.The students quickened their pace and passed us.It seems that it can't be finished in a few short sentences, and the Doctor stopped talking immediately.

"You guys go back to the classroom first, we can talk again when we have time."

It just so happens that the second quarter is physical education.As soon as the physical education teacher announced that the rest of the time was free for activities, Xia Zao'an and I immediately walked to the school infirmary tacitly.

We all want to know more about Straw Village and Fox Fairy.That place, we'll be there soon.

Yes, we -- I decided to go with ZaoAn Xia.Because of that eager curiosity, I actually had a certain yearning for that small mountain village full of mystery.

In the school medical office, Doctor Ma is sorting out the students' medical examination reports.Seeing us walk in, she immediately asked, "Aren't you in class at this time?"

"This is a physical education class."

"Oh." She blinked her bright eyes and showed a charming smile, "You must want to ask about that weird thing that you haven't finished talking about this morning."

We nodded and immediately found chairs to sit down.

"What's the matter?" Xia Zao'an asked impatiently.

"Speaking of this matter, it's really strange! Not only is it strange, it can even be said to be terrifying!" The expression on Doctor Ma's face became serious again.We felt a heavy atmosphere pervading.

She continued: "This happened not long ago. By the way, do you believe that the dead can be resurrected?"

"How is it possible?" We shook our heads without thinking about this ridiculous question.

"I don't believe it either. But... I told you before. In the case four years ago, five students died, and one of them was a girl named Tang Ziyun. That girl..."

"That girl...resurrected?" I asked speculatively, although even I thought my words were absurd.But Doctor Ma gave an affirmative answer: "That's right, she's alive again."

"Ah!" Xia Zaoan exclaimed, and then we questioned together: "How is it possible?"

"I know this is unbelievable! However, I think it's true. That girl is most likely Tang Ziyun."

"Judging from your tone, it seems that you are not sure either?"

"Yes, it's a pity that I'm not in the forensics department now, so I can't get first-hand information. However, I have seen that video, and the people in the video are very similar to Tang Ziyun's photo."

"What video?"

But Doctor Ma changed the subject: "Have you guys watched the ghost show that is currently being broadcast on Southern TV?"

"Yeah! I've seen it!" Xia Zaoan immediately continued, "It's so exciting! I watch it every night! However, it seems that the broadcast has stopped in the past few days."

"There's nothing I can do about it." Doctor Ma smiled wryly and shook his head, "What happened..."

What happened to stop the TV program?I have also watched that show. Although it is based on exploring mysterious phenomena, and often went to some eerie locations to shoot scenes, there were no ghosts in the show from the beginning to the end, it was just the staff creating a tense atmosphere.This kind of show can only attract silly viewers like Xia Zao'an.

"Does that show have anything to do with Tang Ziyun?" I asked.

Obviously, Doctor Ma will not mention that ghost show for no reason.

"Mikaka, that's a good question. The last part of that program was to film the legend of the resurrection of the fox in the Straw Village. Of course, I think the staff of the TV station, like many people, would not believe in such boring and weird legends. .It's just that they really captured some amazing content this time!"

what is itXia Zaoan and I leaned forward expectantly.

Doctor Ma said mysteriously: "They took pictures of the resurrection of the fox demon!"


"Is it fake?" I frowned, "There really are fox demons?"

"Didn't you just say that? The video I watched was captured by the TV station that night. Who do you think is the revived fox demon?" After a pause for half a second, the Doctor couldn't wait to say the answer, " It's Tang Ziyun!"

"But isn't she dead?" Xia Zao'an covered her mouth tightly in fright, with an expression of excitement and fear.

I immediately analyzed it seriously: "Maybe someone else pretended to be it."

"It's not impossible. But watching the video, that girl really looks a lot like Tang Ziyun, almost exactly the same!"

"Could they be twins?"

"It shouldn't be. When I investigated the case, I never heard that she had twin sisters."

"Perhaps not dead?"

"This is even more impossible." Doctor Ma said in a very affirmative tone, "I did the forensic examination at the time, and Tang Ziyun's clothes were indeed found on the corpse, and there were a lot of blood belonging to Tang Ziyun at the scene. That amount of bleeding literally drains a person's blood."

"It's scary!" Xia Zao'an opened her big eyes in horror.

(End of this chapter)

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