Reasoning Notes

Chapter 476 Reasoning Notes 10: Mermaid Tears

Chapter 476 Reasoning Notes 10: Mermaid Tears (18)
He thought to himself, maybe this nail clipper might be of help in times of crisis.For example, to block bullets?For another example, when being tied, it can be used to cut the rope.For example, when you catch a bad person, you can use this to threaten to pull off the other person's nails to force a confession.

Come to think of it, this nail clipper is such a formidable weapon...

Just like that, everyone set off boldly.Together they protected the Mermaid Tears gemstone necklace and sat in three cars.Cai Dong's car was in the middle, and two temporary bodyguards, Qi Mu and Mi Kaka, were sitting in the car.The two cars in front and behind were Lin Shan and Xiao Linlin, and Wang Zegang was in the rear.

This time the transaction took place in a private club in Yangpu District.This is the place agreed by the other buyer.

Since it was rush hour, they ran into a traffic jam as soon as they went out.There was only half an hour left before the meeting time stipulated by the other party. Seeing that the car queue was moving very slowly, Cai Dong couldn't help becoming anxious.If it is late, the buyer may think that his sincerity is not enough and cancel the transaction.

"Hey, Lao Li, you should drive faster!" Cai Dong dissatisfiedly asked the driver to cut lanes and change lanes so as to squeeze ahead of the traffic.

The driver looked back helplessly and said, "Boss, this is a double solid line. You can't change lanes casually, and you will be deducted points."

At this time, do you still care about deducting points and fines? ! "I'll take care of things!" Cai Dong spoke loudly despite being the boss.After all, compared with [-] million US dollars, deducting points and fines are nothing bad!
With the words of the boss, the driver went all out.He saw that the car behind him hadn't caught up, and suddenly cut into another lane, almost giving the car back to others.Sure enough, this aroused the dissatisfaction of the other party, and a Volkswagen car honked its horn to protest.But Cai Dong didn't bother to deal with this kind of poor guy who could only afford to drive a Volkswagen, forgiving that the other party would not dare to scratch his luxury car, otherwise the Volkswagen driver would pay for his underpants every minute.

After constantly switching lanes, the traffic flow finally became smoother.I just squeezed through this section of traffic, and after a short drive, I encountered a traffic light.The driver had to stop the car.And this Cai Dong actually wanted someone to drive through a red light.

"Don't worry, Chairman Cai." Mikaka looked at his watch and said, "There are still 20 minutes before the appointed time, and we will definitely be able to get there smoothly. Besides, there is no traffic jam on the road now. We There's no need to risk your life."

After some persuasion from Mi Kaka, Cai Dong gave up.While tightly holding a small delicate wooden box in his arms, he anxiously watched the countdown time on the traffic lights.There are still 39 seconds before the green light changes, and each second is like an hour to Cai Dong.

It took ten seconds to pass, and suddenly, Qi Mu in the car said in a low voice: "Be careful!"

What's wrong?Not only Cai Dong, but even Mi Kaka was tense, as if he didn't understand why Qi Mu said that.

Seeing Qi Mu stretch out his finger and pointing out the window, Mi Kaka realized that a black motorcycle had driven to the side of the car silently like a ghost.Through the car window, you can see a motorcycle rider wearing a helmet sitting on the motorcycle. Because the helmet covers his face, he can't see the man's appearance clearly, only a dragon tattooed on his exposed arm .

This doesn't look like a good stubble.Mi Kaka understood Qi Mu's meaning: this motorcyclist may have come for Mermaid's Tears.

Thinking of this, Cai Dong immediately hugged the wooden box tighter nervously, and Qi Mu also watched the motorcyclist outside the car vigilantly, ready to shoot at any time.As for Mi Kaka, he also tightly held the only weapon in his hand, the nail clipper that ranked first in the martial arts weapon list...

At this time, the countdown of the traffic lights is only the last ten seconds.The nerves of the three people in the car became more and more tense. They all stared at the motorcyclist outside, counting down in their hearts...Suddenly, the motorcyclist suddenly turned his head and stared at the motorcyclist inside the car. three people.

At that moment, Mikaka felt the adrenal hormones in his body soaring, and his heart beating more and more violently, as if it would pop out of his chest in the next second.

Damn!This guy can't really be a shadow monster!
He clenched the nail clippers tightly, and a layer of cold sweat oozed from his palms.He wanted to curse in his heart, why did this poor motorcyclist choose to park on his side?If he chose Qi Mu's side, he wouldn't have to worry so much.Now Mi Kaka is really afraid that the motorcyclist will take out a pistol and kill everyone in the car with a bang bang bang, anyway, he must be the first to die...

As it turned out afterwards, he was simply overthinking.As soon as the traffic lights arrived, the motorcycle roared and flew out as soon as the green lights turned on.

