Reasoning Notes

Chapter 478 Reasoning Notes 10: Mermaid Tears

Chapter 478 Reasoning Notes 10: Mermaid Tears (20)
No matter how much Cai Dong shook and yelled, the motorcyclist just didn't wake up.Mi Kaka was really afraid that Cai Dong would strangle him to death, so he hurried forward to stop him: "Chairman Cai, don't get excited, this guy has already fainted."

To toss him like this again is a violation of the Geneva POW Treaty.Even robbers should receive reasonable treatment.

Cai Dong was not a good person in the first place, he blushed with anger, and changed the object of his rant to Mi Kaka: "It's no wonder I'm not excited! These people stole my Mermaid Tears, which is [-] million US dollars [-] million! Are you going to pay me! Are you going to pay me!"

Mikaka was sprayed with saliva, but was speechless.

It's 200 million US dollars, and now he doesn't even have [-] yuan in his pocket.Mikaka just wanted to express her miserable mood with an expression of hiding her face and crying.

"Woo! My money!"

The so-called man does not flick his tears lightly, but it is not yet the time to be sad.Cai Dong lost [-] million U.S. dollars in vain, and he didn't care whether he was ashamed or not. He sat on the ground and cried like a child.

For a while, Mi Kaka and the others didn't know what to do.

They are more or less responsible for this matter.Fortunately, they are the first-class masters in the reasoning world, and they couldn't even stop a group of robbers.Speaking out, how will they mess around in the reasoning world in the future.

"Ah..." Mi Kaka sighed heavily, thinking that his kung fu was not up to scratch and he needed to exercise more.

Just when this group of people was downcast, there was only one exception.Qi Mu gave them a blank look with his cold eyes, and a sarcastic word came out from the corner of his mouth contemptuously. "laugh!"

Shit!Mikaka was upset when he heard that, aren't you a red criminal?Didn't you stop those bad guys just now?But in the next second, his expression changed to dumbfounded, because Qi Mu slowly took out a shiny thing from his arms, which almost blinded Mi Kaka's dog eyes. is it possible...Mikaka stared at the object, her face full of astonishment and astonishment.He couldn't believe what he saw, he thought it was dizziness.

"Huh? Isn't this..." Immediately, Xiao Linlin also noticed it, staring at that thing with big eyes, as if he had discovered a new continent.

Immediately afterwards, Cai Dong, who was crying deeply, was also caught by the light reflected by that thing.He looked up, and in addition to being shocked, a kind of ecstasy that was lost and found appeared on his face.He jumped up from the ground and rushed towards Qi Mu.

"Isn't this my Mermaid's Tears! Why...will it be with you?!" He couldn't wait to snatch the gemstone necklace from Qi Mu's hand, feeling very happy in his heart, but also very confused: the Mermaid's Tears are clearly in the Someone snatched it from the box.So what happened to the string of mermaid tears?

He stared at Qi Mu.And Qi Mu looked indifferent, and only solved the mystery under the eager eyes of his friends: "What they took away was just an empty box. There was nothing in it. The real mermaid tears are here. "

The people present were not without shock. Among them, Cai Dong's expression was the most exaggerated. He seemed to see a ghost: "You... When did you take it from my box?!"

He remembered that he had been in his arms since he went out.This box never leaves the body, how could this red criminal steal Mermaid Tears without anyone noticing?

Who the hell is this guy? !Cai Dong stared at Qi Mu, feeling more and more that this boy was too scary.He began to understand that what the earl said was right. This red criminal is the most powerful criminal in the world. He is not only ruthless, but also unpredictable. He is like a criminal who exists like a god in the world.

"Tsk tsk. I think you are the most powerful monster thief!" Even Mikaka looked at Qimu with admiration and squinted at him.

Qi Mu looked back at him with a half-smile: "Mikaka, I'm amazing, and I never hide it."

I'll go, this guy is so narcissistic!In fact, Mikaka really wanted to have such a bad fart in his heart.It's a pity that he is too weak... Compared with ordinary high school students, he is considered a leader in the reasoning world, but compared with Qi Mu, Mi Kaka always has the feeling of being killed in a flash.

With such a character, every minute is dwarfed by comparison.

In short, how Qi Mu got the Mermaid's Tears is still a mystery.But for Cai Dong, he didn't care about how Qi Mu did it. As long as the mermaid tears are not lost, everything will be fine.After regaining the Mermaid Tears Necklace, Cai Dong held it tightly in his arms, and refused to let go even if he died.