Huh... So it's not a bad person.Mikaka wiped her forehead, only to realize that she was sweating profusely, and even a thin layer of sweat floated on her back.

"What? Are you afraid of death?" Qi Mu, who was next door, teased him without losing the opportunity, seeing that he looked like he had survived the catastrophe.

"What are you talking about? Can you have a sense of morality? I'm not afraid of death, but I'm hot." Mikaka was most upset that Qi Mu looked down on him, and he refused to show weakness no matter how nervous he was.

"Driver, turn up the air conditioner." I don't know if it's to take care of Mi Kaka, or he broke out in a cold sweat, Cai Dong ordered the driver, and at the same time his tense body loosened. He was really scared just now. up.If the biker is a shadow man, the Mermaid Tears in his arms are in danger.

"Chairman Cai, is the Mermaid's Tears packed in this box?" Mi Kaka looked at the box in Cai Dong's arms.

Cai Dong's heart tightened, and he denied it: "No! No!"

"Please." Mi Kaka felt that Cai Dong's acting skills were worse than that of the little fresh meat on the screen, and a blind person could guess what was in this box. "It's too obvious for you to do this, don't you tell others that the Mermaid's Tears are in your hands?"

What Mikaka said also makes sense.Cai Dong thought for a while, and although he agreed with his statement, he still hugged the box tightly.

"Don't worry about it so much, just do your best to protect me. If necessary, you block bullets for me, and I will pay you back! Pay me back! Pay me back!"

Say important things three times?Cai Dong underestimated Mi Kaka too.He has always regarded money as dung, if his mother did not force him, he would not even come to Shanghai.He also blocked bullets for Cai Dong, bah, that's a good idea.

Before Mi Kaka could refute righteously, Qi Mu's face turned cold. His cold pupils hooked Cai Dong's face, and said coldly: "Cai Dong, don't go too far. Mi Kaka is I won't stop bullets for you."

"What..." Cai Dong was a little flustered by him, thinking that the red criminal was going to stand up for Mi Kaka.

When Mi Kaka heard Qi Mu say this, she was a little moved in her heart.

Brother Mo Ruoqimu who really knows me.

However, what Qi Mu said later made Cai Dong and Mi Kaka want to vomit blood.

He said slowly: "Mikaka will only block bullets for me. He is my exclusive cannon fodder, do you understand?"


Under Qi Mu's sharp eyes, Cai Dong did not dare to refute, but nodded submissively.

But Qi Mu also added: "If you want him to block bullets for you, you have to pay me patent royalties."

"Well, how much is it?"

"The fee is based on the degree of disability. For minor injuries, it's about 20; for serious injuries, it's 50; for hemiplegia, sexual dysfunction, or a vegetable state, it's about 100. If you die directly, it's [-] million."

Sounds reasonable.Cai Dong even asked: "Then I get a membership card, is there any discount?"

"Well, okay, I'll give you a [-]% discount."

In this way, if Mi Kaka blocks the bullet for him and dies, Cai Dong can still save 10 yuan.

"I'll go!" Mi Kaka kept silent, don't really think he is dumb! "Have you two had enough? Bah bah bah! Who wants to block bullets for you! Who is cannon fodder! Don't underestimate people! I am a famous detective! Do you understand what a famous detective is!"

Mi Kaka was so angry that he sputtered like a cannonball, almost drowning Cai Dong and Qi Mu in his saliva.These two were really bullying, they kept talking about Mikaka as cannon fodder, and even set a market price... Nima can even get a cannon fodder membership card!

"I seriously declare that I am not cannon fodder. Not cannon fodder. Not cannon fodder!"

Important things must be said three times!

"Whoever says I'm cannon fodder, I'm in a hurry!"

Seeing that Mi Kaka lost his temper, Qi Mu and Cai Dong stopped chewing their tongues.Anyway, no matter whether Mi Kaka admits it or not, they will definitely throw this kid out as a human shield in a critical moment.

The car slowly drove up the viaduct.

It was only a few kilometers away from the agreed meeting place.Cai Dong's heart began to get excited.Thinking that he will earn [-] million US dollars later, he is as happy as a flower in his heart.

However, good things are bound to take time.Not long after the car drove onto the viaduct, suddenly——

There was a whistling motorcycle sound from behind the car.

It sounds bad.

Qi Mu looked back suddenly, and saw a group of motorcycles approaching from behind quickly.The leader was the black motorcycle that he met at the traffic light just now.The visitors were not friendly, and Qi Mu clearly saw that these people were wearing helmets and waving water hoses in their hands. They were manipulating motorcycles while making arrogant and strange noises.

"No!" Saiki yelled.He was sure that this group of people really came for the Mermaid's Tears.

(End of this chapter)

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