Soon, the police arrived at the scene.Such a big incident happened on the viaduct, and the speed of the Shanghai police was quite fast.The police put the injured motorcycle gangster into the police car, and asked Qi Mu and his group to go to the Public Security Bureau to make a statement.When I was at the Public Security Bureau, according to the account of the arrested motorcyclist after he woke up: They gang of bikers robbed Cai Dong was completely instigated by someone behind the scenes. As for who that person is, it is also strange. .Naturally, they didn't know what was in Cai Dong's box.

After they snatched the box, they quickly met a silver-gray Santana sedan on a nearby hidden road.A masked figure sat in the car, and a deal was made.

Delivery with one hand, pay with one hand.

Those gangsters got paid 3 yuan.Before they had time to share the stolen money, the sirens sounded and the Shanghai police arrested them in one fell swoop.According to the leader's instructions, the police immediately went to track down the silver-gray Santana car. Unfortunately, the man was very cunning. Although the police found the car, they found that it was a stolen car. There was no fingerprint on the car. Stay, let alone find the masked man who has disappeared without a trace.

That's the end of the matter.

Because of the situation this time, Cai Dong did not continue to rush to the scheduled location to meet the buyer.After he came out of the Public Security Bureau, he was afraid that he would encounter an unknown attack, so he hurried back with Mermaid Tears.

Unexpectedly, when their car returned to the downstairs of the Handong Group, the group of migrant workers who were owed wages were still sitting downstairs.Most of them squinted their eyes, drooped their legs, pulled the banner with one hand, and flapped the skirt of their chest with the other. While dissipating heat, they also tried to drive away the heat with the insignificant breeze.The scorching sun was in the sky, and the weather was very muggy, and they were sweating in the sun.Sweat flowed weakly across his dry and yellow face, and was wiped off by their hands, but then, fine beads of sweat flowed from his dark skin.The migrant workers held banners and shouted in unison: "Cai Laolai, pay your wages!" The voice was loud.

"Tsk, these dead poor ghosts are still sitting here."

Seeing this scene, Cai Dong curled his lips in disgust, clearly showing disdain and contempt on his face.This is exactly the face of the bourgeoisie.

This person is such a scum... Mi Kaka doesn't dare to compliment Cai Dong's character.Probably every rich man will look down on those manual laborers who live at the bottom.In any society, money and status are always the proud capital of a person.

"Old Li." Cai Dong patted the driver on the shoulder and whispered, "Drive faster, don't let these poor ghosts find me."

He said that, probably because he didn't want to cause trouble.It is conceivable that if these migrant workers find out that he is an old man, is it possible to let him go?
The driver understood what the boss was thinking, and planned to shift gears to speed up and drive into the underground garage.Unfortunately, what the more you didn't want to happen happened by such a coincidence.Among the group of migrant workers sitting on the ground, a bald-headed man wearing a hard hat happened to turn his head.With his sharp eyes, he immediately recognized Cai Dong sitting in the car.I really complied with that sentence: even if it turns into ashes, I will recognize you!The bald-headed migrant worker immediately stood up, pointed at the car that was about to enter the underground garage, and shouted, "Dude! It's Cai Dong! It's Cai Laolai! Everyone, don't let them get away!"

This shout was terrible, and the migrant workers were all blown up. Looking back, isn't the man sitting in the car hiding behind a boy that Cai Dong? !
Enemies are really jealous when they meet each other.What's more, Cai Dong owed them half a year's salary, which made them unable to go home even for the Chinese New Year. Now there was no rice to cook at home, and his wife and children were screaming from hunger.

"Can't let him run away!"

Seeing the injustice on the road, the migrant worker brothers yelled, and immediately everyone ran towards the car on this side.The car wanted to sneak into the underground garage quickly, but it was too late. Several migrant workers ran to the front of the car and blocked the way with their bodies.The driver saw someone standing in front of the car, so he didn't dare to drive forward, so he had to stop the car.

"Old Li, drive over for me! Drive over!" Cai Dong, a lunatic, actually ordered the driver to rush over regardless of the safety of other people's lives.

"Boss, I dare not."

This is not a matter of losing money.In case someone is killed and maimed, the driver will wait to wash his ass and get rid of the prison.Therefore, no matter how much Cai Dong roared and roared, it was useless, the driver just didn't dare to drive over.

"Hey! You are a gutless bastard." Cai Dong yelled, but it didn't help to change the status quo.Migrant workers have surrounded his car heavily, and they are like turtles in an urn, unable to move at all.

(End of this chapter)

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